My last article on Trybe.One was about the reward theme. After the monetization was described in detail, it goes today in the Advertising on Trybe.One.
[Click] Here you can read my article about monetization on Trybe.One. [Click]
Advertising on Trybe.One
First of all, the Trybe whitepaper describes two different types of advertising. On the one hand there is a native possibility to advertise articles, on the other hand a possibility shall be developed to enable the promotion by using the BAT token.
Here a corresponding quotation from the Whitepaper:
Trybe will have two forms of advertising. The native advertising of Trybe will discreetly blend organic with promoted content through the use of a boosted post system. Aside from this, Trybe will have integration with the Brave payments system and BAT (Basic Attention Token). This system allows users full control over the advertising they see, and rewards them for their attention.
So far, only advertising with the TRYBE token is possible. For this reason, the focus of this article will also be here. In principle, it can be said that advertising on the platform will initially be possible with the in-house TRYBE token. In addition to the integration of BAT, the internal system will also be able to be operated with KYN tokens in the distant future. For this the following marginal information from the Whitepaper:
Once the total supply (2B) of TRYBE tokens have been distributed, or maybe before based on the needs of the platform, a new token, KYN, will be created to reward participants. This new token will have a high inflation rate, and will be issued at the rate of 10,000 new tokens for every new active user that joins the platform.
It should be noted that 2 trillion TRYBE tokens will probably not be available for six years. According to the whitepaper, the KYN token does not play any role before.
If you are not yet on Trybe.One and would like to explore the platform, I would be happy if you register via this link. <- SIGN UP
Native Advertising
Now let’s have a look at the promotion function. The basic principle is simple. A user pays a certain amount of TRYBE, but his contributions are displayed on Trybe.One in sidebars and under other contributions. This offers the user the possibility to increase the visibility of his articles.
If you want to advertise a contribution, you start in the Advertising Portal. This is meanwhile relatively straightforward and looks as follows:
Under observance of different rules and conditions one can initiate the promotion for an article in this portal. For information reasons I quote the reduced version of the basic rules:
Advertising terms and conditions:
– We are only accepting advertising for articles on Trybe. Links to external sites are not accepted.
– Please only link to articles in English. We hope to offer ads on foreign categories soon.
– Please only link to articles related to cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, or business.
Afterwards you have the possibility to design your “ad”. Title, short description, link and thumbnail are required, as well as a mail address. Afterwards the payment must be regulated. Currently Trybe.One only offers the possibility to pay for CPC. This means Cost-Per-Click. The smallest boost possibility is 10 clicks and currently costs 200 Trybe. Thus a click costs about 20 Trybe.
After selecting the number of desired clicks, you confirm the promotion and then complete the transaction. After that it takes a while until the promotion is checked and becomes active when the guidelines are fulfilled.
After successful activation, the advertised content will increasingly appear on the platform. The current status of the promotion can be seen in the lower part of the advertising portal.
Self is the man
Of course I tested this function once and promoted 3 articles for a total of 1280 TRYBE. For demonstration purposes I would like to show you the status of the promotion after about three days.
As you can clearly see, the conversion rate is not very high. Only very rarely are views converted into clicks, which of course makes me rethink the design of my ad. It is important to consider how essential title, description and thumbnail are. If these are inferior, the interest of the potential reader can be awakened with difficulty. Therefore, it is important to think about the extent to which an advertisement convinces the potential reader to click on it.
For the relatively short time of the display duration, I am surprised that these have already been displayed together over 40,000 times. The contrast to 8 clicks is of course a sobering comparison – there is certainly room for improvement in the future.
So much for direct advertising. As you can see, the whole matter is still quite manageable and expandable, but this is also announced in the whitepaper.
Before I conclude with this article, I would like to comment on three quotes from the whitepaper, which might be of interest for one or the other.
Boosted and original content – balance?
Trybe addresses the problem in the whitepaper. In order to prevent that the number of advertising contributions acts deterrent, this should be consistently limited. According to the whitepaper, at around 10%:
To preserve the intent of the platform, there will be a very careful balance of revenue from advertising and value to the users of the platform. This means that only a fraction of the posts that appear on the page at any one time will be boosted posts (approximately 10%). There will also be the option for users to not see advertising at all, by paying a monthly subscription fee. All promoted posts will be marked as such.
In addition, advertising should be directly related to the categories. This means that an article that has only been published in the category Bitcoin will only be advertised in this category. With several categories in several:
When a user boosts an article, that article will be boosted only in the categories that the article is related to (as chosen by the user and verified by the Primary Editor).
Boosting linked to content quality
So far I could not perceive the realization of the following aspect yet. As described above, I get indicated that the promotion costs 200 TRYBE per 10 clicks for each article. However, the whitepaper states that the costs of advertising should be based on the quality, i.e. the rating, of the respective article to be advertised. In addition the following quotation:
The cost of boosting an article will be closely related to the rating score of that article. The cost of boosting a highly rated article will be less than boosting an article with few or low ratings. This in itself will help to preserve the quality of the site content.
Since I haven’t found anything else, I assume that this aspect will be realized in the future. In principle, however, I find the approach interesting, which is why I have included it in this blog.
In this sense, this blog has also reached its end. I thank you for my life and am happy about a vote and a comment.
If you are not yet on Trybe.One and would like to explore the platform, I would be happy if you register via this link. <- SIGN UP
In meinem letzten Beitrag zu Trybe.One ging es um das Theme reward. Nachdem die Monetarisierung ausführlich beschrieben wurde, geht es heute im das Advertising auf Trybe.One.
[Click] Hier kannst du meinen Beitrag zur Monetarisierung auf Trybe.One lesen. [Click]
Insofern du dich noch nicht auf der neuen Plattform angemeldet hast, so kannst du dies einfach über diesen Link machen.
