Now that I have fully read and digested this article. Grounded and carried out my due diligence, followed up with many of it’s statements and claims.
I can confidently say that my automated upvote is solely in support of Jeff as an individual and his passion for humanity.
It is NOT in any way an endorsement or agreement with the information provided within. I have neither registered with GLOBAL PEACE INDEX or am I willing to recommend my family or friends to do so.
Sovereign principles have no obligation or requirement to be registered or counted under any authority regardless of the outcome of the UNIVERSAL WORLD COURTS proposed details.
Specifically in association with the criminal actions of Donald J Trump and THE UNITED NATIONS military deployment organization.
I agree to some details covered in the article. Specifically addressing the structure of the cabal, it’s misuse of corp-orate maritime law and the deep state land grabbing and enslavement agenda.
These are indeed critical times and I have been a researcher in the spiritual and esoteric battle within the noosphere and for energetic dominance over humanity for some years. Parasitic inter-dimensional harvesting is a very real threat to our spiritual evolution. Which is parallel to the imminent danger of the destruction of our environment and eco-systems.
Yes there are absolutely huge moves being made to out the Kabbalist Satanist from higher influential and political positions. However one must be cautious of jumping out of ones frying pan into a greater fire.
There are a number of red flags throughout the text that I would respectfully debate if invited to do so.
Points of interest may be the Kzarian Mafia and Neo Zionists, as well as other groups like the Melchezidek linage as well as external god worship, YHWH or Yahweh and question anyone quoting KJV and who they may serve.
Otherwise in honoring all paths I fully acknowledge every way is a way and will gracefully step aside. I do feel this comment is positively intended and also a supportive clarification on my position.
Wholeness is balance. There is not one without the other for all is connected and all is self.
Be love and beloved 🙏❤️
Holy schizophrenic nonsense. You need help, bro.