Since nobody touched on it.
Agenda 21/2030 is all about population control. It also about spreading the false story of global warming. It keeps pushing ways to prevent people from using fossil fuel/wood/etc to heat their homes.
We are entering in to a grand solar minimum. This may be the start of a new ice age, just like what happened during the Maunder Minimum. It will be harder to grow crops and heat homes.
On top of this, when the Sun's activity goes down, the Earth's magnetic field weakens, opening us up to the possibility of a CME hitting the Earth and causing major damage to electronics.
It has been estimated, that a EMP big enough to take out the electrical grid of the US would cause a death rate of 80-90% within the first year.
To back things up, if the space weather doesn't cooperate, we have North Korea, who inherited the USSR's EMP bomb information when the Cold War ended, getting closer and closer to being able to launch their missiles to every corner of the Earth.
I would say, they have known since the 1950s of the space weather change, because this information has been traced since the 1900s. They put in many plans to make the majority of the populate vulnerable to extreme weather change, which would be extreme cold. Extreme heat won't kill off enough people, because it would open up growing areas in the north and has caused greening in the deserts. So, the powers that be have a back up plan after back up plan. They have been pushing the over crowding through the green movement since the 1960s. Soylent Green is based on a book about overpopulation, when there were only a couple billion people on Earth.
As for he rest of the messages.
- Eugenics
- Esperanto - kill every other culture by adopting one language
- Do not allow for passion or religion, only reason
- Fair Laws and Just Courts - Social Justice Warriors have proven this to be harmful
- World Court - another way to control countries by making a way for smaller countries to rule over larger countries
- Well, avoiding petty laws and useless officials sounds good.
- Social Duties - your rights are to be given up, if society says you should die early
- Another, no religions commandment
- And the, anti-human screed of the environmentalists
Should have read this before commenting. You said everything I thought basically but much more succinctly. Nice post. Upvote.
All good points. And I linked the Agenda 21& 30 stuff for the unaware to delve into. They are definately nefarious hence my hunger games reference. They'll be used to corral most people into smaller and smaller areas using the false climate change narrative to take more and more control. The narrative is constantly changing from the PTB regarding climate change to suit their agenda, anyone who stands up with any authority and debunks the claims get vilified or worse suicided. It's a war for people minds and they're winning.
I forgot to mention that 2030 is basically in the middle of the next ice age, if it happens.
Seems like they just put their plans out there and most people just ignore it.