Think for yourself ! WELL because you might just save a life.
You vaccinate WELL BECAUSE you are ignorant.
By chef todd
Dr Google PhD
WELL because.
Vaccines are used WELL because Bill Gates is a great humanitarian.
Informed consent.
You go to your local well baby visit WELL because you are disease free.
RotaShield was used Well because science said it was SAFE.
Your ass folding in half is ok!
Paul Offit is your favorite Doctor WELL because there are prOFFITs to be made.
The newer products WELL because RotaShield was withdrawn -Merck’s RotaTeq, which Paul Offit helped to develop and profitted from, and GSKs Rotarix are both associated with an elevated level of intussusception.
Your ignorant Doctor injects as many vaccines as they want ! WELL because they are not held liable! And their Drug buddies not accountable!
Monkey kidney was used in vaccine production WELL because they wanted you to get cancer!
Hep B is used WELL just in case your baby shares needles. (AIDS).
Diseases are injected WELL so you can get diseases.
We use human DNA, human cell lines from aborted infants, and protein from human blood in vaccine production.
WELL don't worry about a match! It's just a little blood.
Aluminum And Polysorbate 80 are used in vaccines WELL because they want to get the Aluminum to your brain.
Mercury was used in thermometers.
Now it is used at your local WELL baby visit.
But don't eat tuna while you are pregnant ! Well because I'm a Doctor.
Worms are fishing, gardening and birds.
WELL and vaccine production.
Egg protein is used well because protein is not suppose to be in your blood ! Amino acids are suppose to be.
Foreign protein is used WELL because they want to create Autoimmune diseases.
Gelatin is used WELL because you are vegan.
Soy peptone broth is used WELL because you are vegetarian!
2-Phenoxyethoanol is used WELL because it's used as an antibacterial agent in vaccines. According to the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), we find that it is toxic if swallowed, inhaled, absorbed through the skin, it is a severe skin and eye irritant, and it may cause reproductive defects .
WELL ain't that great!
Formaldehyde is used as an embalming fluid. WELL Wait what ?
CTMB is used WELL because It is labeled as “Hazardous”
It is a skin irritant!
It is a serious eye irritant!
It is hazardous if inhaled!
It is harmful if swallowed!
Trade secrets are used Well Because they want to sell you an Epi pen. 😉
IMB - inactivated mouse brain-
Is used in vaccine production (don't worry it is inactive).
Memory cells are used to determine immunity , WELL because they are slow learners just like pro vax peeps.
Booster shots are used WELL because the artificial immunity wears off.
Aborted fetus are used WELL because you are religious.
The vitamin K shot is used WELL because it has a black box warning.
MMR Is used WELL because 3 poisons are better than 1.
Oh those deadly benign microbes!
The Flu shot is used WELL because it is dangerous and can cause GBS.
DTP is used WELL because 2 toxoids and some bacteria are synergistically more toxic!
Polysorbate 80 is used WELL because it is a sterilizing agent.
Cow pus is used WELL because it prevents small pox ! DUH
Oh wait can pimple pus prevent pimples?
You Vaccinate as early as possible WELL because they do not want you to recognize regression!
Your kid is used as a guinea pig WELL because their are no safety studies.
Your trained PEDI Uses vaccines WELL Because they are bought and bribed by drug thugs!
You inject healthy patients well because you need customers for life.
Journal proof (studies) are used WELL because
Most are funded by a pharmaceutical companies, most are co-written by drug company employees that had a lead author, typically an academic, who had previously accepted outside compensation from the sponsoring drug company in the form of consultant pay, grants or speaker fees.
SIDS is used WELL because it is some ignorant Doctors stat.
SBS is used WELL because they don't want to be blamed for the vaccine induced scurvy!
Mycoplasma is a bonus well because it affects the mitochondria!
Kids trust parents WELL BECAUSE Parents trust Doctors !
Doctors trust known liars!
All funded by the Rockefellers.
I save babies !
After all, why go through all the trouble of building gas chambers and rounding up people for mass extermination when you can achieve the same result without any resistance at all if you simply label the chemicals Vaccines, Fluoride, GMO's
And Chemotherapy!!
good write friend
thank you for sharing
SCIENCE Always waits!
Remember these ?
Paris green!
Agent orange!
Hexavalent chromium!
Lead in paint and toys!
Etc Etc
NOW WE ARE Just waiting on-
Glyphosate! GMO's
Chemotherapy and Vaccines !
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