End Times - Revelations & Humanity - Timeline

in #truth3 years ago

Taking a simple brief look at the timeline described in The Holy Bible, touching on humanity and our morality.

Although times are tough and many refuse to believe in God and his gifts to humanity, there is ample reason for everyone to read and learn from the lessons that The Holy Bible gives us.

Wisdom is handed down from one generation to the next and when wisdom is rejected, then repeats of the same mistakes that were made in the past are inevitable.

When morality falls to lows and evils that men can do are considered "acceptable norms", there is trouble and mass murder on the horizon. Millions, possibly billions of lives lost and for what? WHY?

Because people refuse to learn from the wisdom offered to them.

I sincerely hope that you take the time to watch the video (link below) and to reflect upon what we are seeing around us, no matter where you may be on this planet.

There is a lot to think about and the importance of it all far exceeds anything that many of us can fathom, as many evils that had occurred in the past, such as those from the first half of the 20th century and even through the course of the later half of the 20th century are practically "forgotten". Luckily many have not experienced/lived through those evils. Yet, too many have never bothered to learn anything from the events that caused humanity to try and put a stop to those evils and prevent them from recurring. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Nuremberg Code came about in the hope that such evils will never be seen or experienced again. Yet here we are in 2022 and looking back it is clear that we can put many a "?" on where we are in our "morality" today.

Here is the link to the video that I highly recommend everyone watch:

I will be watching it again too, multiple times and will be reading the relevant versus and reflecting upon my life, the things I see, hear and experience around me, so that I can better grasp the reality of our reality.

Stay safe,

Prep up,

God bless.

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