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RE: Apparently the “Solution” to Mass Shootings Is to Turn Schools Into Prisons

in #truth7 years ago

There is not excuse for that action regardless of what happened before or after!

This does not surprise me, thankfully we don't have this in UK schools YET but we are getting there. In my experience schools are i can't think of the word but they are completely wrong. We need to teach children to their individual needs schools teach a one size fits all style and this does not work. Having Dyslexia and in schools in the 80's and 90's teachers just said I was a problem kid and I would get nowhere this attitude has not changed. Thankfully I am strong minded and my parent helped me. Now I have a degree and a good job. But those who can't put up a fight or have a good support network are shat on but schools!

We need to change this one only me and you can do this no one else! 💯🐒