THEY have lie to US about everything.......We are all One.

in #truth8 years ago

There are THOSE (THE ELITE or THE CABAL) that want to enslave all of mankind with mental constructs (Illusions) that divide us by Culture, Nationality, Boarders, Skin color, Religion, Science and FEAR and so many others way THEY can devise. i call it the game of DIVISION. We have all heard the term “DIVIDE and CONQUER”.

THEY the Elite believe THEY are the power.

THEY would have us believe that THEY have the Cultural Power, The Religious Power, The Political Power, The Military Power, The Economic Power, and The Scientific Power all in THEIR control.

They Don’t!!

THEY have used the Power of LIES and FEAR for centuries to gain control over We the People.

In reality THEY have no real Power. We the People of Mother Earth are the POWER!!

The only TRUE value on Mother Earth is YOU Brothers and Sisters. Without YOU, YOU’RE Energy nothing comes to realization. NOTHING!!!

We are the MANY they are the VERY FEW.

i know that when we stop playing THEIR game of DIVISION, WE the people of Mother Earth will create a paradise on Mother Earth for ALL of MANKIND.

The future is OURS for the TAKING Brothers and Sisters.

Nothing i will present is mine. It is the work of millions of brothers and Sisters all over Mother Earth over centuries to bring forth the truth of Mankind’s enslavement by a VERY FEW” ELITE” FAMILIES.

There is nothing new under the Sun.

Every so called “Country” is under the control of Maritime Law, The Law of the Sea and that is Commerce. The Law of the Sea belongs too and is control by the Vatican. That has been the true One World Order for centuries.

i will come from the perspective of an American National, since i was born on the land called “America”.

i have always known that something is terribly wrong with how a LEGAL system is used against the Man and Woman, a simulation of Law using Color of LAW but has nothing to do with being Lawful.

i have come to understand that Governments, Religions, Banksters, and Corporations are all COMPLICIT in a grand CONSPIRACY and COLLUSION to enslave each every and Man Woman and Child under THEIR control, to steal our ENERY in the form of "MONEY" in all phases of our life. If THEY cannot control you THEY will destroy then kill you.

You are a HUMAN resource to be used up until your DEATH!!!

THEY have created a system, a private LEGAL system with THEIR own private language, THEIR own private copyrighted Legal dictionaries and created SPELLS to BIND We the People.

The SIGNS, SYMBOLS and LANGUAGE are the real MAGICK of THEIR World.

They are here to force Humanity into debt slaves to service the national debt of every country and create Hugh profits for the VERY FEW. Money they created out of thin air and then charge interest, interest, they never create, so that the DEBT CAN NEVER BE REPAID!!

Today most every/body has a Birth Certificate of Live Birth. That PERSON on that NAMED (title) document, which is a BOND, is under the LAW OF THE SEA. That PERSON; is an ENTITY, a DECEDENT, a CORPSE, a CORPORATION a BONDED SLAVE. That is NOT YOU!!!

Every country is a CORPORATION!! Research this and will find the truth.

In America, just go to Dun & Bradstreet or use google to find this to be true. It is the same with your States, County, Cities, Towns, Villages, Municipalities, and any other name a government body chooses to go by.

It is the same with Police Stations, Sheriff Office's, Court Buildings, all State Houses they are all CORPORATIONS!!!. All of this is out there in the public, seek this truth out.

The Creator created Wo/Man.

Every other title is a mental construct created by Law Merchants (attorneys) to enslave all of Humanity on planet Earth. If you really give this deep thought Brothers and Sisters , you are called a “ HUMAN being”, mental construct created by man, when in reality you are a Divine Sentient BE-ing having this "human" 3D experience in a meat suit (body) given a title, if you where look up the original word HUMAN it is a monster of color.

It is time we all seek the knowledge to free ourselves and our Brothers and Sisters from this world wide tyranny.

That is what i want for all Brothers and Sisters on Mother Earth.

Do not take my word on any thing i share, just do a little research and you will be SHOCKED!!

Time is running out, OUR freedoms are taken away with every bill passed against We the People. POLICY/CODE LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS (police comes from the word policy) are killing We the People at an alarming rate.

COURTS are throwing We the People in jail for commercial crimes when there is no TRUE victim. All crimes are commercial, for HUGE profits writing BONDS against the ALL CAPS NAME, which is NOT YOUR NAME.

Commercial crimes are unlawful.

That is what i share here, for all to find and then go do your own research to seek these truths.

There is but one Law.......... DO NO HARM!!!

Ask your self what kind of WORLD are we leaving our children and grand children if we stand by and do nothing?

  1. If you don't take any credit from the banks, then they can't "destroy" you.
  2. I more or less understand their own secret "language". I have no clue where this comes from.
  3. The banks aren't people. The employees are. The employees aren't necessarily elite. The majority of those who communicate with the "normal" people aren't part of the elite. Maybe wealthy... But they are "normal", too.
  4. Crimes are evil, no matter how you put it. Everybody is aware of their crimes. To act like they were victims cuz "they harmed nobody" is wrong. The actually harm a lot of people. But this would go deep.
  5. The video is from a channel called "UFOTV". Are you serious?

there is a message in everything, thanks for comment.
