Part I: How the body REALLY works
Before I write my second blog post on Steemit, perhaps I should explain WHY I am so incredibly passionate about exposing the exceedingly criminal agenda of mainstream science and allopathic medicine. In my first article, there were a few individuals who decided to diminish my contribution, citing my experiences as simply anecdotal. They attacked me personally, claiming I couldn’t handle medical school (which is false, I have always been a high scoring student, and testing and memorizing have always been easy for me), and calling Natural Hygiene (a health system that focuses on fruits and vegetables as the ideal food for man, promotes restful sleep, and enjoying activities in the sun) “quackery”.
(this is "quackery"???)Natural Hygiene:
I have an important mission during my time on this planet, and wasting my time replying to low consciousness comments not based in truth (especially when there are millions of humans becoming more and more ill by following “doctor’s orders”) ranks as low priority. So, to the ego-loving and indoctrinated science worshipers: attack away. I am not writing this for closed – minded individuals.
Truth is hard for people to swallow, especially people who have dedicated their lives to learning something that is actually creating more harm than good. Of course I realize that people in science and medicine will not particularly enjoy that I am exposing that they are participating in a system that harms all life on this planet. I know I am angering people by sharing this information, but I would be doing great disservice to the majority of humans by NOT sharing this.
I am NOT here to claim that there is no place for allopathy. This system has proven itself effective in reconstructive and orthopedic surgeries as well as in many emergency situations. I have personally benefitted from the work of a talented orthopedic surgeon (and his staff) after I had suffered a terrible break in my ankle from a fall while rock climbing.
My hospital stay after each of the three surgeries needed to put my ankle back together was less than optimal, and there is MUCH room for improvement here. However, I am not here to focus on the few benefits of allopathy. I am here to expose the much bigger issue: how medicine is a leading cause of death and suffering on this planet, and WHY most people are better off staying away from the doctor.
I am here to expose HOW mainstream science and allopathic medicine are inhibiting humanity from raising its consciousness and experiencing amazing levels of health and vitality. Humans caught in the matrix have NO IDEA what their true purpose is on this physical plane of existence, who they really are, and their true power as creators. There are many forces hiding (occulting) this information, and mainstream science play a HUGE part in this.
So, without further ado, why is it that people become ill?
In my last post, I explained why medical doctors have no experience or training in helping people become healthy. They are disease experts, and they practice disease maintenance. I also explained that diseases are simply collections of symptoms, many of which can be suppressed by pharmaceutical drugs. There is a lot of money to be made by inventing symptom-suppressing drugs, which is why many scientists get caught up in finding the gene (or some gene-controlling factor) which controls the phenotypical expression of some protein in the body, and ways in which they can affect this gene with some chemical. The focus is on the minutiae, and science worshippers love feeling as if they are experts in understanding these theories of human physical expression. The world of theories is a dangerous world…more on this later.
So many humans fall into this trap: becoming so involved in the details, that they ignore the truth. They find a job they are good at, that gives them some sense of comfort, and they defend this job as if their life depended on it. It’s so convenient to ignore the truth if it threatens your perceived comfort in life.
Why do so many people fall into this trap? It’s part of how we have all been indoctrinated since youth. The state (i.e., government) forces public education (which I prefer calling public indoctrination) on all children so that they can begin the mind control. Their agenda: to cultivate a strong belief in authority in all humans. Why is it that young children start their school day pledging allegiance to a colorful piece of cloth? Why are children taught to obey, not to question authority? Their love of authority often fosters a desire within them to become some type of authority themselves. So, they pick a role where they can become elevated in this illusionary system of hierarchy: doctor, teacher, police officer, lawyer, etc…. They work really hard to attain this status, and will do anything to protect the system that keeps their role in society protected (including attacking anyone that tries to expose how their job may not be as virtuous as they would like to believe).
This, in short, is why you have probably NEVER been exposed to what I am about to share.
