Every year we are bombarded by posters, television and radio ads all telling us to get the flu shot. You tune in to the news and its talking about how another flu epidemic is expected to hit your city. You'll hear the latest flu statistics and even cases of "flu related deaths".
Now when it comes to vaccines and disease there's a whole lot deception but I wanna focus on influenza today, because it is definitely one of the biggest scams of our time.
Let' see start by taking a look at how deadly this virus really is.
"Flu results in "about 250,000 to 500,000 yearly deaths" worldwide, Wikipedia tells us. "The typical estimate is 36,000 [deaths] a year in the United States," reports NBC, citing the Centers for Disease Control. "Somewhere between 4,000 and 8,000 Canadians a year die of influenza and its related complications, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada," the Globe and Mail says, adding that "Those numbers are controversial because they are estimates."
"According to the National Vital Statistics System in the U.S., for example, annual flu deaths in 2010 amounted to just 500 per year -- fewer than deaths from ulcers (2,977), hernias (1,832) and pregnancy and childbirth (825), and a far cry from the big killers such as heart disease (597,689) and cancers (574,743). The story is similar in Canada, where unlikely killers likewise dwarf Statistics Canada's count of flu deaths."
"Even that 500 figure for the U.S. could be too high, according to analyses in authoritative journals such as the American Journal of Public Health and the British Medical Journal. Only about 15-20 per cent of people who come down with flu-like symptoms have the influenza virus -- the other 80-85 per cent actually caught rhinovirus or other germs that are indistinguishable from the true flu without laboratory tests, which are rarely done. In 2001, a year in which death certificates listed 257 Americans as having died of flu, only 18 were positively identified as true flus. The other 239 were simply assumed to be flus and most likely had few true flus among them." - source
Ok so how do we know who's dying from the flu or not?
"The fact is, no one knows how many people die after being infected with the flu virus. The death estimates are not based on body counts, lab tests or autopsies."
"I think people may have the misconception that every person who dies from the flu is somehow counted somewhere, and they're not," Gardam said."
"The "2,000 to 8,000" numbers are based on computer models — a statistical guess that comes out of the end of a mathematical formula that makes a range of assumptions about death and flu."
"They're tossing it into a big computer and they're churning out estimates," Gardam said as he scribbled numbers on a white board to show me how the models work."
"One model counts all respiratory and circulatory deaths — that's death from heart and lung failure — as flu deaths."
"Another model assumes that every extra death that happens in the winter is a flu death. At the risk of oversimplifying, this is the basic formula of that model: winter deaths (minus) summer deaths = death by flu virus."
"That includes winter deaths from slippery sidewalks, snowy roads, freezing temperatures, plus all the winter heart failure, lung failure and deaths from cancer. In the language of the computer model, all excess mortality in winter is considered "death by flu" - source
"The model extrapolates that the flu virus will cause more deaths across all causes, including "disorders of the nervous system," stroke and "disorders of the digestive system." Which means that according to the model, flu causes 33 more "accidental falls" every year, 18 more "accidental poisonings," and 68 more deaths from "psychotic conditions." But what does flu have to do with deaths from accidental poisonings or accidental falls?" - source
I would imagine not a whole lot. But do go on.
"There are no real figures on deaths from influenza. They don't collect that information," he said. "So if they don't collect that information, how do they know it's a threat? And if they don't collect that information, how do they know that their policies will work? This is called faith-based medicine, not evidence-based medicine."
"We see lots of people coming in with upper respiratory infections and we don't know what causes it. Sometimes if they are really sick, we'll test for influenza. We rarely test for anything else." - source
So say what if 8000 people were actually dying from the flu each year in Canada, should we be concerned?
"There's another point to consider here. Using death estimates is the scariest way to talk about the risk from flu, because 8,000 thousand sounds like a lot of deaths. But if you ask, "8,000 deaths out of how many people?" suddenly the risk seems much smaller. In fact, it would be 8,000 deaths among 35 million Canadians. In other words, in a normal flu season, about 0.02 per cent of Canadians are in danger of dying from the flu, using the highest estimate. Another way to look at it is this: 99.98 per cent of Canadians will not die of flu this year."
"For proof of how models keep changing their estimates, look back at Canada's flu files. More than a decade ago, flu was estimated to kill about 500 to 1,500 Canadians every year. But in 2003 Health Canada changed models, and the estimates jumped to "700 to 2,500 per annum." The 2,500 deaths at the upper end of that range quickly became the lower end, when an even newer model was tried in 2007, pushing the upper limit to 8,000 based on the severe flu seasons of 1997 to 1999." - source
So how are they getting away with this crap? I mean how can they attribute practically every death to influenza?
