Thanks for putting this info out @tremendospercy - the truth needs to be told however shocking, unpleasant or controversial. It’s worth mentioning, in addition to pedo rings in London/DC, the crimes against children (and humanity ) emanating from the Vatican are also staggering. I’m an ex-Catholic who's very aware about the sick tyrants dressed up as dainty prophets in their gilded castles... Utterly damnable hypocrites.
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Yeah I know. I left the religious aspect alone in this post as its a whole subject in itself. And yes it's a worldwide problem but again such a huge undertaking. I believe there is an organised worldwide group as well as national groups. It sickens me.
Those who would drag authentic religion into this seem to be unaware that the entire point of this is to discredit the truth. It has taken a long time, but these monsters have been methodically PLACED into positions of power in the Church. They have the power to take down legitimate, good people from the inside. The crises we see today are the fruits of many years of hard work by the most malevolent of forces. "By their fruits you shall know them"
Institutions are incapable of avoiding being compromised by con men.
The relationship with God (however you view God) is a personal event. There is only one authority over that relationship, and it is you. No other person, group, or even God himself, is in authority over you in that regard. Every attempt to institutionalize religion has similarly been a vehicle for those that intend to commit crimes by using the power of such institutions, and always will be.
I submit that neither you, nor anyone, has the right to authenticate religion. Therefore there is no such thing as an authentic religion.
Indeed, 'By their fruits you shall know them.'
The malevolence of evil men is all that is necessary to pervert the holy. As long as institutions create power, that malevolence will subvert institutions. God does not create institutions, He creates relationships with people.
That alone is incapable of being perverted by malevolence.
I agree, the perverts have infiltrated the institutions where they can access children. The Scout association isn't bad because of a few paedo scout leaders, same goes for the church.
It's the cover ups that are the issue. The church has righted wrongs but still has work to do.