not a nice female student, but a male puppet of big pharmaone of our most respected science bloggersfaked his scepticism of the truth behind vaccines.Ok, so today we learned that @suesa is , who - together with @reggaemuffin - holds , the charming @scienceangel as a hostage. Also, @alexs1320
So WTF is happening in the steemstem community? Are these just random incidences, or do you see the greater picture, the grad conspiracy behind this fishy science lovers here on our sacred platform? If yes, you won't be surprised that also I have a truth to share.
You thought I was a genuine, sometimes a little too testosteronic independent post-doc researcher in toxicology? I am not.
Let me today reveal that my real name is Monsanto Nestle Glaxo-Bayer von Sandoz, and I do look nothing like this:
I just stole this picture from some lame guy on facebook. In reality I look like this:
As you might have guessed, I am not human.
Let me tell you my story: We von Sandoz' live behind the moon, where we built an apperatus to control the minds of humans ages ago. We fooled you underlings to believe the earth is spheric. It is flat, of course. Columbus was such an easy victim, some hot native chicks and he was ours.
In the 1960s, NASA decided to fly to the moon. This came unexpected, as we didn't forsee our slaves to reach the mental and technical capability to discover us and uncover our plot. So when Neill made his small step, we killed him and his mates. And I travelled back. We later faked the whole thing in a film studio, wasn't a problem to fool humans again, you're a bunch of idiots.
I have one mission, and one mission only, at your planet: to keep you under control, and away from finding the free energy fields on Earth that we need so desperatly for our own kind since the fields on the moon are deplored. Science is the tool to fool you into believing that you understand the world, while in truth, you understand nothing. Big Pharma, vaccinations, chemtrails are perfect ways to inject some brain-controling chemicals as well.
Unfortunatly, on this very platform here, people started to discover and speeking out the real truth. So before you could connect the dots, I decided to pay authors like @suesa for pushing our agenda. He uncovered himself today, but many others are still on the payroll, and will ensure our victory. I am behind every single major science blog here, and even behind some bad-written conspiracy posts. I wrote the anti-vaxx posts by @steemtruth myself, and then debunked them as BS to create the perfect effect on you.
Why am I telling you all this now? Well, today is the 1st of April, so you will think this is all just a joke. You don't believe me anyway, do you?
You see?
Thanks for the attention, and now go on with you petty life, earthling.
It all makes sense now!!! How I wish to still live in the blissful ignorance of March 31st.
Verdammt - Ich war so abgelenkt mit dem Steemitmovie-Scherz, dass ich das hier erst jetzt gelesen habe^^
Kein Problem ;-)
Edit: Notiz an @sco: immer z'serst checken, in welchem account ich bin...sorry
Aber die Posts waren schon gut.
I'm sorry, I just couldn't do it anymore :(
Oh, you will pay the prize, Herbert.
Nah, you need way more STEEM POWER to do that...
I am soley responsible for the STEEM prize drop, to buy it all. Wait and you will see.
This is the perfect explanation how you know all those details about various toxins... You are spreading them. Just as I do. I'm exhaling poisonous CO2 and you don't want to know what is coming out from my other end...
Lot's of methane and some bio-hazard stuff, would be my educated guess? :P
Headspace GC could help to solve the mystery
das zweite ist mein Coverbild für meinen Fake-Facebookaccount
Ist ein Selfie, den ich dann auf Pixabay gestellt habe.
danke dass ich das frei benutzen durfte ;-)
Na ja, "frei" ist relativ. Jeder, der mein Bild benutzt, wird vom eingebauten bot gehackt und dient damit der Welteroberung.
Love the alien face. It reminds me of Indiana Jones 4 where they haha, spoiler alert, meet with aliens. Love Star Wars. Thanks for sharing. I'm Oatmeal. Happy Easter 2018. Yeah. Happy April Fools Day hehe.
very interesting. Can you give me a source to read that stuff up?
No. You're not supposed to believe 😉