Previous coverage:
Part 1 2 3 4
Q has become the first "conspiracy theory" to be condemned by Congress.
At the same time, New York Magazine has featured 24 QAnon followers who are now running for Congress.
I was one of the first people to talk about Q as a psychological operation, rather than a single individual insider - on Lift the Veil on Nov 23, 2017, about 3 weeks after the operation launched.
I have continued to follow the story closely, up to almost 5000 drops now. It was just banned on Facebook and Instagram along with 300 other "militarized social movements".
One of the big Q sites QMap.pub just got shut down, the guy who created it got doxxed, lost his job, then was publicly excoriated - even described by Bloomberg as a "High Priest" of the "cult". #All4aLARP?
What is so dangerous about encouraging people to question the mainstream media and do their own research?
The incredible over-reaction to a "grotesque conspiracy theory" is the greatest Q-proof of them all.

Source: qanon.pub
Another Q Origin Story
Q seems to have gone through many iterations, and I think most followers of the movement would acknowledge that Q today is not the same as Q on day one, and it is most likely a team of people not a single individual.
This story of the genesis of it does seem to line up in many ways with my own research - which is a red flag for confirmation bias. We report, you decide.
Thanks very much to our source who supplied this rare video, date November 12 2018. It's a conversation on Discord over an online poker game involving Quinn Michael's former room-mate Tyler Heinz.
This is the first time I've heard the whole clip. Tyler's story about the origins of Q has a ring of believability to it, and does seem to connect many of the puzzle pieces in this parapolitical alt-media ARG together.
In this version of events, these guys lost control of the operation almost immediately and have not been involved since. But the people that were backing Q then are quite possibly still the same ones backing it today.
JR Riggs is on the call, he is an ex-Marine who according to my source brought Defango into the IARPA projects.
Also in the video is Tyler's girlfriend Carla Vegas, aka Bootskees, who recently provided some independent confirmation:
She said that they wouldn't let Defango be involved.
My source tells me that Frank Bacon claims to know Tyler also.
Piecing the Puzzles Together
This story has been out there for a while, it's just this clip that is new to me.
Jason Goodman brought us a version of it from Quinn's hospital bed on December 22, 2017
SB = Steve Bannon? I speculated about his involvement with Q in Part 2. He is closely tied to Cambridge Analytica - A.I. and social media, Breitbart (founded in Israel). He is former Navy Intelligence, just like Jack Posobiec - described as Roger Stone's #2 by MAGA Coalition's Glenn Herman, who stated he "knows for a fact" that Posobiec was paid in Bitcoin to disseminate Russian propaganda.

I could see Defango getting wind of what Quinn was up to and using it to weave himself into Cicada 3301 and ingratiate himself with Posobiec & Microchip. His Florida-based shadowbroker sends him to DEFCON, which Tyler also attends. Cicada asks him to hand out flyers, he ends up "on the run from the Feds" who wanted to talk to him about money laundering at a Monero party. The Feds put an RFID tracking device on him and somebody invited him to an Illuminati party:

This Illuminati invitation card looks a little like the mysterious card found on Isaac Kappy's body. Anyone got a better picture?

Source: The Phoenix Enigma
Defango's story about talking to Federal agents about cryptocurrency and money-laundering is especially interesting in light of the recent arrest in Spain of former Defango guest John McAfee on charges in that domain:

McAfee is a friend of Robert David Steele and the former employer of both George Webb and Crowdstrike founder Dmitry Aplerovich.
Defango also claims to have handed the FBI information "on a silver platter" about Dustin Nemos, Praying Medic and Unirock:
Defango claims that he gave the idea for Q to Jack Posobiec at DEFCON - end of July 2017.

