I think it comes down to what each person sees the word 'forgiveness' to mean. You talk about "the experience can linger internally essentially creating an internal fear or prison that you are trapped inside until you release them." I totally agree with this and my energy includes a lot of releasing emotions, hurt, trauma etc and this is essential for healing.
Many people see forgiveness as saying 'it was ok' or l'etting the perpetrator off the hook' and this causes big issues. No abuse is ok.
The main thing is that the victim is given loving, support and help with what feels right for them. I've heard healers say on calls that the person will not heal if they don't forgive, this is so wrong. No one should force their beliefs on someone else and this is what upsets me most. Healers should give, support and not dictate! I'm sure you agree because I can feel you are a loving person with integrity!