Is Pat Tillman A REAL PERSON or A Military PSYOP????

in #truth8 years ago

Pat Tillman

Patrick Daniel Tillman (November 6, 1976 – April 22, 2004) was a professional American football player in the National Football League (NFL) who left his sports career and enlisted in the United States Army in June 2002 in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks. His service in Iraq and Afghanistan, and subsequent death, Pat Tillman were the subject of much media attention.

Patrick Daniel Tillman 96 Freemason (204/4=51 Conspiracy, Freemason) (F 282/6=47 Contrived) (S 904/8=113 Mainstream, Dishonest, DisInfo,Fiction) (J 562/2=281=60p Inconceivable)

Pat Tillman 37 Concocted (93 Propaganda, Unactual (118 Not Real Name, Athlete Agent) (F 170=17 Lie) (S 468/18=26 Lie) (J 381/3=127=31p B.S.)

Born Nov 6, 1976–1+1+6+1+9+7+6=31 B.S./11+6+19+67=103 B.S./11+6+19+76=112/2=56 Fingerable
Died Apr 22, 2004–4+22+2+4=32 Fumbler /4+22+20+4=50 Mainstream,Dishonest,Operation /4+22+20+40=86 Not Real

Birth Year Numerology–1+9+7+6=23 Fraud /19+67=86 Deceitful/19+76=95 Fakery
Death Year Numerology–2+4=6/20+4=24 Magic /20+40=60 Misleading

From Nov 6, 1976–Apr 22, 2004 is a period of 27y 5m 16d=516/12=43 Fairy Tale
is a period of 329 m /7=47 Contrived
is a period of 1432w/8=179=41p Conjurer
is a period of 10029d=129/3=43 Its Not Real

From Jan 1,2004–Apr 22, 2004 is a period of 3m 20d=32 Fumbler
is a period of 111d This Is A Lie

From Apr 22, 2004–Jan 1, 2005 is a period of 8m 11d=141p /3=47 Contrived
is a period of 255 d/5=51 Conspiracy, Freemason

Was a professional American football player 222/2=111 This is a Lie (609=69/2=23 Fraud, Fantasy) (J 2477=367p=73p=21p Hoax)

Who left his sports career 111-This Is A Lie (123 Conspiracy) (FB 563=103p=27p Faked)

Enlisted in the United States Army 124-Lies (173=40p Deceitful) (S 1373=220p=22 Laugh)

In the aftermath of the September Eleven(11)attacks 223=48p Hoax (443=86p Conjure) (FB 883=153p/9=17 Lie)

Tillman joined the Army Rangers and served several tours in combat before he died in the mountains of
Afghanistan. At first, the Army reported that Tillman had been killed by enemy fire. Controversy ensued when a month later, on May 28, 2004, the Pentagon notified the Tillman family that he had died as a result of a friendly fire incident; the family and other critics allege that the Department of Defense delayed the disclosure for weeks after Tillman's memorial service out of a desire to protect the image of the U.S. military.

Tillman joined the Army Rangers 310=31 B.S. (419=81p Improvisation) (FB 617=113p Dishonest, Mainstream, Operation,Fiction)

served several tours in combat before he died (S 1741=271p=58p Ludicrous (E 2553/23=111 This is a Lie) (J 2723/7=389=77p Fraternization )

in the mountains of Afghanistan 123+321=444/4=111 A Lie This Is (303=/3=101=26p Lie) (F 329/7=47 Contrived) (E 1581/17=93 Propaganda, Unactual) (J 1081=181=42p Fabricated)

May 28, 2004-5+28+2+4=39 Invented /5+28+20+40=93-Propaganda

He had died as a result of a friendly fire incident 206=26 Lie (F 421=82p Improvisation) (S 1830/30=61=18p Faked) (E 2276/4=569=104p=14 Sham)

Out of a desire to protect the image of the U.S. military 233=51p Conspiracy, Freemason (F 617=113p Mainstream, DisIhfo, Fiction) (E 3761=523p=99p/3=33 Phony, Laughable)

Tillman was the first professional football player to be killed in combat since Bob Kalsu, who died in the Vietnam War in 1970. Tillman was posthumously laterally promoted from specialist to corporal. He also received posthumous Silver Star and Purple Heart medals.

First professional football player to be killed in combat 229=50p Unrealistic, Fictitious (E 3001=431p=83p=23p Fraud Fantasy) (J 2061/9=229=50p America, Mianstream)

since Bob Kalsu 70,133 This is a Hoax (F 211=47p Contrived) (E 682/22=31 B.S.)

Who died in the Vietnam War 133 This is a Hoax (F 328/8=41Mainstream, Operation, Dishonest) (E 2158/26=83=23p Fraud, Faker. Fantasy)

Does Pat Tillman even he a real person or someone manufactured by the mainstream media. They created a documentary about his life and family/government red tapes which could be yet another manufactured hoax. Was he ever a football player or someone that the media made up????. By the numbers it's undeniable that Pat Tillman is a government psyop to carry out a most underhanded mocking of the American people.


Very interesting -Thanks for posting - Subbed!