So, why do people become ill? Well, it’s pretty simple (remember, truth is simple). Our bodies are made up of cells (the smallest unit of life) and two major fluids: blood and lymph (I will include interstitial fluid in the “lymph” category). When I was a student (from high school all the way through medical school), I was consistently taught that the heart pumps blood through arteries, delivering oxygen and nutrients to our cells; and, the veins take metabolic waste products away from our cells and back to the heart. Ultimately, these wastes are filtered out of the blood via the kidneys.
Anatomically, this system makes sense. In practice, however, there are a few problems with this explanation of how we deliver nutrients and oxygen to our cells, and remove wastes products.
Cellular metabolism results in the production of many acidic waste products. It is vital that these waste products be removed from the tissues efficiently. When these waste products are not adequately removed, they can irritate and inflame our tissues. This irritation can be further compounded when the tissues become exposed to acidic chemicals that are absorbed into bodily fluids via the GI tract or skin.
There is an alert system within our amazing bodies that can signal to us that something is wrong. Unfortunately, there are also pharmaceutical drugs that a person can take to make these signals go away (thanks science!!). With the signals ignored, and the acidic chemicals not being effectively removed from bodily tissues, the irritation continues, and the tissue becomes inflamed. Inflammation is really just a stronger bodily signal. The four cardinal signs of inflammation are heat, swelling, redness, and pain. Again, pharmaceutical drugs are available to suppress all of these symptoms.
Now, before I go on, you may be asking yourself “why is the blood not appropriately taking these acidic chemicals away from the tissues so that they can be filtered out by the kidneys”. Well, that is a great question. Before I answer this, let’s review some facts about the blood.
The blood contains blood cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets (platelets are actually cell fragments), and a fluid that bathes these cells called plasma. The pH of the blood is very tightly regulated, and it is vital that it stays between 7.35 and 7.45 (slightly alkaline). There are buffers in the blood (like bicarbonate ion) to assist in maintaining this pH range, but these buffers can only affect narrow shifts outside of this range. Why, then, does it seem plausible that the venous blood transports the acidic cellular waste products in the blood? Can you see how dumping so many acids (from each of our 37.2 trillion cells) into the blood could negatively impact the blood pH?
Carbon dioxide is a waste product of cellular reparation. It is true that this gas product is taken up by the blood capillaries, and most of it is converted into bicarbonate ion, which (as previously mentioned) plays an important role as a buffer in the blood in order to maintain blood pH. The other cellular waste products, if dumped into the blood, would most likely reduce the blood pH below 7.35! This would have serious and even deadly consequences. This is why the theory of using the venous blood to transport metabolic wastes away from our tissues is not a practical explanation of how the body works. Yet, it is what all medical doctors are taught.
This brings us to the lymphatic system. This is the other, and more abundant, system of vessels and organs which transports another type of bodily fluid (referred to as ‘lymph”). A better description of how cellular wastes are removed from the tissues would be if the lymphatic vessels were to transport them away, thus preventing these wastes products from acidifying the blood. Lymphatic vessels, unlike the blood vessels, are NOT arranged in a circuit. These vessels begin at each tissue, and transport the lymph away from the tissues. Their destination: the kidneys (more on this later. I like to compare the blood to a UPS delivery truck. It picks up nutrients and oxygen (from the GI organs and lungs, respectively), and drops them off to our cells to use for metabolic activities. Now, when the UPS driver comes to your door with a package, you do NOT hand him your trash, so you? Of course not. He simply leaves and returns to the warehouse to pick up more “goodies”. Dr. Robert Morse ND compares the blood to a kitchen and the lymph to a sewer. In this analogy, the kitchen houses the food (nutrition) we picked up from the grocery store (our GI tract). It doesn’t seem like a very good idea to mix the food you eat from your kitchen with the waste products you release into your toilet, does it? It’s a bad idea to poop in your kitchen. So, why would ‘cellular poop” be dumped into our bodily kitchen (the blood). It’s much better to keep the kitchen and the toilet separate. And this is why it’s absurd to think our blood caries cellular wastes. This is the important job of our lymphatic system (our bodies sewer system).
