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RE: Creation Truth Short - Age of the Earth

in #truth8 years ago

Hi there @gatmi! I've been away for a while so I haven't had the chance to see your reply earlier.

I'm sorry to say but I find your reply to be intellectually dishonest. If you want to claim that logic is from the devil and the logical arguments are bad than you are not interested in honest conversation, you are not interested in finding what's true, you just want to adhere to your favored mythology. I found myself saying "What!?" and "Wow!" a lot while reading your anti-logic nonsense.

Please keep in mind that all of your arguments are also an attempt at being logical, just not a very good one, but saying that the logical reasons not to believe are from the devil is really the bottom of the intellectual barrel. How do you know that your logic is not from the devil?

Unbelief can never change the truth

The truth is logic is a more reliable path to truth than faith and your unbelief in logic does not and cannot change the truth.

You proudly demand the Creator prove His Spiritual existence

Nope, I demand that you show that what you are preaching is true before you start telling people how to live their lives that they are going to hell and so on. You are the one spreading lies even if you choose not to believe that fact. You are indeed being manipulated but not by me - it's your holy scripture and your preachers that are leading you astray. When I quote scripture to you, it's to show your intellectual dishonesty and/or hypocrisy. Keep in mind that our conversation started from a post of yours that advocates spreading misinformation. You made a claim how we should trust something that is wrong and I called you on it. You made the crazy assertion, it's absolutely consistent of me to ask you for proof for your obviously false statement about the age of the planet we live on. And since you base your nonsense on god, you have to prove god to defend it. But you can't and in your helplessness to do so, you come of with intellectually dishonest rebuttals as claiming that you shouldn't have to prove god because he is such a huge idea or that logic is a bad thing. I'm sorry to say, my friend, this is really bottom of the barrel stuff. I hope you appreciate my honesty here...

ll complex coding language of the genomes and DNA in cells in all of the diversity of creation came from Supreme Intelligence.

That's an idea planted in your head by the devil because he wants to lead you astray from the Great Green Unicorn. You will end up in Green Unicorn Hell! She how stupid this type of "argument" look when somebody else does it.

If you refuse to accept God’s demands to trust in the understanding in your heart of the knowledge of these facts you are unreasonable, and deserve to be damned for your stubborn refusal to believe what He has chosen to provide to you.

Again with the BS about my heart. You have no clue what's in my heart, dude, so stop talking about it. There isn't even a tiny shred of evidence for your make-believe fairy-tale in my heart so stop talking about it as if you know something.

What does it cost you to believe the Gospel Story recorded in Scripture?

The cost of believing falsities is not staying open to finding the truth and taking wrong actions based on wrong information. On top of this, belief in Christian scripture has led to a boatload of atrocities like crusades, inquisitions, holy wars, huge amounts of disgusting torture like sawing people and burning people alive. It has lead to stupid and proud people trying to oppose progress at every step of the way. It was people believing in scripture that opposed Galileo and the truth that the earth in not the center of the Solar System. You see that over and over again with religion. Because it has some fake truth to protect, it has to oppose reality and fact and in this way drags humanity backwards in its knowledge, morality and technology. Need I remind you that your beloved scripture is OK with slavery and it was used by slave-owners to justify it? Need I remind you that your beloved scripture is full of homophobia and genocide? Need I remind of you of Christian terrorism and lives lost to crazy Christians in the past few decades alone? The cost of believing that crap is huge and nobody should be willing to pay it.

What would it cost you to believe in the Green Unicorn and ask him for forgiveness for believing in Jesus Christ who is actually Satan trying to deceive you? This is how stupid your question sounds to me.

Or is it because you want to be your own god and demand The Creator to prove His existence in a way that is satisfying to you before you accept and believe in Him?

If I'm expected to believe anything, I should be given a reason to do so. If I have no reason to believe something, it would be stupid of me to believe it without a reason. It doesn't matter what the claim is, I believe things I have a reason to believe and don't believe things I don't see a good reason to believe. There is nothing prideful or dishonest in that and this is what anybody who cares about the truth should do. People out there believe all kinds of creator fairy-tales like Jesus, Zeus, Allah, Thor, Aten, Ra, Waheguru, Marduk and whatever. If I pick one of those, I need a reason. The question is why are you so prideful to reject Allah or Zeus? They created everything and are all-powerful and you reject them? Everything you accuse me of here is something you do towards other religions but your own. The only difference is that I reject religions because I have though about them and their claims while you haven't. This is one of the reasons I'm calling you out on your intellectual dishonesty here.

Is your eternal soul not even worth the time to search out the historical facts of the life of Jesus Christ revealed in Scripture for yourself? The information is available for anyone that is willing to seek it out.

Oh, I've done my research and find your religions claims unreasonable, self-contradictory and at times clearly false. But have you done your research in the same way about other religions? You haven't! This means that asking that of anybody else is intellectually dishonest.

Is your eternal soul not even worth the time to search out the historical facts about the life of Muhammad revealed in the Quran? The information about Allah is out there for anyone willing to seek it out. Why aren't you seeking it out?

All the best!



You have chosen "your own reasons" to base your beliefs on.

You have chosen "your own moral standards" to measure yourself by.

You are lying to yourself. You are deceiving your own self. Your judgments and opinions of me mean nothing!

God Himself has sent a strong delusion upon your heart so that you will never escape the darkness that covers you until you end up damned and punished eternally, because you refuse to love the truth. Humble your proud heart!

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12)

Now you claim that you can justify yourself, because some "man" doesn't provide convincing proof to "your own satisfaction." That will still not absolve you of personal responsibility for seeking, believing, and obeying the truth. I am a man just like you! You are looking to the wrong person! God is the only One responsible for convincing you of the truth. It is His truth. He is the Source of all truth. Turn to Him! Look to Him for the truth! He is the only One that can open the blinded eyes of your heart, and convince you of the truth, if you truly have a heart for the truth that will allow Him to convince you.

You will not be able to blame anybody on Judgment Day. You will stand alone before God Almighty. All of your logical arguments and reasonings will not change your eternal judgment and destiny! Sober up!

It is tragic that precious people like you suffer the eternal judgment of a righteous and holy God Who compromises His standards for nobody, that refuses to humble themselves, acknowledge their sins against Him, and ask Him Alone to convince them of the truth. He will if you will.

I have nothing to do with it. All of your questions and accusations towards me are just "logical arguments" to keep you deceived and in the dark! It is between you and The Almighty Himself.

And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD. And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh. (Isaiah 66:23-24)