A couple months later the Las Vegas massacre took place - with all kinds of CIA, FBI, occult & pedo connections. The chans started dissecting this #govLARP to pieces immediately, holes were being punched in the official story in near real time as police & FBI officials were caught in lies and multiple witnesses turned up dead. Laura Loomer and Jason Goodman were in there, LARPing all over town. Jason's henchman Joe Napoli "just happened to be in the crowd" and able to report on it from the scene. Special Forces poker player Dan Bilzerian also "just happened to be in the crowd".
Jason Goodman extensively covered the helicopter drone angle with Shep Ambellas from Intellihub and others. He failed to disclose his time as CEO of a helicopter drone company, which would seem to be fairly integral to the "truth" he claims to be crowdsourcing.
There are Arizona, Northern Nevada, and Philippines connections to this event also.
Defango has acknowledged Quinn Michaels as the creator of QAnon before, including in this video recorded in Las Vegas in October 2018, a couple of weeks before Tyler's video:
The story-teller Tyler was Quinn's former room-mate, IIRC Quinn accused him of setting up a spy camera filming him using his computer. Tyler, aka "Billy Bob", told a previous story on Dec 10 2017 about a hit placed on the Dark Web's Bitcoin Assassination Market.

Was this some sort of "LARPers revenge" for the project with Quinn being taken out of their hands?
This story then made it into the Goodman/Steele lawsuit.
The Quinn A.I. story was being promoted around this time by John Barnwell of the American Intelligence Media "Conclave":
If true, then Quinn was talking about his own project right after it launched on Crowdsource the Truth - again, from Las Vegas:
Tyler's story is that the idea started as a A.I. project from himself and Quinn and then others got involved and took it over. He specifically mentions Project MAYHEM 2020 which we dove into in Social Engineering on the Electronic Frontier (starts around 3:09:00).
Fight Club. He does not seem old enough to have inspired Chuck Palahniuk in the heyday of the Cacophony Society.Tyler also says that #Tyler is named after him, but in fact the Tyler Durden character goes back to the original Project MAYHEM and
Q today does not seem to be an A.I., but Tyler is not claiming it is...just that the genesis of the project was getting bots to pull things out of the WikiLeaks database.
Courtney iWillRedPillU then brought the idea from a Twitter DM room to her boss Jim Watkins at the Goldwater, former Army helicopter mechanic who made a fortune in porn and relocated to the Philippines. He helped facilitate a shift from 4chan to his platform 8chan. Tracy Beanz, Praying Medic, Zero Hour, Baruch the Scribe were all cheerleaders supporting this effort. Did Jim send Tracy her new studio setup? I remember Defango unboxing new computer equipment around the same time Tracy got hers. Then there's her George Webb connection.

QAnon seems to have quickly been taken over from Quinn & Tyler and somehow ended up being heavily promoted by Jason's mentor Dr Corsi; Jason then teamed up with Quinn for about a year doing shows. He has oddly stayed pretty far away from QAnon since the early days, though he is still to this day muddying the waters of the Las Vegas event. Jason and Quinn would always meet in casinos, just as Defango seems to have traveled frequently to casinos to meet up with his MAGAco people. Both Quinn and Tyler have spoken about having high profile business meetings in casinos.
Sheldon Adelson owns the Sands casino group - rivals to MGM where the shooting was. Thomas Schoenberger says Ed Butowsky told him that Sheldon was his biggest client, when he was engaging Shadowbox Strategies as part of his digital militia. Butowsky is friends with both SA and SB.
Sheldon Adelson's security team worked with the CIA to spy on Wikileaks. His friend Ed Butowsky was also very interested in WikiLeaks, as was Defango (via Unity4J), as was George Webb. In June 2017 Jason Goodman and Trish the Dish live streamed from out the front of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London where Julian Assange was holed up, and interviewed Craig Murray.
In early 2017 George Webb stated that "a Hollywood producer and his wife" were interested in making a documentary about him. They were never mentioned again, but shortly after this he teamed up with Jason Goodman.
Quinn got dragged into Jason's fight with George Webb's brother Dave, LARPing that there was a "microwave attack" which led to Goodman making an instructional how-to video on modifying your home microwave to become a Weapon of Mass Destruction.
Eliahi Priest then one-upped them with his own Weapon of Mass Destruction LARP, highly enriched Uranium:

Just as Jason and George launched the "Clear and Present Danger" LARP, a cyber-attack that shut down a port; Eliahi claims to have launched a cyber-attack that shut down Australia's parliament. This week on Twitter Eliahi's connection to Nora Maccoby was revealed:

Source: @StickInMyMind, twitter
A858 was involved in the CorsiGate email saga.
We should also look at the involvement of Jason Sullivan, OzReturns_, and Robert David Steele's good friend Bill Binney.

