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RE: Ned Stark Exposes The Dangers of Energy Saving Light bulbs And Offers You A Safer Alternative

in #truth8 years ago (edited)

I have seen this documentary during my research. It is my understanding that the point of the movie is to reveal how light bulbs were originally made to last for decades, but that would not be good for profits, so laws were put in place to hand out fines to any company selling light bulbs that lasted longer than 300 or so hours.

A fascinating telling of how those in control are willing to take a step backwards in the technology field in order to keep profits soaring. Much like in the case with the oil industry. There are cleaner, free types of energies that have been invented, some as far back as Nikola Tesla. However, the people will never see this technology because there is too much money in oil.

Add the fact that the hoax of climate change is perpetuated by these same clowns that are continuing an oil industry that should be obsolete by now, and the hypocrisy becomes so pungent that it will leave a lasting taste in your mouth.

Thank you for the comment and resteem, Dylan!


Some very good points you make Ned, oil is king in my neck of the woods and they just rolled out a carbon tax for the new year here. What would a world look like on the ideas of men such as Nikola Tesla? What if Nikola released his research on the Blockchain.

Hey, here's something for you. I always had the idea to join two double helixes at one end. Oddly I was have trouble picturing just how the ends would curve together. Then those energy efficient light bulbs came out. The shape was close to what I have always pictured. A couple years later I found myself building the sculpture. Instead of the round shape of the light bulbs. I used a 3 sided shape to build this. While working on it I was thinking of Nikola Tesla's work around 3, 6 and 9's and his quote "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." Working and grinding inside the shape you can feel it. Anyways, just wanted to share

Well, I think that a lot of the world's technology is based on Tesla's work that was stolen by the government. If Rockefeller had not pulled Tesla's funding after realising that he was trying to develop free energy, which would have made Rockefeller oil obsolete, I think we would be looking at an entirely different world today.

In truth, based on what I have read about him since arriving here, I have developed quite a fondness for him. He has become somewhat of a personal hero of mine- like the Azor Ahai of this realm. I wouldn't be surprised if Tesla was somehow responsible for the construction of the great wall back in Westeros...

Interesting image you have shared there.. It seems rather hypnotizing...

Tesla should have killed Edison in revenge, using his Death Ray.
If anyone tried to pin the murder on him, he'd say how?? No one believes in my death ray, it can't possibly work, eh?