Hello today I am continuing in this very serious and worrying domain of the public being radiated by Negatve Electomganetic frequencies by Corporations working in tandem with Deep State in this clear and declared war against us poor humble human beings that unhappily goo to work to pay for this abuse.
You may have already seen my recent posts concerning the coming installation for 2020 of the new 5G " Internet of Things ". Death towers that besides supplying us with our dearly needed , portable telephone and wifi internet connections. But the power supply for the new towers being put in place now are far more powerful, extremely dangerous weaponised power supplies, capable of all sorts of other more nefarious actions on your body physically and mentally !! Please watch these two films which I provide to you today which will explain the clear plan to kill us by stealh and without our knowledge by these towers which are now popping up everywhere and anywhere!Even disguised as palm trees, cactus and even in flag-poles and church spires of all things?!
This must see video by ron johnson Published on 4 Feb 2016, explains that these towers have a power supply that goes far and beyond the simple needs of the data transfer which is their " reason " for being no ? He explains clearly that they are infact nothing more than huge weaponised magnotrons on sticks, a magnotron is the thing in your microwave that is also very dangerous and heats up your cold coffee in seconds !When you couple that with the ingetion of chemtrails and the metals and nano particles then you have a potentially explosive mixture if you catch my drift ? Anyway please watch this film and share it to others if you are like me disgusted !

This lady does a drive by of a grouping of three " Cellular Death Towers " that are placed specifically on a busy crosspoint of traffic so exposing as many people as possible for the longest duration possible at the red light ! You can listen to these radio waves that crackle and pop from their tester and you will see the recorded level of electomagnetic pollution given at that point !! She then goes on to breakdown the strategy and use of these " Silent Weapons in a Quiet War " against we that with our tax dollars are paying literally for our own death !

ARC Stopthecrime.com
Published on 12 Aug 2013
EXTINCTION Plan for Humanity Deployed - Silent Weapons System
Deborah Tavares
Notice how all comments for this film have been blocked by Youtube ! That should tell you that the information supplied here is real and dangerous to the people who do not want you to know of these Towers and their significance to your health and mental stabilites !
This Youtuber goes through the NASA War Plan PDF document which have linked just below this video !! He breaks it down pretty succinctly and gets pretty angry doing it, as indeed you should too as it does not get more serious or dangerous than this !
jon clem
Published on 23 Jun 2013
The link below will take to to an official Presentation made on the NASA website in July, just two months before 911!! Written up by Bill Stryker of DIA/Futures as the Future Threat for Global War Games.This document reveals a very intricate and carefully put in place plan, in which millions will die, without their families ever knowing that their death of cancer was actually more just plain murder! Pleased read and share to your peers.thanks

Please take the time now to inform yourself so that you can then inform your family and friends ! Times passes us by and this particular subject needs to be brought to light and addressed before its too late! Here are some keywords of research which will help you find other relevant informaton on this important topic.
Thanks for you attention to my post, please leave me your reactions below in my comment section, Thanks