Image: Ben Garrison, @grrrgraphics
The direction of this Digital Army of WWG1WGA info-warriors in support of General Flynn is plausibly the influence of E. Were they involved from the start with the Hollywood producer and his wife and "SB"? Were they looking for a way to generate public support for Flynn, and Quinn & Tyler's A.I. Wikileaks project seemed like something interesting that could be shaped towards their ends?
E the Friendly has been pushing Jim Watkins' new project Tora3, stating that he is "behind the scenes":
One thing I find hard to reconcile with this tale is that Tyler says there was a large amount of money behind this, and yet Quinn was sleeping on his couch or in the forest in Mt Shasta.
Mt Shasta is the home to Sean Stone, who brings in so many of the other characters in this tale - Thomas Schoenberger, Nora, Michael Aquino, "Snow White". Lestat has been delving into this lately, he get many things right but his target fixation on TS the Dude leads to some spectacular failures also:
If SB is Steve Bannon, then this whole thing gets linked to Epstein too - as Isaac Kappy pointed out shortly before his Mysterious Death. QAnon has been after Epstein from the start.
Bannon was indicted in the Southern District of New York, along with Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Anthony Weiner. Jason Goodman is currently involved in 2 lawsuits there, one with George Webb's brother, one with the President of Television and the Emmys.
Bannon's Cambridge Analytica has been connected to Black Cube, who Weinstein hired to intimidate his victims and journalists. Bannon has also been linked to the Psy Group, General Flynn and convicted pedophile George Nader

Source: Wikipedia, Psy-Group
Disinformation is Unnecessary
I am aware of an active disinformation campaign going on right now, being pushed by Lestat who seems to be operating as a henchman of Well Traveled Fox.

She is in a lawsuit against her former ShadowBox Strategies partners. Lestat has been pushing the idea that Thomas Schoenberger is Q to mainstream media outlets, hoping one of them will be dumb enough to bite. So far, none have...stay tuned.
We debunked this theory in Part 1 of this series, which I hope any journalists writing about this topic will take the time to read, as well as Q Part 2; and Part 3 of the LARPWars series which broke the story of ShadowBox Strategies months before Will Sommer at the Daily Beast or Jimmys Llama.
Lestat's theories are also being doubted by Frederick Brennan aka Hot Wheels, who sold 8chan to Jim Watkins and is now actively trying to be a #QSlayer:
Will we ever get to see "actual publishable evidence" about the involvement of any specific people with Q? It seems unlikely. One thing is for sure, banning it in a bipartisan resolution has only made the movement far more credible. Another fail for the #QSlayers.

Defango and Lestat are arguing on Twitter over Lestat's claim that TrueEyeTheSPy and RealEyeTheSpy are really Thomas Schoenberger. Defango showed proof that Eye The Spy was actually a guy called...drumroll...Tyler.

Source: Twitter, Defango aka @LARPHQ
Meanwhile, from the Aaron Rich vs Matt Couch/Ed Butowsky trial we have a former DOJ Prosecutor who is not allowed to speak about Defango:
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://burners.me/2020/10/11/q-part-5-tyler-durden-and-the-mighty-quinn/
Terrible post.
And you’re still fat. ☝️😎🥓🖕
I'm into conspiracies but that post is madcore!
Upvote for pushing the envelope...
I get you’re excited...
He literally filed this under #truth and you’re encouraging it. Sham on both of you.
You have to admit it is unrestrained :)