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RE: The Weaponization of Social Media

in #truth7 years ago (edited)

Brilliant video as always James.
The masses have fallen into the social media bear trap and the only way out is to switch off, buts let's face it, it ain't gonna happen. They're too dependant on the validation they feel they get for their posting of bullshit pictures of holiday meals and inane twittering.
I fear Steemit has already been infiltrated and those who believe it is uncensorable are sadly deluded. Censorship is easy on a platform that rewards content but allows the richest account holders to remove rewards, as soon as governments realise that the truth posts will be flagged out of existence leaving the Facebook style crap that pervades the platform. The good news is though that they may censor by removing rewards but they can't delete the work off the blockchain.
Thanks for keeping it real dude, you're the best.


Sadly, I have to agree with much of what you say. I find it all rather depressing. I left FB many years ago partly because of the collective insanity on display. There are many people doing good work to expose the rampant injustices in this world committed by big money and their puppet politicians.
However, such people only touch the minds of small minority at best.
I do believe that we can take some comfort from studying how mass consciousness can change quickly in periods of great volatility such as we are entering. Ultimately, it will be big events and the rapid transition from periods of superficial stability to periods where things are changing very quickly that will shake up people and get many to question the matrix they are living in.
The coming economic crash, which promises to be much bigger in scale than 2008 as lets face it central banks have only compounded the problems that created the crash then, will force people to question their complacent existence when the shops run out of food or the cashpoint runs out of cash.
It is events such as this that will force people in the affluent West to start to question their programming.

So many have thought that everything is solved with writing and collecting, and from that is that we find a lot of junk content.

This content is never addressed to the final public, nor does it reflect the interests of the users, and only speaks of itself and its interests.

Greetings from Venezuela

unfortunately insightful posts like this one are preaching to the choir while the vast majority of the populations will never venture to venues like this.

an unfortunate truth.