"Cause-of-death statistics are based solely on the underlying cause of death [internationally defined] as 'the disease or injury which initiated the train of events leading directly to death,'" explains the National Center for Health Statistics. Because the flu was rarely an "underlying cause of death," the CDC created the sound-alike term, "influenza-associated death."
"Using this new, loose definition, CDC's computer models could tally people who died of a heart ailment or other causes after having the flu. As William Thompson of the CDC's National Immunization Program admitted, influenza-associated mortality is "a statistical association ... I don't know that we would say that it's the underlying cause of death."
"The CDC's decision to play up flu deaths dates back a decade, when it realized the public wasn't following its advice on the flu vaccine. During the 2003 flu season "the manufacturers were telling us that they weren't receiving a lot of orders for vaccine,"Dr. Glen Nowak, associate director for communications at CDC's National Immunization Program, told National Public Radio. "It really did look like we needed to do something to encourage people to get a flu shot."
"The CDC unabashedly decided to create a mass market for the flu vaccine by enlisting the media into panicking the public. An obedient and unquestioning media obliged by hyping the numbers, and 10 years later it is obliging still." - source
Ahhh so they are hyping us on the threat of influenza to create a mass market for the flu vaccine. But how did they convince the masses that the flu virus was much more serious illness than it really is?
*"Vaccines have always been a business. They've just never been a very good business."
"We were losing money," said Claude Vezeau, former chief executive officer at Montreal-based IAF BioChem International, Canada's largest maker of vaccines in the 1990s. "All vaccines were losing money." - source
Interesting.. but what happened to change all that?
"In Asia, entire flocks of birds were dying from a virus called H5N1, better known as avian flu. A particularly virulent strain of influenza, H5N1 had for years been confined mostly to birds because their higher body temperatures provided an ideal environment for the bug to proliferate."
"But pockets of people were becoming infected in Asia, setting off alarm bells for health officials around the globe. When it spread among humans, the consequences were unusually fatal. Roughly 60 per cent of those infected with H5N1 died, making it three times deadlier than the 1919 Spanish Flu, according to the World Health Organization."
"H5N1 would alter government approaches to pandemic planning. But it would also create a new and unprecedented opportunity for the global pharmaceutical industry. It was, as Dr. Ossi recalls, "an obvious commercial opportunity" for the drug companies - one that is reshaping their businesses."
"In a matter of a few years, flu shots have gone from being a marginal, money-losing business to a massive profit generator for a small number of global companies, as governments and the public hasten to protect themselves from getting sick." - source
But they never did get their pandemic did they? However the money kept on flowing, didn't it?
"The real business is a business of stockpiling. It is not a reactive market. It is something that is proactively being built with governments," Mr. Monteyne said."
"Between 2004 and 2007, vaccine sales across the industry soared an average of 32 per cent each year, with flu vaccine leading the way. That is roughly four times faster than any other pharmaceutical product."
"In a year that will be remembered for widespread public worry about the H1N1 virus, or swine flu, vaccines have become a $24-billion business. Analysts predict the global vaccine industry will top $40-billion by 2012. For companies like Glaxo, Sanofi-Aventis, Merck & Co., Novartis AG and Pfizer Inc., the fear of a pandemic has translated into a financial windfall that has been years in the making. Worldwide, nearly 1 billion doses of H1N1 vaccine have been ordered in 2009." - source
Ok, so we can see that this is more of a business than it is a legitimate threat to public health. But surely getting a flu shot is worth it, if you can avoid getting the flu... isn't it?
To answer this I'm going to refer to a great write up by a steemian by the name of @chron
"A revolutionary new scientific study published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS) claims people who receive flu shots will emit 630% more flu virus particles than non-vaccinated individuals, shocking!"
"This study could finally disprove "herd immunity" because the "herd" would become the largest carriers and spreaders of the virus."
Wow! That's shockingly high! Could you tell us some more details on this brand new study?
"The study, which examined 355 volunteers who were sick with flu-like symptoms, found that people who previously received flu shots emitted sharply higher quantities of flu virus particles that can infect other people." Link
"No one expected the numbers to be so high! Individuals who received flu shots prior to examination emitted 6.3 times more virus particles in comparison to the non-vaccinated volunteers.
"The most responsible way to avoid infecting your friends and family from the virus is to avoid being vaccinated! If you receive flu shots, you are one of the individuals who are making everyone else sick."
"Self-reported vaccination for the current season was associated with a trend (P < 0.10) toward higher viral shedding in fine-aerosol samples; vaccination with both the current and previous year’s seasonal vaccines, however, was significantly associated with greater fine-aerosol shedding in unadjusted and adjusted models (P < 0.01). In adjusted models, we observed 6.3 (95% CI 1.9–21.5) times more aerosol shedding among cases with vaccination in the current and previous season compared with having no vaccination in those two seasons." - also from the study
Sadly many people still don't know about "Live Virus Shedding" measles, whooping cough and influenza are a few vaccines that come to mind. All three they love to try to blame on the unvaccinated. Yet we see multiple stories, in which it was the vaccinated that were the cause of the small outbreaks they report on every year.
