Thanks for checking in buddy.
Percy Von Sitchin!! 😂 That's hilarious.
I agree later pyramids were copies of what people thought were tombs of the gods.
The very earliest founded i.e. this one, Gunang Pudang, The Great Pyramid and possibly the pyramid of the sun in Teotihuacan I believe were part of a network of ancient power stations, maybe not in the sense we currently understand but something along the lines of what Nicola Tesala was attempting to create. Chances are we'll never know the true story but it's fascinating trying to find out. Hopefully, one day the truth will be revealed to us.
Thanks for leaving such a great comment mate.
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My pleasure Percy. A great article ! I was lucky enough to visit Chi'chen Itza and the city of Coba, which is about 1% excavated & I climbed the Coba pyramid. It was clear that although exquisitely built and with some incredible properties, Chi'chen Itza was ceremonial in nature.. Bosnia looks like an entirely different creature and I would assume all later pyramids are effigies or ceremonial copies, perhaps attempts to recreate something incredible.
20,000 years earlier Bosnia, we're in middle earth and who knows what was happening. I'm sure what we've lost in knowledge pre-ice age was mostly scraped away by the tremendos force of glaciers. except for a few deeply buried OOPA's which are very tantalising glimpses into our possibly alternate past ! Keep digging Sir Percival, you will find your Holy Grail.. whatever form or shape it may take.
Nice, I've been to Chicken pizza as Mrs Percy called it 😂 The whole site is amazing. Tolum too which is fascinating. The Great pyramid in Giza is something you have to see once in your life as it's difficult to appreciate its size until you stand in front of it.
I'm cautiously optimistic that as the years go on more will be unearthed as the passage of time since construction is immense and I'm convinced many are buried.
Bosnia is different, I believe it was one of the 'original pyramids' built in extreme antiquity for a purpose yet to be defined, similar to Gunung Pudang and The Great pyramid. Possible power generators or for the ancients we seek to rediscover.
Cheers for your great input buddy