So, the lymphatic system, the incredibly important body system that is minimally covered (if at all) in most high school biology classes, plays an incredibly important role in removing acidic waste products from our tissues. Now, all of anatomy and physiology text books I have used in the classes I had taught as a College Professor of Human Anatomy & Physiology state that the lymphatic vessels simply take up excess fluids from the extracellular spaces, and ultimately return this fluid back to the subclavian veins (which are BLOOD vessels – part of our “kitchen”). Again, this “theory” does not seem to equate with practical experience. If we go with the idea that it makes more sense for the lymphatic vessels to carry acidic wastes away from tissues instead of veins, why would we ultimately dump this fluid back into the venous blood? Again, mixing the kitchen with the sewer does not seem very practical or healthy.
A better explanation is that the lymphatic vessels carry the lymph to the kidneys where filtration takes place. Now this is where many mainstream scientists will start throwing out their theories that only the blood is filtered by the kidneys, not the lymph. Yes, this is exactly what is taught in the medical text books; but, this is the same system (as previously mentioned) that lives in the world of diseases, not health. And, for those of you that feel uncomfortable with this explanation, keep in mind that new scientific research has recently been published finding that lymphatic vessels have recently been discovered in the brain ( Why should we think, then, that ultimately finding tiny lymphatic vessels in the kidneys would be impossible?
So, with this more practical explanation that it is the role of the kidneys to filter acidic wastes from the lymphatic vessels, we can see that the role of the blood is simply to function as an alkaline circuit whose job is to absorb nutrients from the GI tract (and oxygen from the lungs) and send theses nutrients to our cells. The lymphatic vessels can then focus on removing wastes from the tissues, and send these to the kidneys for elimination from the body.
Part II: How Why People become Ill:
With this more useful description explaining how the body REALLY works, we can now return to how illness begins. As I previously explained, any acidic chemical not adequately removed from our bodily tissues (a tissue is simply a group of cells) will begin stimulating the alert system in our body to communicate that we have a problem. This begins as an irritation; and, if the problem continues, turns into inflammation. Often, the reason acidic chemicals have a hard time being removed from a tissue is because there is a back-up in the flow of lymph, and the acidic waste products are not adequately being filtered out if the lymph by the kidneys. It’s important that the lymph flows away from our tissues easily. If it doesn’t, the acids accumulate, setting the stage for tissue damage.
Often, our diets and lifestyle are to blame for these lymphatic obstructions. The modern human diet is incredibly acidic and mucus forming. You see, humans have been indoctrinated not only to believe in authority, but also to believe we need foods in our diet that are actually harmful to our health. Animal products, cooked starches, grains, and processed junk not only add to the acidic load in the body, but also leave behind a sticky mucus accumulation. Did you know that you can make “goo” with flour and water ( Why in the heck would we put this “goo” in our bodies? And as for proteins and fats, these break down into acids (amino acids and fatty acids, respectively). Not a good idea for an overly acidic body.
As a vegan for the past 6 years, I am often asked where I get my protein. It’s amazing how many people have become so indoctrinated to develop a concern about protein. As a biochemist, I can soothe their mind’s apprehension by explaining that plants alone can provide our protein requirements (which, in reality, are incredibly low). This issue with protein is that it breaks down into acids (called amino acids). And, when these acids are absorbed into an already acidic body, the body tries to protect itself from further damage.
Often, these protective mechanisms can contribute to lymphatic obstruction (unless, the person takes RIGHT action to fix the problem…which usually never happens if they are getting advice from a medical doctor).
There are THREE mechanisms the body uses to protect itself from the aggressive accumulation of acids: water, calcium, and cholesterol.
Water: Water is a great neutralizer, and can help prevent the accumulated acids from damaging our tissues by dissolving the acids at the site where they are accumulating. This leads to swelling or edema. A lot of times when people go on a detox diet of alkaline fruits and veggies, they pee a lot. This is all the water being released since it is no longer needed to protect the tissues, and often occurs when alkaline foods are being ingested.
Cholesterol: Cholesterol is a type of lipid, and lipids are also great at protecting our tissues from acidic waste products. Cholesterol often surrounds acids that are irritating the lining of our blood vessels, thus creating plaques that can interfere with or block blood flow (leading to a myocardial infarction or a stroke). Many of the softer stones that accumulate in the gallbladder are also cholesterol – based, and these can block the release of bile from the liver (causing severe pain and nausea).
