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RE: When does a myth become truth Pt7 - The Underground City of Derinkuyu. - Cappadocia - Turkey.

in #truth7 years ago

This is an amazing place... Really enjoyed exploring here.. although a couple of the group were claustrophobic.. which if you are it's not somewhere you want to be lol. Thanks for the thorough history :)


Thank you for popping in babe.
That is so great to here you been to the site, I myself have been to Turkey however sadly I wasn't aware of this site at the time. I must go 😉

hahaha I'm gonna start singing i been everywhere man pretty soon :) (No I still got lots of places to explore!) Its def worth going.. did you just love Turkey?

For sure babe, I love that whole part of the world, I went the fopirst time specifically to visit Ephesus which is another amazing place. Next time will be to see Gobekli tepe. Hopefully Derinkuyu too. 😉