#LARPWars Part 10 - Foxes are Cunning and Duplicitous

in #truth4 years ago


Previous Coverage:

#LARPWars Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

You may remember the Well Traveled Fox, who initially denied being the financier of the ShadowBox operation but later launched a lawsuit against the other members of ShadowBox seeking the return of money she provided to them while they were working together.

A recent counter-claim filed against her by Trevor Fitzgibbon sheds interesting light on the character of this person.

Fox has accused me of faking emails, a claim I vehemently deny. So it is ironic that she is now accused of doing that herself, imagining an email attributed to Trevor which he denies sending:

This is the paragraph referenced:

In writing about this character, it is hard not to notice a trail of broken hearts...

The accusation in a nutshell: Fox knew Trevor was financially ruined by Radack's false prosecution. She sent Trevor money, said she wanted to help and did not want to be repaid. He hired her in December 2017 as a paralegal for his case against Radack. In March 2018 she delivered private information from his case to the opposing party via a black hat hacker, then demanded repayment of the money as it was a loan.

Trevor was investigated criminally for more than a year, and was not charged. He also won in Court against Radack. Text messages from her after the event sure made it seem consensual.

Source: ShadowProof

He then had to sue her again for violating the terms of their settlement agreement.

The Judge found Radack, herself an attorney, in Contempt of Court. He slammed her in a harsh ruling that said he had even considered incarceration for her conduct.

Source: Radsoft News

This Order was made 26 April 2019.

In Trevor's Counter-claim against Fox, new information is revealed about her involvement in these matters:

A double agent.

Looks to me like they were out to get this guy, and this lady was a part of it. She was not acting alone.

Here Ray Johansen appears to be confessing to illegal hacking and insider knowledge of CIA cyber operations. If he truly had the FBI hunting him for 20 years as the mastermind target of Operation BUCCANEER, why would he just so casually reveal it in an email? He thinks it's secure because it's Proton Mail?

This guy was initially friendly towards me:

Then he came out against me, accusing my personal Twitter account @steveouttrim and the one for this blog @burnersdotme of being Thomas Schoenberger sock puppet accounts. It seemed weird and out of the blue, but now makes more sense. It suits Fox for her White Knights Lestat and Ray to spread her anti-Schoenberger propaganda like dozens of accounts are TS - even when real people behind the accounts come forward themselves or get doxed, they persist with these fake narratives.

To me this looks like some sort of operation. Cicada 3301 is a target, WikiLeaks is a target, QAnon is a target. Anonymous may also be a target. We can see some of the operators, the LARPers out there in social media doing the work. It's harder to make our the string pullers, the Shadow Brokers behind the scenes, weaving all these players together and casting them forth with missions and objectives.

Ray had been in communications with Fox for many months when he first approached me, only to turn on me a month later. All part of framing a narrative?

"A woman that had seen what he was planning reached out to me". I'm no lawyer, but this does seem to fit the definition of a conspiracy.

Things didn't go so well for Ray with his girlfriend Bailey, once she worked out he was two-timing her with Fox. Another broken heart.

Ray's OpSec seems pretty poor, publicly bragging about his hacking operations and giving his team instructions in the open on Twitter. It appears attorney Steven Biss was a target of this group as well as his client Trevor Fitzgibbon. Ray is specifically tagging Mexico, Italy, and Sweden, suggesting he has assets in his hacking team in these locations. Lestat is in Mexico, Fox sent Thomas Schoenberger down there to stay with him.