Calcium: Calcium is an alkaline mineral, and can also counter the acidic chemicals in our tissues. Many times these calcium salts begin to form stones in the body as they surround the acid wastes. Kidney stones are an example (these are typically much harder than the softer cholesterol based stones). The danger in using calcium to counter the acidic wastes is that the calcium is being taken away from our tissues and bones. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body, and many people only associate it with forming our bones. In fact, calcium is present in all of our cells. It plays a role in muscle contraction, the nervous system, blood clotting, and maintains tissue integrity. When a person becomes very acidic and begins leaching calcium from their tissues, the tissues begin to lose their structural integrity. This can result in the skin beginning to sag and wrinkle, and many organs can prolapse (e.g., a prolapsed uterus is a uterus that falls from its normal position in the pelvis and protrudes through the vaginal canal).
So, we can now see how the body tries to protect itself when we continually suppress the symptoms alerting us to make a change. If the same acidic foods continue to be ingested (despite the signals coming from the body to STOP), and the acidic waste products are not effectively being removed, the tissue inflammation progresses into tissue induration. With induration, we start to see the cells change or even divide in abnormal ways as a last ditch effort to protect itself. For example, when the esophagus (the tube taking food and drink from the mouth to the stomach) is continually irritated and inflamed, it can lead to a condition scientists call called Barret’s esophagus, marked by a change in the epithelial tissue lining of the esophagus. Scientists classify this as a “pre-cancerous” condition. It’s “pre-cancerous” because people typically make NO CHANGE in their lifestyle and dietary habits after their diagnosis (because their MD is providing symptom suppressing drugs to turn off their alert system). And guess what, without any change to remedy the problem, this “pre-cancerous” condition becomes a “cancerous” condition.
I made a decision a long time ago to NOT play in the world of diseases (this is why I decided to leave medicine altogether). After studying Natural Hygiene, and witnessing many people truly heal with nature, I began to see that the path to illness is simple. Medical doctors who live in the world of diseases like to portray the body as this complex system. Complexity is often used to hide the truth. And, remember, truth is simple. So, as I have explained, how the human body becomes ill is really very simple. Along this road to illness, there are many signals the body uses to communicate that it is in distress. Unfortunately, humans have become very good at numbing these signals (often using pharmaceutical drugs). Fortunately, however, the path to a remedy is also simple (more on this later).
A diagnosis of a certain “disease” can be very dangerous because it places you in the world of allopathic medicine, a system that uses harsh chemicals and dangerous surgeries to suppress symptoms; and, if these drugs do not work, they can always remove the painful organ rather than try to let it heal.
In 2013, a report came out stating that “medicine” was 3rd leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. Well, heart disease and cancer are simply the end results of a series of signals that were suppressed by allopathic pharmaceutical drugs. Thus, this makes MEDICINE THE NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF DEATH!!!
Can you see why I am so passionate about sharing the dangers of allopathic medicine? It is a system that is NOT focused on health. I have seen this dangerous system participate in the deaths of many people I love. I can no longer sit back and let this continue. It’s time that the veil be lifted.
In my next article, I will review the TRUE path to health.
i love to geek out. thank you for my daily mental juices.
Happy to help :)
The government and media have been very successful in putting over the idea that modern medicine is the miracle of the age. Actually, it was things like indoor plumbing, sanitation, and nutrition that have been responsible for longer life spans. Have you ever looked up some historical figure, say from the 18th or 19th century? Look at his wikipedia entry. He probably lived to a ripe old age and never suffered dementia. Thomas Jefferson comes to mind -- died at 83 years of age in 1826. Andrew Jackson only lived to be 78 but he had been shot in the chest in a duel about 40 years earlier. There are many more examples, many of them that lived well into their 90s and often enjoyed reasonably good health right up to the end.
Modern medicine seems to be part of the agenda keeping humans from realizing their true power as higher consciousness beings. It's a system that keeps humans functional enough to continue working as tax slaves, but never truly awakening to their enslavement.
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