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RE: The British Elites and the Paedophile cover ups.

in #truth7 years ago (edited)

The world is a big conspiracy, that is the thing. The conspiracy made sense after I became a Christian. People are run by the devil, and they don't even know it. Positive change is good when it can occur, but really, without a release from the bondage that controls people, there is no real change. There is often a new flavor of corruption, that people believe is positive when it is not. It takes time, but then the fruit of their deceptive beliefs form and those of still sane thought see it for what it really is.

A minister I know was preaching in a town, seeing many miracles done by Jesus, healings and what not... at his hotel room, two people bust in his door with guns and they were there to kill him. They had been sent by the devil. They told him to go in the bathroom. God told him to stay right where he was at. He told them he was not going in the bathroom. They left. They had only enough resolve to kill him, should they get away with it and not go to jail.

How did they know to show up there? What motivated them that strongly? There is the kingdom of the devil which uses people. There is also the kingdom of light, but when you join it, you are in the world but not of the world.... meaning we end up being on no one's side except God's, because most all people are given to corrupt behavior and so we have no agreement with that.


Difficult to argue the presence of an evil and malevolent force such as the devil when you see this kind of abuse allowed to pervade our societies.
The perpetrators are indeed driven by an evil force and conspire globally.