Millie Freed & Cashed Up; Illuminati Recruiter Defango MAGA Coalition's Biggest Donor [Updates]

in #truth4 years ago (edited)

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The ShadowGate controversy discussed in my last post has caused a ripple across the Internet. This seems to have been some sort of surprise attack on InfoWars. Was any new information actually released? Bergy's stuff checks out from what I've seen so far, but there was a lot more in my August 2017 documentary Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon - the Shadow History of Burners Part 7 - Social Engineering on the Electronic Frontier.

Look at who's being made to look good, who's being made to look bad, who's telling the truth and who is spreading easily disprovable lies. Who's on what side, and who's on no side but the truth? Follow the money.

Millie Weaver's ShadowGate documentary, featuring Patrick Bergy and Tore Says, has already been pulled from YouTube, after hitting a couple of million views in its first day or two. It's still at Bitchute.

Disabled veteran Patrick Bergy in this situation appears to be someone with very little to gain. He is sleeping in a tent and driving places on his Harley when he can afford the gas (Bikers for Trump).

Tore's claim to have seen Hillary's emails is a little Bad Volfy, if you know what I mean.

Anti-InfoWars conspiracy trending? Source: Trendsmap

Patrick may have been duped into blowing his Qui Tam whistleblower lawsuit by releasing this documentary, which seems mirrored on the earlier success of "Out of Shadows" propelled by "ex" CIA agent Kevin Shipp - where we see the same pattern: launched on Jason Goodman's channel, then has a falling out with Goodman, gets "debunked" by Defango, etc.

Like so many "ex" intelligence people, Patrick Bergy got his alt-media start on Jason Goodman's "Crowdsource the Truth" channel. Soon after he was interviewed by George Webb, and soon after that he filed his "qui tam" lawsuit - just like George's brother Dave did in the 1990s against the CIA (legitimate documentation that he is on the side of truth and justice and not the clowns, in my opinion).

Out of Shadows, ShadowGate, ShadowNet, ShadowBox, Shadow's a shadowy world of swampy LARPers.

Just how involved are the usual suspects in this latest parapolitical event?


Moms Who Meddle

There's a rumor going round that Millie Weaver is related to Tracking the Leopard Meroz's Jacquelyn Weaver, which would be #BigIfTrue.

Alex Jones' ex-wife came out to explain what she thinks was behind the situation:

The local paper cast this in the headline as something to do with InfoWars, while acknowledging in the story that it was a domestic dispute:

Her Mom explained the situation on YouTube, which looks to be fairly accurate (albeit trailer park-ish):

Source: Twitter

Millie has now been freed. Her answers to the crowd of supporters indicate the Mom story is probably plausible:

Coincidence Theory

In a bizarre twist of LARP fate, Millie's cellmate while imprisoned was also in for the exact same crime of cellphone burglary and was also wrongly accused.

Coincidence Theorists will say that over any T period of time with X number of prisoners, Y number of crimes, and Z number of cells, it is just random chance and no big deal that two prisoners within population X who committed the same crime Y just happened to be in the same cell within population Z at the same time T...AND one of them ALSO PURELY BY COINCIDENCE had an explosive new documentary on Deep State use of information warfare tools to manipulate elections that they were uploading as they were arrested. #YMMV.

On this blog we count coincidences, and don't worry, there are plenty more.

Once the coincidence coefficient exceeds the LARP threshold, we can say with a high degree of confidence that we are dealing with an engineered event.

It's up to each reader to decide how many coincidences there can be before it exceeds their LARP threshold. For some it's a hundred; mine is about 3. We're already above that and the story's just warming up.

The Sheriff had the warrant for 3 weeks before executing - although the incident happened in April. The date of the Secret Indictment was July 20 2020. The timing of the arrest seems perfectly synchronized with her documentary's launch, PFC Bergy being in Austin, and also a different simultaneous attack on InfoWars from the journalist credited with de-platforming them previously - another coincidence that seems #HighlySuspicious.

I remind you, dear reader/Cryptobeast viewer, of my 20 Signs of a #govLARP:

We could play Bingo with this story.

Social Media Takes Sides

Mark Dice shared some further details:

~~~ embed:1295128693187084288?s=20 twitter metadata:TWFya0RpY2V8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vTWFya0RpY2Uvc3RhdHVzLzEyOTUxMjg2OTMxODcwODQyODh8 ~~~

Some of the LARPers seemed strangely muted:

~~~ embed:1295411339209441280?s=20 twitter metadata:SmFja1Bvc29iaWVjfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0phY2tQb3NvYmllYy9zdGF0dXMvMTI5NTQxMTMzOTIwOTQ0MTI4MHw= ~~~

Even the artist formerly known as Q was on the case:

Follow the Money

So far Millie has raised almost $175,000 dollars in about 3 days.