The "third party" interview was with Defango, who has since lost his YouTube channel and "Danger Zone Live" sock puppet account. In the interview Defango also claimed to have been involved in Operation Buccaneer piracy, and knew people from his crew who were now in jail. Not him...of course. Why can certain people openly brag about crimes and never get in trouble for it?

~~~ embed:1239003754063486976?s=20 twitter metadata:c3RldmVvdXR0cmltfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL3N0ZXZlb3V0dHJpbS9zdGF0dXMvMTIzOTAwMzc1NDA2MzQ4Njk3Nnw= ~~~

Strange bedfellows.

The Lure of a Fox

PaxNomad aka Well Traveled Fox has been accused of mind-controlling recruiting men on the Internet to "White Knight" for her operations.

Thomas Schoenberger claims to be a victim of this "honey potting" and points out that her husband works for Schlumberger, a company with a long history of intelligence ties (denied by the CIA). Curiously, Abel Danger co-founder and Jason Goodman sidekick David Hawkins also worked for Schlumberger for many decades before leaving to work for a UK Defence contractor, and claims to have employed Marvin Minsky, Jeffrey Epstein's protege.

More recent public champions include Lestat and dubious Norwegian character Ray Johnansen (the tortured by Hells Angels one, not the Mayor of Oslo one).

These "white knights" appear to be weaponized against the targets of Fox.

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Lestat has accused Defango of trying to infiltrate WikiLeaks via Unity4J

~~~ embed:1237088502321479683?s=20 twitter metadata:amltbXlzbGxhbWF8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vamltbXlzbGxhbWEvc3RhdHVzLzEyMzcwODg1MDIzMjE0Nzk2ODN8 ~~~
~~~ embed:1290185558572990465?s=20 twitter metadata:QVRhZm95b3Zza3l8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vQVRhZm95b3Zza3kvc3RhdHVzLzEyOTAxODU1NTg1NzI5OTA0NjV8 ~~~
~~~ embed:1221449116477284352?s=20 twitter metadata:V2hvUGF5c0Jpc3N8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vV2hvUGF5c0Jpc3Mvc3RhdHVzLzEyMjE0NDkxMTY0NzcyODQzNTJ8 ~~~

Since 2017 Defango has been well funded by The Tanya, wife of attorney Steven Biss. "The Tanya" happens to be the name of the main book of Chabad, a sect based on Jewish mysticism.

In 2017 Fox was part of "US News Corp" with "Trish the Dish", early co-host of Crowdsource the Truth when Jason Goodman & George Webb did their "Dirty Bomb - Maersk Memphis" LARP - which turned out to be fueled by an FBI provocateur "Rock Hudson". Trish and Jason went to the UK and interviewed Craig Murray outside the Ecuadorian Embassy with Julian Assange inside. The "cover story" for the trip was George's "Where is Eric Braverman" LARP.

Fox seems very, very interested in this world of WikiLeaks.

Trevor Fitzgibbon is connected to Julian Assange directly, as well as Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden. The other person connected to all three is John Perry Barlow, but Trevor told me he did not know him.

Fitzgibbon was one of the very first guests on Crowdsource the Truth when George and Jason teamed up - so new that George didn't even get the name of their show right in the interview.

George Webb claims to have known Julian Assange since he was 14, and passed thumb drives to Michael Ratner. Ratner is dead but his sister Ellen has been deeply involved in this plot too, as one of the claimed sources of Ed Butowsky (see #LARPWars Part 3 - Shadowbox).