..Please continue.
"The current tactic of the vaccine industry is to blame the non-vaccinated for outbreaks of disease. this study reveals to us all that it is actually the vaccinated children who are spreading the infection."
Or better yet, it's the vaccine industry who spreading the diseases they are suppose to protect us against.
Cha Ching
Anything else you'd like to share with us on vaccines @chron?
"The all important "herd immunity" effect is one of the most often used tactic to push vaccines on everyone. We finally have a study which exposes this as a complete hoax!
Herd immunity" becomes "herd multiplication" of the virus. The entire herd becomes virus spreaders. We finally have an explaination of why many children who catch the flu are immunized against it.
These vaccines are turning your children into carriers of the disease, it is disgusting!
An epidemic starts arising and panic spreads! The news media urges everyone to get vaccinated. Not too long after that, the second wave of infections begin to spread, caused by the vaccines itself this time.
Wake up! Vaccines are infectious disease spreaders with one role in our society. That role is to cause contagion and create demand for more vaccines.
The media has a large role to play in this, they create fear and panic among parents who will end up making their children sick when they only wanted to protect them!"
"In order to keep the scam in play, anyone who cites a legitimate scientific finding that questions the status quo of vaccines is branded "anti-vaxxer" and will be discredited by the mainstream media.
Vaccines are never subjected to scientific scrutiny because any and all science that observes the negatives is ignored or attacked. This ensures that there is no challenge to vaccine safety or effectiveness which reaches the light of day.
This is the way that the medical industry carries out their propaganda and fear tactics while sifting out the critical thinking which dares to point out the risks of of widespread immunization policy."
Alright! Big thanks to @chron for his coverage on the brand new study exposing the flu vaccine for the scam that it is. Please go and read his steemit post in full at the link below.
630% More Aerosolized Flu Virus Particles Emitted By People Who Received Flu Shots
I think that pretty much wraps it up on influenza. However, I encourage anyone who reads this to do your own research.
I think I might do a post (sometime i the future) on the alternative ways you can keep healthy all year round without the fear of these 'outbreaks' controlled media loves to scare us with.
#Thanks for reading!
Great post! Thanks for spreading awareness and truth regarding vaccines.
Thank you. I appreciate the feedback.
Haven't got one of those shots in at least a decade, can't even remember the last time I got the flu
I can't remember the last time I got a flu vaccination. Must of been as a kid in school or something. Way before the psyop that turned it into a 40 billion dollar business.
25 mcg = 50,000 ppb of mercury !
That's a lot
Cured patient = lost customer
Deaths and injuries
They can't even give that crap away!
Never had the shot or the flu !
Dangerous vaccine !
#1 side effect GBS
Inject diseases get diseases
There's zero benefit to getting the flu shot. Or any vaccine for that matter.
Thanks for sharing.
Did you see the report today about tetanus injections making women infertile bud? here
No I haven't, but it doesn't surprise me in the least. Thanks for sharing.
Polysorbate 80
Tetanus vaccine
Poison doesn't prevent poison
Great blog. I agree that it is just a scam and a way to make us even more sick. And then we are attacked by those pro vaccine people making it look like we are bad parents for either not protecting our children or a bad person for not protect their children that cannot be vaccinated. They fail to see that not vaccinating is protecting our children. And they fail to see that we do actually do something to protect us against viruses. They may think the worse of us people since we dont vaccinate, but there are ways and building a strong immune system is number 1. Thats what they claim for vaccines no? But rather it kills it. How about we all agree upon doing what we feel best upon ourselves and our children to be healthy and protected our own way? Just because government pays scientists for this crap doesnt mean we should trust it.., Sorry for the long reply. It gets to me how people can be this way...
Well said. Thank you for that.
Excellent and comprehensive work!! Black seed oil & Chaga mushroom tincture are well worth looking into in respect of alternative medicine. Although I'm probably preaching to the choir with you my friend ;)
Thanks buddy! Yes! I am familiar with both those. Excellent suggestion!
We don't do flu vaccines and we and the kids and I have never had the flu. I'm going to stick with that. Lately, I keep hearing about a high dose flu vaccine for seniors. Is that going to increase spreading further?
Absolutely. Not to mention the nasty cocktail contained in that vaccine will wipe out their immune systems.
Egg protein YUM
Female cocker spaniel dog piss
I was forced to do those shots as a kid. Now I understand why I get sick every year when the virus gets triggered. So I can buy their medicine. It's all a scheme that still works.