First there was Rebel Media mogul Ezra Levant's highly publicized GoFundMe, with an initial goal set of $20,000:

Virgo Triad identified a number of other fundraising efforts:

We haven't seen fundraising like this since Robyn Gritz ($53,742) bought a Passat or Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford paid off her Palo Alto house extensions ($647,610) or beefed up her security ($209,982) and Endowment ($34,400) and even got a Bonus Fund ($48,828). Let's not forget Jerome Corsi's legal expenses ($37,116) or his previous kind efforts ($25,000) to help a young gay man with an experimental treatment from an Israeli oncologist who allegedly treated Dr Corsi's wife but appears not to exist.

Ezra Levant also recently promoted a fundraiser for alt-media journalist Cassandra Fairbanks, which raised $24,500 of their $10,000 goal:

Source: GoFundMe

Private First Class Bergy

PCF Bergy did a 2 hour interview with We've Read the Documents. He sounds pretty genuine to me, although perhaps not a deep thinker (an observation not meant as a criticism) he seems to be a patriot prepared to sacrifice his own wellbeing to do the right thing.

He speculated in this interview that if Alex Jones had seen the documentary before it had been uploaded, it may never have seen the light of day - and this was confirmed by the cops showing up and Alex's reaction. The documentary mentions IW team-mate Roger Stone as well as his former business partner Paul Manafort connected to the shadowy world of information operations.

He went to Alex saying "I've come to the conclusion that ironically enough you're like the one person in media I could trust":

Bergy is not pleased with Steven Biss client Dan Bongino. Alex says that Bongino's family were threatened.

Alex's first reaction on hearing this news was to distance himself from Millie Weaver, which may have been a surprise to those behind this operation. Alex has good instincts after decades of being at the front lines of the Info Wars. They may have been setting her up to take him down, is my speculation:

Alex Jones responded to accusations that he engineered this as some sort of stunt. He thinks it was strange that Bergy was in Austin to see him but he couldn't see the movie before the interview...and the documentary he funded is designed to cast Roger Stone as "some sort of kingpin":

"It's the weirdness of being crapped on and it then being rubbed in".

It does seem that Roger Stone and Alex Jones may have been the targets of this attack, with Millie Weaver as collateral damage (or a conscious LARP participant, who was handsomely rewarded for charges that will almost certainly be pled down if not dropped entirely). It is certainly curious that so much of this stuff happens around Ohio (Wexner's home base) and Florida (Epstein's home base). MacDill AFB in Tampa is where Bergy was stationed, we know this to be home of the U.S. Cyber Command and the Center of Weaponized LARPing because this was mainstream media news in 2011.

Were George Webb and Robert David Steele involved? The whole episode seems to rhyme with their previous attacks on InfoWars in 2017.

Since leaving Austin PFC Bergy has done a complete 180 and is calling for a Boycott of Alex Jones - an interesting choice of words, when you consider who might be behind such organized LARP operations.

~~~ embed:0K4f9g56Ipg youtube ~~~

Millie has now been fired, so let's see what the backlash is.

~~~ embed:1296140195604168714?s=20 twitter metadata:TWlsbGllX19XZWF2ZXJ8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vTWlsbGllX19XZWF2ZXIvc3RhdHVzLzEyOTYxNDAxOTU2MDQxNjg3MTR8 ~~~

The Usual Suspects

Bergy has been attacked by all the usual gatekeepers, the same crew who have come after me, which is a further testament to his legitimacy.

Jason Goodman was the first to interview Bergy, and the first to turn on him:

~~~ embed:AsSgppErLdc youtube ~~~

Same deal with George Webb:

Kevin Marsden aka "Agent SERCO" asks some good questions:

Enter the DMT Gang

ShadowBoxer Defango has come out hard to attack the participants (never the information itself, always just character assassination and smears):

~~~ embed:dtA-YQOPTu0 youtube ~~~
~~~ embed:dsPi6ekAa-I youtube ~~~
~~~ embed:mH4UPXDWo_8 youtube ~~~

It seems ironic (#CoincidenceCounter) that Partick Bergy was part of the IT team for John McCain's Presidential run in his home state of Arizona in 2008 while Defango was there volunteering for Obama For America at ASU. His boss at the time Brittany Kaiser was featured in Millie's documentary (#CoincidenceCounter). She's also in the Netflix documentary The Great Hack, related to how Steve Bannon and the Mercers company Cambridge Analytica obtained the Facebook social graph in a cunning "hack without hacking" and used advanced technology to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. Defango has claimed to have been involved in this, just like he claimed to have been involved in the NGP-VAN database system related to the infamous "Seth Rich Files".

