Breaking News Kazakhstan - 08 Jan 2021 ("We The People")

in #truth3 years ago

Was just sent this by a mate, via a DM on a chat service.

As per the news report:

The military surrendered to the nation, the police forces surrendered to the nation.

What that means is:

The power of the people prevailed over the totalitarian (total control) and somewhat authoritarian (total submission) government of Kazakhstan.

Even the intervention from Russia didn't manage to save the wanna be gods (aka "politicians") from the power of the people.

On a personal note:
I pray that the violence and death stop ASAP, the sooner the better.


People power = "We The People" can achieve anything if we truly want it.

Stay safe,

God bless.

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Russians doing what Russians do best. (Unfortunately)

But there are conflicting reports from there, who knows what is or isn't "true", however, the fact that a foreign military had to enter so as to "save the government" is nothing unusual or new.