Thought you might like to do a post on Action about this bud. I found this for you <3
Wow this is awesome info @ancientmystique !! This guy has a great point right there ! This is the most positive way I have seen so far of combatting this monstrous plan !! I am going to make a post on this for sure and i truly thnk you for your link ))
Anytime, my friend. Definitely my pleasure. <3
Anything to help stop the insanity. I am going to do a massive post on the history of energy weapons over the next couple weeks and will link to your series of posts <3
This post will be featured on today's CHAOS show on MSP Waves Radio.
awesome thanks @globocop that a nice reward for me ! I shall be listening !!
Hey @gomeravibz sorry I'm late to this one but I've been away for a few days. Another great post my friend, thanks for sharing! I really don't think the vast majority of people have any idea of the world that's being created around them. I have shown in previous posts that we interact with the earths natural Schumann resonance via the multitude of magnetite crystals that are held within our brains. This is of huge importance to both our mental health and the metabolic processes of our body, indeed our body clocks and our brains are synched to this perfectly. With the use of various nefarious technologies (now including 5G) I believe they are stripping this connection and replacing it with a false reality. This is a false evolution for humanity, some will die within this process and others will be slaves within an electronic prison. Once again thanks for getting the word out. I have resteemed this for you in the hope that it gets a final push.
This is a great post. I am working on something to do with this too.
I need to find a way to get rid of them. Or reverse that microwave action. Sound is amazing like that--->If you bounce something the same frequency back at it--->It reverses the effects of the original sound waves.
Very interesting. Thanks so much for posting.
Hey man thanks a bunch for this really positive and uplifting comment !! Yes its true, you see how they triangulate the signal at that big junction ?? I really think they can ramp all this up and down depending on what effects they want to install !! Stun or Kill like in StarTrek no joke !! So your idea could work i guess but then the antennas are just inert plastic and metal ! Its us the living psychic matter which is affected by this !! i for one would not risk putting myself in the line of transmission if it were turned up to full power ! Did you see already the devastating power of a magnotron from a small microwave from your kitchen,in the first video ?
I completely agree.....I live near a freeway and one stop up there is a big children's sports oval with a triangulated set of towers on the edge of the oval nearest to the road. If we don't find a way to stop or reverse the damage they are doing, we will find we have birds dropping out of the sky EN MASS, we will discover honeybees cannot direct themselves because the sound waves are like white noise, so they get lost and sick and bam. Hive death.
Everything in our Universe is electronic. Thats why this is the final move for our minds. <3
However if its a choice between me standing in the line of fire.....And my son?
I will take whatever pain they can throw my way and still be standing by the end.
yeah man I hear you and well said, I too will be standing !!
Upvoted and deservedly resteemed
thats real nice, the resteem is the best for this post as it means more can pass the word!! We all need to come together and do what needs to be done !!
The fist video has been taken down for some odd reason
Your post is very useful for me. Thanks for sharing
Upvoted !
I started following you and I would appreciate your follow back too .
please visit my blog and Upvote me too.
well i am glad you think so !! whay is it important to you @gaibandha365?? please let me know !! thanks
me and most everyone I know in America in the really bad areas of this we are fatigues ALL the time,
Oh God must be awful @battleaxe as those big towers are really, really not good eh ?? they are killing us all by small heat with this shit, its the same here in Europe i can tell you that !! we need to take them down and put them to sleep !!
Put anyone between the crosshairs of 2 towers to mame and destroy. Microwave weapon.
yes thats absolutely correct @runaway-slave, that is the bttom of it I am very much afraid !! We need to take them out these towers no ?
For sure . We the people are being attacked covertly but in plain sight. Cell phones are like a bad addiction that kills.
yes nicely put " cell towers are a bad addiction that kills !! exactly the problem !! Get us addicted, then turn up the heat with these new weaponised tools !! Nobody even sees or suspects as we need them to watch out films !! yes we are in real deep now @runaway-slave....its hard to watch for me, you too i imagine ?
And most of the people are going to think, oh we have got 5g, faster internet speed. But the reality is hidden 😢, thankyou so much gomera for brining this forward.
Yes well @thatindianlady the " few" people need to tell the "most " people that they are absolutely wrong and need to see the Truth ! As without the " most " people there will be no stopping this and well..... the Human race is doomed of that, there is no doubt ! As this is far from being a joke!
RIghty, i broadcasted it on my whatsapp with around 560 contacts including the pigeon article to make my all friends aware of the topics we never think of.
wow thats so cool @thanks @thatindianlady, you are awesome ) this is all i want that as many people get this out to their surrounding people !1 A snowball effect !!
Yuppp the more aware, the betterrr 👍
Thank you for standing for truth.
100% upvote and resteem from me. Thank you for sending this WAKE-UP message!
thanks so much for the support and especially the resteem, thats the best thing I could ask for the information I am trying to get out there on this disgusting agenda @marymg2014
Great post dude and a worry for sure.
Sadly most people will only care about the benefit of 5g speeds etc, not the fact that it's killing them.
Brilliant work buddy as always.
Frequency Waves Radio on MSPWaves.com.This complex but easy to understand subject will be discussed today with @gomeravibz on
How to Listen
Hello @daxthecrypto, wow thats awesome that you have initiated already a personal plqn of attack ! Iwould be very interested ofcourse from a report made by an "insider" of this weapon being installed around us, please link me this post ! This "GWEN SYSTEM" is undoubtedly the biggest threat mankind has ever faced and it must be stopped and data transfer be brought back to optic fibre style connections !
If you would like to work with us and take them down feel free. The GWEN system has the potential to kill us all but doesnt make the news, but someone stealing someones mail package and trumps tweets make the news right? The media is controlled by the elites and has been since the beginning of time. The elites (satanists) have build the very world that we live in today, called an illusion. 911 was a USA inside job, sandy hook is full of lies, any major gun crimes and mass murders are brainwashed by the GOV to do a certain thing then they kill him after everytime so they can't speak and tell us the truth. All to take away guns (gun Control) which is our 2nd ammendment, that way we can't rise upon them or resist. People still think that our GOV cares about them? Not true. Not at all true. Don't people sheeple. let's rise above this and do whatever we can to take those towers down. Don't let the eye and ears fool the mind.
so true all that yoiu say @daxthecrypto, Im with you on pulling all these death towers down and the pyramid of Evil that put them there with them !! We need to get the word out on this electromagnetic prison of control being built around us !! please link this post you told me of to me )
hello all i need help with my upvotes , speading truth no one is seeing it