#FakeNews From The Cohort

Defango's DMT co-hosts also had words for the whistleblowing journalists:

~~~ embed:1294679588069683209?s=20 twitter metadata:R2FiZUhvZmZ8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vR2FiZUhvZmYvc3RhdHVzLzEyOTQ2Nzk1ODgwNjk2ODMyMDl8 ~~~
~~~ embed:1294657302201536516?s=20 twitter metadata:R2FiZUhvZmZ8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vR2FiZUhvZmYvc3RhdHVzLzEyOTQ2NTczMDIyMDE1MzY1MTZ8 ~~~
~~~ embed:1294644681301729281?s=20 twitter metadata:R2FiZUhvZmZ8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vR2FiZUhvZmYvc3RhdHVzLzEyOTQ2NDQ2ODEzMDE3MjkyODF8 ~~~

As we have come to expect now from this crew, they are spreading disinformation yet again. The indictment came from a County Court, not Federal. It is a domestic dispute over a $50 cellphone, and the victim - Millie's mother - has signed a notarized affidavit saying she doesn't think any charges are warranted.

You really think the police waiting on the warrant for 4 weeks and arresting her the moment she is uploading a Deep State documentary is NOT related? That this is merely a legitimate burglary they are prosecuting through normal means, with just a strange number of coincidences attached?

Who Are These LARPers?

When given the chance to confirm, deny, or the Company's standard policy of refusing to do either, Leppo chose "confirm" as his response. Defango chose "deny, and accuse your opponent of pedo stuff":

~~~ embed:1295751828454248448?s=20 twitter metadata:Y2l0aXplbnpvbmV8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vY2l0aXplbnpvbmUvc3RhdHVzLzEyOTU3NTE4Mjg0NTQyNDg0NDh8 ~~~

"Who do you want dead? Some blogger in New Zealand?"
~~~ embed:1295797740299882497?s=20 twitter metadata:c3RldmVvdXR0cmltfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL3N0ZXZlb3V0dHJpbS9zdGF0dXMvMTI5NTc5Nzc0MDI5OTg4MjQ5N3w= ~~~
~~~ embed:1295842754077982720?s=20 twitter metadata:QVRhZm95b3Zza3l8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vQVRhZm95b3Zza3kvc3RhdHVzLzEyOTU4NDI3NTQwNzc5ODI3MjB8 ~~~

ShadowBroker's Illuminati Party

Lestat found a very interesting clip proving even more connections between Defango and the Illuminati. The first clip here is Defango acknowledging his presence at an Illuminati party when he claims to have shared the idea for #QAnon with Jack Posobiec and others:

~~~ embed:1295835210005639168?s=20 twitter metadata:Y2l0aXplbnpvbmV8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vY2l0aXplbnpvbmUvc3RhdHVzLzEyOTU4MzUyMTAwMDU2MzkxNjh8 ~~~
~~~ embed:1295860777828487169?s=20 twitter metadata:c3RldmVvdXR0cmltfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL3N0ZXZlb3V0dHJpbS9zdGF0dXMvMTI5NTg2MDc3NzgyODQ4NzE2OXw= ~~~

MAGACo Loves Illuminati

A Ninjet is the largest donation item you can give on dLive. MAGACo gave Defango one for talking about his Illuminati recruitment site (pictured below). His attempts to explain this away may have created some FEC issues for this PAC - which may have been his intention all along. Once upon a time MAGACo was going to sue #QAnon in multiple jurisdictions. Now it turns out Defango, who claims to be #QAnon's creator, was also their biggest donor.

Only problem? None of his donations to or receipts from this FEC-registered PAC show up at Open Secrets.

~~~ embed:1295889442968723456?s=20 twitter metadata:c3RldmVvdXR0cmltfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL3N0ZXZlb3V0dHJpbS9zdGF0dXMvMTI5NTg4OTQ0Mjk2ODcyMzQ1Nnw= ~~~
~~~ embed:1295894150877855744?s=20 twitter metadata:c3RldmVvdXR0cmltfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL3N0ZXZlb3V0dHJpbS9zdGF0dXMvMTI5NTg5NDE1MDg3Nzg1NTc0NHw= ~~~