Butowksy has not been doing very well lately in his various lawsuits and has withdrawn from many of them.

~~~ embed:1329598952489017346?s=20 twitter metadata:U3R1YXJ0QmxhdWdydW5kfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL1N0dWFydEJsYXVncnVuZC9zdGF0dXMvMTMyOTU5ODk1MjQ4OTAxNzM0Nnw= ~~~

Coincidence Theory

I've been unpacking this LARPWars story for a few years now. 2016 brought us DNC and Podesta leaks, #SethRich and #Pizzagate; in 2017, the Las Vegas massacre and #QAnon; in 2018-19, #IsaacKappy.

It's remarkable how so many massive stories with huge international geopolitical implications relate back to a small cluster of characters, who keep appearing across what are ostensibly unconnected narrative streams.

Q has posted about "coincidence" 264 times, 5.33% of posts.

I do believe that coincidences exist, and sometimes are nothing more than that. However there is a threshold, a Coefficient of Coincidence. Q has alluded to this too, 5 mentions was enough to make "How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?" a catchphrase of the movement:

For each person the Coefficient seems to vary, for me after 3 coincidences I become quite suspicious and once it gets into double-digits I'm convinced.

A lot of the coincidences in this LARPwars story seem to cluster around WikiLeaks.

Wiki Infiltraitors

Lestat has repeatedly attacked Unity4J Founder Suzy Dawson. Like Edward Snowden, Suzy has relocated to Russia as a political cyber-exile. You can read the story of her harassment here.

When the world was against Trevor, Suzy and Elizabeth Lea Vos of Disobedient Media were among the few who publicly stood up for him. Both have been attacked by Lestat.

In #LARPWars Part 5 we showed evidence that Defango asked Lestat for help in gathering a paid troll army.

Lestat denies that he actually did this in response to Defango's request. He continued to work with Defango for months afterwards before their inevitable "falling out", which seems to happen with remarkable frequency between these characters (Lestat is @Atfoyovsky, Defango this month is @propernes):

Shadow Box, Silent Partner

One could call December 2017 "the height of ShadowBox" - the "Jason Goodman/Arnon Milchan CIA Source Bacon Confirmed" LARP was being launched by Defango, with a failed attempt to "launder" the disinfo through Dave Acton.

Defango and Thomas Schoenberger had not yet holed up in a hotel suite working on their master plan. Fox had not yet sent TS a mushy Valentine's Day card:

Here's what Fox had to say about Trevor later on:

“Defango and Trevor decided to go behind our back and start their own company, Silent Partner, without telling us. And when that happened it killed the company…Trevor got $11,000.”

The Silent Partner Steemit account was created December 7 2017, and was immediately endorsed by Defango and Frank Bacon.

If we are to believe what she told Lift The Veil, then when she said Trevor was "going behind our back" starting a company with Defango (our meaning herself and Thomas Schoenberger), in fact he was hiring her to be his paralegal assistant.

Silent Partner is the name of Trevor's company, which according to LinkedIn he founded in January 2015. The domain history for the silentpartner.io domain name somewhat supports this, although there is nothing at the site or in the Internet archive. I can't find any records of this company on the Internet.

Source: LinkedIn

In a May 2017 PR Week interview Trevor said his company was called Mission Critical Media.

He said he is currently working with Rudy Giuliani and the Trump campaign, which seems ironic given MAGACo infiltraitor Defango first met Trevor in 2008 when they were both working on the Obama campaign.

Source: LinkedIn

Trevor seems to have had a falling out with David Brock of Media Matters. It was then that the Machine seemed to turn on him. Backlash for #Pizzagate and the Podesta leaks?

In June this year Trevor published on Medium a statement back-dated to January 25, 2020 (before Fox's lawsuit was filed on March 16):

Source: Medium

The attorney he is referring to is Steven Biss, married to "the" Tanya Biss - see LARPWars Part 8

The #MeToo Attack Vector

It is interesting that they went after Trevor, Julian Assange, and WikiLeaks' Jacob Appelbaum with the by-now-familiar "#MeToo" attack vector.

Suzy Dawson has exposed a few instances of this.

~~~ embed:1138022578214383616?s=20 twitter metadata:U3V6aTNEfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL1N1emkzRC9zdGF0dXMvMTEzODAyMjU3ODIxNDM4MzYxNnw= ~~~

Defango has claimed a few times to know Jacob Appelbaum. He has also accused people of being a rapist, without evidence.

Knowing that this attack vector is part of a playbook helps to understand why it is seen so frequently on social media:

The Pedo Attack Vector

There was also a failed attempt to cast Julian Assange as a pedophile that was traced by Anons back to a San Francisco Bay Area tech company connected to the Clintons and Epstein pal Larry Summers, and connected to Noam Chomsky.

Few people today understand that exposing the global pedo cult was one of the first things addressed by WikiLeaks - and by Q.

Watch Titus Frost's excellent new documentary about The Syndicate. Why do people come out so hard to attack him personally - but can't address any of the evidence presented?

Who are the truth-tellers? Who are the gatekeepers? Who are the spellcasters? Who is really on the side of good, and who is LARPing as a white knight? By their fruits shall ye know them.

We report. You decide. #LARPWars

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://burners.me/2020/11/24/larpwars-part-10-foxes-are-cunning-and-duplicitous/