Fate is often thought of as the path that leads to your destiny, which is your culminating destination.
But what is fate, and what determines your fate?
Fate is usually described as ;
the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power.
Your fate is thought of as the path you are meant to go down in order to reach your culminating destination (destiny) for this lifetime….but is it?
It is often thought that your fate is predetermined, by a supernatural force that is not you.
While it is true to an extent that your fate is predetermined, it is not determined by any authority other than you.
You manifest your fate through the Karmic seeds that you sow.
In-deed ; your fate is the culmination of your past Karma in the now.
Karma is the law of cause and effect; a cause (thought word or action) creates a vibrational cause that attracts an effect….therefore, you manifest your fate through your actions.
If you take an action that manifests a positive cause; it will attract a positive effect.
If you take an action that manifests a negative cause, it will attract a negative effect.
Thus, Karma is the process of cause and effect that manifests your fate.
Your fate can only manifest as good or bad....positive or negative.
Which means that as long as you are subject to your fate, you are living in duality.
For even attracting "nice" things, experiences and people, is living in the lower astral realm; where physicality exists (or seems to) , and good and bad are opposites.
One may think that there is "nothing wrong" with living in the duality matrix...because what is Good is obviously beneficial and enjoyable and what is bad should be regarded as such...
Yet While this is true, it is not ultimate truth.
In-Deed, their is higher learning that must be taught, and sequentially experienced.
This higher learning is the knowledge of Good and E-veil...the knowledge that their is no Good and E-veil.
...There is only one, omnipresent, all-attractive force which hath birthed the entirety of existence.
While this may be hard to be-lie-ve; it is ultimate truth and as such cannot be ignored; it cannot be disregarded.
There is one permeating force which manifests all existence...
If there is one force, then duality is an illusion, and "Good" and "Bad" are only differences in the degree of alignment with this force...
Anything that is "Good" would be anything that makes you feel aligned with this force, and anything that is "E-veil" would be anything that creates disconnection from the force; thus sowing discord.
Evil is what creates duality....E-v(e)il is an Energy Veil...meaning that it is an energetic veil because it hides this one truth of existence by creating its "opposite" which is just a (created) lack of its presence.
Being locked into the duality matrix through Ye Karmic fate is known as Samsara; which translates as a cycle of illusory enslavement and reincarnation.
Yet one can opt out of their fate and conquer duality by deciding to whole heatedly accept the truth that God is infinite and in-deed has manifested into all things.
This realization that God is one is self-realization ; as thine self is the omnipresent and omnipotent power deemed "God".
This realization shreds duality and illusion; leaving only truth to remain.
Although Karmic enslavement seems inevitable, your karma from this lifetime can be cleared (transcended) by following your Dharmic path.
Dharma is the Key to Nirvana
When one follows their Dharmic path, they are following their highest duty; the duty that the part of them which is the most high must fulfill to be in alignment with itself.
When one follows their Dharma, they are accepting their mission as servants of God, the all - mighty one.
When we serve our Dharmic path, we are both becoming our unique selves and serving God directly.
Consequently, when one realizes the truth, and that Illusion does not exist in reality, one is released from Samsara.
Although we create and attract our own fate, through our accumulating Karma, our Dharmic path promises our perfect path; the path that leads to oneness with God; Our true ultimate destination.
Adhering to our Dharma allows releasement from accumulated Karma.
When we release beliefs about duality we simultaneously rise above the materialism matrix; recognizing that it is Maya.
The dualistic, materialism matrix that keeps us locked into illusion and tied to our fate...
...That is, until we come to recognize the all permeating suchness as the ONLY truth; and pledge our soul to its cause.
When we pledge our soul to the universal source - creator's cause, we reach fulfillment.
We realize that the material matrix can never provide lasting fulfillment, and thus pledge our soul to the one truth.
Doing so connects us to the extreme bliss, unconditional love, and endless growth that is rightfully who we are as The infinite All manifested.
Doing so connects us with our true duty (expansion, aka creation, aka God manifested) , allowing us to fulfill our true purpose and thus be rewarded with our true, ultimate destination.
In the following paragraph, I will explain how following one's Dharma leads to Nirvana.
What is Thine truest destination?
Ones ultimate culminating destination is the destination promised by God for being His loyal servant; known as the Here-after, Heaven, Nirvana reaching enlightenment, becoming awakened etc.
The promise of eternal life has nothing to due with a PHYSICAL destination...nor does destiny.
Both of these concepts have to do with a METAPHYSICAL destination.
This is a CULMINATING destination, as time does not exist as reality but only as illusion.
So , as one comes into alignment with their Dharma by realizing truth and actualizing their connection to The infinite All, they serve their purpose to the all.
Although one may have a personal or relative mission here on earth, their ultimate duty, or Dharma, is to serve God through expanding the creation, while simultaneously staying connected to God (Bhagavan) ; and delivering Humanity from the illusion of E-veil.
One can fulfill this immense yet simple duty by continuously raising their vibratory frequency and trying to awaken others to the dream of Samsara.
By fulfilling one's Dharma, one is delivered to the promise land of high vibrational frequency; or unconditional Love frequency.
This is the true destiny of Man; and transcends individual Karmic fate.
This is the one thing that God has asked of thee; fulfill Thine duty.
Of course, God has allowed all beings to have free will, as all beings are God manifest.
Thus, the choice is yours....
Will ye fulfill thine ultimate duty to be rewarded with ye ultimate culminating destination?
Its your choice!
You are the author of your fate and can determine your destiny !
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Very nice . truth god occult philosophy spirituality post.Every post I like is good for me so I liked the post and voted and followed ...@steemitraj
Thanks :)
Percorrere la via che conduce alla montagna dei tesori è già illuminazione. Se comprendi e credi nella Legge il karma si scioglie come la neve al Sole. Se rispondi con gioia e pratichi correttamente sei già un Buddha di perfetta illuminazione dotato dei tre corpi. Grazie.
drama. karma. dharma! namaste
Really nice posts @coloured-content
Not trying to be negative here, everybody appreciates your good intentions, but this sounds like pseudo-spiritual rambling. If you have mastered this process of aligning with your dharma, try dropping some simple pieces of advice on all of us.
Although not a religious person I do believe in Karma. Like attracts like, be positive and you'll bring positivity into your life. If and when things don't go according to plan don't allow negativity to stem your flow of positive energy, get over it and keep focused on your goals and vision. Yes we are all authors of our own fate, we all write our legacy and will eventually leave our own mark on this world. I want to make sure mine is a good and positive one. Upvoted
Karma, does it really exist?
Great post @coloured-content ! Nice work, i upvoted. I am interested in the esoteric. If you are interested in this topic, I have similar material about mantras - https://steemit.com/esoterics/@adeptus/all-about-the-tibetan-mantras
Perfect for meditation and yoga.
Great content
Thank you so much for sharing @coloured-content ! Oh i should write something too...i am discovering more and more in our community and i got a bit distracted.. Namaste <3 !
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