Brendon O'Connell has his own take on this operation:

~~~ embed:6NOV86r1uDk youtube ~~~

[Update Aug 19 2020 9:36pm]

Predictably, Defango has denied everything here and called it all lies, without giving any indication that he even bothered to read the whole post.

He said his donations to the MAGA Coalition PAC don't count as anything required to be disclosed to the FEC because they were "after it became an LLC".

I could only find one company called MAGA Coalition Incorporated in Florida, an Inc not an LLC. Adam Gingrich and Glenn Herman and Ginger McQueen are listed as Directors, all sharing the same address in Tampa.

Their Principal Address in Tampa is a serviced office practically next door to MacDill AFB:

This organization was created in Florida as a domestic non-profit in August 2017 and filed for voluntary dissolution on 29 January 2020. The MAGA Coalition Political Action Committee was officially dissolved by the FEC on 31 January 2020.

For some reason Glenn Herman issued a statement that he was leaving the MAGA Coalition many months after this dissolution, whining on April 26 2020 "I no longer felt my participation was valued nor was it wanted. I was being filibustered and talked over. I no longer felt relevant." I guess he feels valued and wanted now over at the DMT Defamation Show.

The Illuminati show I posted screenshots of above, streamed Nov 9 2019 was just one of many in 2019 where Defango received large cryptocurrency donations from certain of the people around him. Here is the MAGA Coalition Inc. Termination Report filing from dated January 29 2020. It covers the entirety of 2019, every single transaction of the organization including things like $4.99 to GoDaddy:


Every receipt and disbursement in 2019 is listed. There is nothing at all for their largest donor Manuel Chavez III alias Defango alias the Illusiveman alias LARPWars alias Citizen Zone alias...etc.

Another Defango story that falls apart when we read the documents.


I note also that Defango's "got a real job" tale doing tech support and breaking logging into people's computers all day long has changed from Apple a couple of weeks ago when he did his "big reveal" to Microsoft today.

[Update 20 Aug 10:17am]

Lift the Veil has just released a very interesting segment on this story.

He revealed some bombshell information - that Tore Says aka Tore Maras-Lindeman received action from the Department on the Justice on the same day that Millie Weaver was arrested.

Turns out it was actually August 7. A default judgement against her was issued.

Source: Minot Daily News

The failed event Magic City Christmas 2017 was going to star Benghazi's Chris "Tonto" Paronto, Kaya Jones (Pussycat Dolls member who called it a prostitution ring), Jason Crabb, "Political Cowboy" Chad Prather and Corey Feldman.

It seems 2 years ago Tore tried to run for Mayor in North Dakota. Part of her platform was criticizing alleged crimes of the Attorney General's office - for which they tried to silence her in 2018.

It is interesting that Τερψιχορη Terpsichore P Maras alias Tore is of Greek descent, see my recent post #LARPWars Part 8 - The Trainwreck of the Tanya.

The #QAnon community seems to be against Tore, claiming her military service record does not check out.

Questions were being asked about her in February of this year:

This profile at Together We Served is highly decorated. Tore says she did not create it and it is not hers.

It seems strange that someone would be trying to set her up in 2010, when she was just beginning her trafficking research and had not launched publically as a whistleblower. The site was also updated in 2012.

A previous version of her resume listed her attending Columbia University, later changed to Harvard.

Here is another site with a completely different version of "Dr Lindeman"'s resume:



Defango and others are suggesting that Barry Mervyn Lindeman of Minot, North Dakota is Tore's husband; I haven't been able to verify that yet, but her husband's name is Barry.

Barry Lindeman confessed to sexually assaulting a 10 year old child (and possibly a second victim) and faces life in prison. It seems strange that the local media reporting on this case and Tore's case would not connect the two together, if indeed they were husband and wife. If they're not, then ask yourself why is disinformation about this being pushed?

Charges filed in child sexual assault investigation in Ward County

Comments from the local Facebook page of Minot Daily News at the time of Barry's arrest suggest a connection:

Source: Facebook

North Dakota Highway Patrol and "dignitary protection services" were sent to Tore's house in March 2019 after she made online comments to a Native American about children going missing:

Facebook screenshot
Source: HPR

Tore claims this was an accidental reply to the wrong comment and thus taken out of context. Here she explains KX4 News that she has been investigating child trafficking networks for 10 years and worked with Danny Fuller for 2 years investigating Native American trafficking before he was executed by the police.

She used to be a voice actor "soothing, sexy, professional and narrative"



Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


After watching what Kaitlin Bennett had to say, I rewatched Shadowgate. Now, correct me if I'm wrong but I think the documentary talks about PRISM but refers to it by some other names I think. I can't say there are not other NSA secret programs that are connected or other things. So, I don't want to say there are not bits and pieces of truth regarding that. But if they didn't mention Snowden or PRISM, than that is too bad. They could have at least mentioned any of those two things. They could have mentioned Infowars, Project Veritas, or even WIkileaks. The documentary covers bits and pieces of things that other people have already covered. I am still studying this story. I feel that Kaitlin may be right regarding what she was saying in her video.