I've long said that beauty is a recognition of truth. But not all truth is as we assume it to be. Romance is a wonderful and beautiful thing that most of us seek out and delight in when it comes into our lives. We recognize the truth in romance, but its truth is onto itself - the truth of passion, the truth of spontaneity, and the truth of seduction. Truth of integrity is a different thing altogether. Often lies of character slip by under the guise of romantic truth, if we are not careful to discern the difference.

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A short read that kept me busy for a while. Thank you.
Deep words @uniwhisp
In the early stages of a relationship I guess we see all the things we want to see and paper over the things we don't like or understand. That only changes over time when we figure out whether we want this person or not and how much influence they have over you.
I've kind of let relationships come to me rather than risk sticky my neck out and going after my choices. Sad really.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for your comment. Ah..yes the things we do to keep our hearts safe... <3 Thanks for sharing.
It gave my thoughts some swirls and whirls
So complicated yet so true
Thank you for sharing your thoughts @uniwhisp :)
Thank you for stopping by!
So true! I know a few people to which that really applies.
Romance is something I know very little about. I used to dream about it. But unfortunately I feel I've been giving up on that.
It's hard not to give up. I feel the same, usually. Thanks for stopping by!
Some wise words :)
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Would it be fair to say that lies of character always slip by under the guise of romantic truth? Who doesn't, when in the early stages of a relationship, put their best foot forward? Would anyone ever get past a first, or second date if they didn't sell some fabrication of who they really are?
Romance sometimes drowns a person and makes most people very vulnerable. That heightened emotion often makes us blind to see the truth and makes us do crazy things. Unable to discern right from wrong it is like being caught is a whirlpool of inescapable passion.
A bit confusing but it sounds tested and approved ;)
There is something that clings to these lines. I want to think about it.
Awesome! Let me know when you do. Thanks for stopping by.
Yes they say love is blind but I think sometimes love blinds us
One way or another, something's not seeing right! ;)
I really love what you said there. I guess whenever we enter relationships we should always be careful. Thanks for sharing this!
Thanks for stopping by!
Passion, seduction... yes, these are parts of romance. I don’t know about spontaneity or integrity...
Yes integrity is not a requirement of romance, for sure.
You could be relatively right about this; anyway, I gave up romance long ago after the 4th heartbreak of my life...
There are so many different kinds of heartbreak; I've lost count by now of how many I've been through. I've mostly written off trying to find a romantic relationship, but I'd be lying if I didn't own up to the inconquerable small-but-mighty ever-present desire to do such a thing. I've long since stopped expecting to find it, and I've more recently stopped hoping for it, but the desire, I'm afraid, will linger forever.
Anyhow though, I'm not saying in this meme that romance is inherently deceitful, just that we often believe things while under the influence of romance that a more sober heart/mind might see through. Thanks for stopping by!
It’s funny how the missing shoreline of your life can find you one-day swimming out of your depth and the next day stranded like a floundering fish in a desert and fried by the sun and tired beyond all endurance to find a way home.
In such a wasteland, one must surely shrivel up and lose all hope and never to find love again but wander lost and alone forever.
Even ship-wrecked sailors arriving alive at the shoreline find hope and pull them-selves out to carry on the business of living. While those who never find the shoreline will give up in the waves of the endless ocean as the lover without love must give up in the endless moments of life without the fulfilling embrace of their beloved so desperately longed for.
Two dear friends of mine, upon hearing of my own giving up of hope, promised to hold it for me. When lost in the sea for too long, hope of seeing the shoreline is a dangerous and destructive thing.
Is that you then? Are you lost at sea, no shoreline in sight, giving up in the waves? There is a beauty in that, too. But remember - even lost sailors who hope to find a shoreline again someday must not stare at the waters waiting. They only way they can find their bearings again is to look to the stars. ...reminds me of a fortune cookie saying... I got this message two or three times in a short time-span: "The stars appear every night in the sky. All is well."
If you are at peace with the giving up place, then I wish you well in all other things. If some part of you still wrestles with the succumbing, then I wish for you to find a reason, not just to hope, but to believe again.