Celibacy. Is it really a choice? ... Perhaps. But is there more to it?

in #truth7 years ago (edited)

"THE INCEL REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN!"... Over the past few weeks, you have probably seen these 5 scary words floating around the internet, and quickly becoming one of the main topics of social media... But what is it all about, and why is it so dangerous?


"INCEL" is a term that means "Involuntarily Celibate", which describes a man who is not getting laid, and as a result, has begun the psychological spiral that starts with frustration and loneliness, but quickly builds into anger, jealousy and hatred towards women for not fulfilling his needs, and society for enjoying what he is missing out on.

We are now seeing widespread acts of private and public terrorism perpetrated by incels who have found community support and encouragement on the internet from other men pouring out their misogyny online.

Why is it happening?... Because men are being bombarded with pornography and media that glorifies the modern "hookup culture", where getting laid is as easy as "swiping right" on Tinder, or asking random girls in a bar to join you in the bathroom, and when these men realize that everyone seems to be having fun except them, their jealousy turns to anger.

The simple truth is, MEN NEED SEX, because they are programmed with a biological imperative to procreate and preserve the species, and testosterone fuels that biological imperative until it is satisfactorily released... This is not an excuse for men to behave beastially, it is simply a scientific truth, and the reason why societies with easy access to pornography and prostitution, suffer lower incidences of rape and violent crime.

But when men cross a certain threshold, where they embrace being incel, and blame others, usually a woman who spurned their advances, then these men often become obsessive, and are unable to work, socialize, or do much of anything because their entire focus is upon what they want but cannot have... And that is when they become a danger to themselves and others, as recent headlines have made very clear.

Are these men evil?... No more evil than any person who is acting under the influence of a chemical substance, and testosterone is an incredibly powerful chemical substance, but if these men would simply enjoy the pleasures of a professional woman occasionally, until they are able to develop a relationship for themselves, then they would no longer be a danger to themselves and others.

This is why even the Catholic Church has recognized the necessity for prostitution, as was noted by Bishop Augustine of Hippo in the 5th Century who famously said: "The prostitutes in town are like sewers in the palace. If you take away the sewers, the whole place will be filthy".

This is also why Lord RayEl has decreed that "All sex is permissible as long as it is responsible and consensual"... But when people become obsessed because they have forced themselves into the incel lifestyle, they become dangerously irresponsible, and that threatens other people's consensual rights.

This is also why Aldous Huxley's novel "Brave New World", is the blueprint for the coming utopian society, because without liberated promiscuity, the incels of society fester into genuine dangers.


Explanation regarding the Incel Reveloution, courtesy of The Imperial Regent of the Lord, Angelus Domini

Article courtesy of Independant UK

Sources and Credits
God and His Holy Son

The Holy Bible The Online Congregation of the Returned Christ; https://www.facebook.com/groups/ICoLR/


Thanks for this teaching, brother!

There is a lot of imbalance on this Earth, and this is just one of them.

Amen. Thanks for sharing

Hence the NEED for the Prostitutes to enter the Kingdom first so that incidents like this become a thing of the past

I believe that sex is a must for both sexes but with responsibility.

A wise little old humanities professor of mine used to shock the class by going on a tangent about how much better the world would be if people became better friends with their hands. Keep in mind, she was the human embodiment of Yoda and only slightly younger than dirt, so... yeah, fun lady.

Proverbs 11:1 King James Bible
A false balance is an abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.