._____. Whyyyyyyy are you part of this discussion, you're not even from there.
Second hes a kid who clearly had thr nSA use face recognition tech to find his video since the alt right folks own that whole thing now and are friends with Alex Jones.
._____. COME ON MAN....Kids are the only ones left with consciences.
Alex Jones does his reporting for money.
XD You're too awesome to be part of this croud.
I care because i cover global issues not just what happens in Canada.
The effects of what happens in the US often trickles into Canada
ALLEGEDLY happened in Florida.https://ipolitics.ca/2018/03/01/goodale-says-gun-legislation-coming-wake-parkland-student-shootings/ More gun control legislation because of SOMETHING THAT
The kid is a crisis actor first and foremost. He's shown zero grief the entire time, fumbles his lines, has been seen being couched in interviews and his dad is a former FBI agent who specialized in crisis simulation operations. The list goes on.
Alex Jones is a zionist shill, fake alternative media, controlled opposition. They use this asshole as the fake face of the truther movement so that when normies hear about conspiracy theorists or anyone who questions the narrative, they falsely conflate them with the fat man jones.
This things goes a lot deeper but I don't want to write an essay so I'll link you a video explaining what's been going on.
I'm every bit as awesome as I've always been, but I can't guarantee you'll always like what I have to say.