What are Rights? Do we really have any Rights at all?

in #truth8 years ago

This is something I've been contemplating for a while now and thought I would try to put something down on paper regarding my thoughts and observations about RIGHTS.

What are Rights? Do we really have any Rights at all?

I know we have the Bill of Rights which are really said to be GOD given Rights that the founding fathers thought it would be a good idea to at least explicitly state some of them in the Constitution just in case government would become corrupted. Well now that government is surly and obviously corrupted and many of those stated (inalienable) rights have been alienated from some if not all of us can we still truly claim that we have said rights?

What does it mean to say that rights are entitlements? To say that you have a RIGHT to this or that dose this mean you believe someone else HAS TO provide you with the this or that thing or service? I don't think so. I mean what about the rights of the person you think ought to be providing something to you, don't they also have the same rights and hence would then expect someone else to be providing it to them?

This whole idea of Rights just doesn't seem to make any sense to me.

I'm not sure we really have any rights at all. Except one. DEATH!
If you are alive then you will have a right to death. It may not come in the way you want it (but it might) or at the time you want it (but it might) but in the end it will surely come. So I see that as your only GOD given right, if you are alive then you will die.

Let's consider the rights stated in the Constitution, can these rights be taken away? If someone attempts to take them away can you still exercise them? I guess out side of physically clamping your mouth shut or surgically altering your ability to speak (which can be done) it would be hard to take away your freedom to speak (or remain silent for that matter). However you can be put in a place where no one can hear you which would then take away any effectiveness of you speech but you could still speak. But how about your right to privacy or your right to fair trial. Is there even such a thing especially these days?

These days your right to bare arms or peacefully assemble to redress your government of your grievances has very often be violated. And if an entity (government) can simply and easily give some contrived reason to take away your rights then did you really have the right to begin with? How about the 8th amendment which says "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted" which seem to be completely subjective. In my opinion anyone/everyone in jail is actually in a state run torture chamber. And just how much does a mere traffic ticket cost these days, sounds like excessive fines to me. And consider the punishment for a non-violent act (crime) in which there is no victim (possession or smoking of pot) if it winds you up in jail and quite cruel and unusual punishment again to me.

So again I must ask, what are RIGHTS?
Do we really have any rights?

Please please please comment on this post!
Answer my questions!
What are my rights?!?

Thank you!

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This guy's got a point. What's the point of having a constitution if these so-called "unalienable" rights weren't meant for us to begin with? Seems to me that government gives "rights" are nothing more than privileges; creating the illusion of choice.

Hate to break this to everyone, but we as people don't have choices.

Thanks for your reply!

Of course we have choices. Everything is a choice, everything matters. As long as you spread thoughts like that, you are promoting a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Ask yourself this question. Is kicking a baby in the head wrong?

Once you can easily answer that question, the ideals of "rights" are easy. Wrestling with ideas is healthy, use your sight, testimonies, personal experiences and prayer in trying to muck through the ideas.

One of the reasons most people don't understand rights is the same reason most people can some how answer that kicking a baby in the head is not right or wrong.

Thank you for your reply but I guess I don't really understand it.
I think there is a difference between right and wrong which a moral judgement and rights in terms of human freedoms. I would say it is wrong to kick a baby in the head but I do have the right (ie. freedom) to kick the baby in the head as babies are kicked in the head by some.