The following text will continue from where I left off last week.
As I explained. It is early 2018 and I have just purchased a little TRX. As I previously mentioned, it was Justin Suns fervent belief in a decentralised internet that pushed my hand to the buy button.This was just the start of an adventure into crypto altcoins though.
Being new to trading, this is where I made my first mistake. Bear in mind, this does depend on your viewpoint. If you are a fundamentalist then I made no mistake. If you are a bitcoin maximalist then I made a doozy.
Tron was about to go live with its mainnet.
So being the new trader I watched with interest as the price climbed towards mainnet day. The excitement changed to slight dismay as the inevitable happened.
As most in trading know; buy the rumour sell the news.
Of course I did not sell, why would I? I wanted to believe in a truly free internet, I kept my TRX and did some research.
I discovered what POS is (proof of stake). This means I could stake my TRX on the Tron chain.
Having no clue why I would want to do this I went ahead and made the attempt. After all it is only through action that we learn. Also the best teachings come from the mistakes we make.
I installed the Tron wallet made by a person going by the name of Rovak. To my mind this person seemed respected on most of the telegram groups that I was looking into regarding Tron. The actual name of the wallet is irrelevant as it has changed name since then. I must say though, it has not let me down once in over two years
Another key point that I am trying to make here is DYOR, do your own research. Who better to trust than yourself right?
Having written down all the important recovery data I went ahead and transferred my TRX to the wallet and looked into voting.
Love him or hate.him, Justin does bring new people into the game.
I shall get into who I voted for in the next part. I must say though, without Suns constant communications on social media I may not have tried dpos out.
Edit.. I lost all faith in anything Justin says or does after his attack on steemits decentralised platform.
Thanks for reading part two.