The Bible is not a "History Book" like most will tell you! Rather it is an Alchemical Bible on Human Physiology!

in #truth5 years ago (edited)

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This beautiful and powerful message from the Christos in the Bible is constantly misinterpreted, ON PURPOSE, by ALL elements of Organized Religion...why? To keep us from understanding the TRUTH behind this Beautiful, Mystical Book!
The Bible is NOT a "History Book", no one, not one person, listed in the Bible ever existed as a physical being in the "Holy Land"...they are merely symbolic names (like CAIN, Can't, and ABEL, Can) that play roles in part of ALLEGORICAL tales that speak to Human Physiology...
So what is this passage speaking to??? The CRUCIFIXION that occurs every single time that we REJECT our Left, Carnal Brain, in favour of God's Realm, the Right Hemisphere of the Brain, via MEDITATION...
THIS is the Crucifixion that the Bible speaks to...because the Bible is entirely encoding Human Physiology from the Sea of Galilee (the Skull), down the Jordan River (the Spine), to the Dead Sea (the Sacrum)...we must LEAVE the Dead Sea, deep within our Bowels, where all life is Shit, for Heaven Upon Earth, the Spiritual Mind of the Right Brain...where God waits for us in his Mercy Seat...

Bible as an Allegory PNG.png

Charlie Freak