Advertising auf Trybe.One
Zunächst sind im Whitepaper von Trybe zwei verschiedene Arten des Advertisings beschrieben. Einerseits gibt es eine native Möglichkeit zum Bewerben von Beiträgen, anbei soll allerdings auch eine Möglichkeit entwickelt werden, um die Promotion durch Verwendung des BAT-Token zu ermöglichen.
Hier ein entsprechendes Zitat aus dem Whitepaper:
Trybe will have two forms of advertising. The native advertising of Trybe will discreetly blend organic with promoted content through the use of a boosted post system. Aside from this, Trybe will have integration with the Brave payments system and BAT (Basic Attention Token). This system allows users full control over the advertising they see, and rewards them for their attention.
Bislang ist lediglich das Bewerben mit dem TRYBE Token möglich. Aus diesem Grund wird hier auch der Fokus dieses Artikels liegen. Prinzipiell ist zu sagen, dass das Werben auf der Plattform zunächst mit dem hauseigenen TRYBE Token möglich sein wird. Neben der Integration von BAT wird das interne System in fernerer Zukunft auch durch KYN Token betrieben werden können. Hierzu folgende Randinformation aus dem Whitepaper:
Once the total supply (2B) of TRYBE tokens have been distributed, or maybe before based on the needs of the platform, a new token, KYN, will be created to reward participants. This new token will have a high inflation rate, and will be issued at the rate of 10,000 new tokens for every new active user that joins the platform.
Dabei ist anzumerken, dass 2 Billionen TRYBE Token erst in voraussichtlich sechs Jahren vorhanden sein werden. Vorher spielt das KYN Token laut Whitepaper keinerlei Rolle.
Native Advertising
Nun schauen wir uns die Promotion Funktion einmal direkt an. Das Grundprinzip ist simpel. Ein Nutzer zahlt eine gewisse Summe TRYBE, dafür werden seine Beiträge auf Trybe.One in Sidebars und unter anderen Beiträgen angezeigt. Dies bietet dem Nutzer die Möglichkeit, die Sichtbarkeit seiner Artikel zu erhöhen.
Wer einen Beitrag bewerben möchte, beginnt im Advertising Portal. Dies ist derweilen relativ überschaubar und sieht wie folgt aus:
Unter Einhaltung verschiedener Regeln und Bedingungen kann man in diesem Portal die Promotion für einen Artikel in die Wege leiten. Aus Informationsgründen zitiere ich die abgespeckte Version der Grundregeln:
Advertising terms and conditions:
– We are only accepting advertising for articles on Trybe. Links to external sites are not accepted.
– Please only link to articles in English. We hope to offer ads on foreign categories soon.
– Please only link to articles related to cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, or business.
Anschließend hat man die Möglichkeit, seine "Anzeige" zu gestalten. Titel, Kurzbeschreibung, Link und Thumbnail werden benötigt, ebenso eine Mail-Adresse. Anschließend muss die Bezahlung geregelt werden. Derzeit bietet Trybe.One nur die Möglichkeit für CPC zu bezahlen. Dies bedeutet Cost-Per-Click. Die kleinste Boost-Möglichkeit liegt bei 10 Clicks und kostet derzeit 200 Trybe. Demnach kostet ein Klick in etwa 20 Trybe.
Nach Auswahl der Anzahl gewünschter Klicks, bestätigt man die Promotion und wickelt anschließend die Transaktion ab. Danach dauert es eine Weile, bis die Promotion überprüft und bei Erfüllung der Richtlinien aktiv wird.
Nach erfolgreicher Aktivierung wird der beworbene Content vermehrt auf der Plattform erscheinen. Der aktuelle Status der Promotionsaktion kann im unteren Teil des Advertising Portals eingesehen werden.
Selbst ist der Mann
Natürlich habe ich diese Funktion einmal getestet und probeweise 3 Artikel für insgesamt 1280 TRYBE beworben. Zu demonstrationszwecken möchte ich euch den Stand der Promotion nach ungefähr drei Tagen zeigen.
Wie man deutlich erkennen kann, ist die Conversion-Rate nicht besonders hoch. Nur sehr selten werden Views in Clicks umgewandelt, was mich natürlich dazu bewegt, die Gestaltung meiner Anzeige zu überdenken. Wichtig ist zu bedenken, wie essentiell Titel, Beschreibung und Thumbnail sind. Sind diese minderwertig, so kann das Interesse des potentiellen Lesers schwierig geweckt werden. Demnach ist es von Bedeutung sich Gedanken darüber zu machen, inwiefern eine Anzeige den potentiellen Leser überzeugt, auf diese zu klicken.
Für die relativ kurze Zeit der Anzeigendauer, bin ich doch überrascht, dass diese zusammen bereits über 40,000 Mal angezeigt worden sind. Der Kontrast zu 8 Klicks ist da natürlich ein ernüchternder Vergleich – sicherlich ist da zukünftig Verbesserungspotential vorhanden.
So viel zum direkten Advertising. Wie man sieht, ist die gesamte Angelegenheit noch recht überschaubar und ausbaufähig, was ja aber im Whitepaper auch angekündigt ist.
Bevor ich mit diesem Artikel abschließe, möchte ich noch drei Zitate aus dem Whitepaper kommentieren, welche für den ein oder anderen von Interesse sein könnten.
Werbung und originaler Conent – Gleichgewicht?
Die Problematik spricht Trybe im Whitepaper an. Um zu verhindern, dass die Anzahl an Werbebeiträgen abschreckend wirkt, soll diese konsequent begrenz werden. Laut Whitepaper auf rund 10%:
To preserve the intent of the platform, there will be a very careful balance of revenue from advertising and value to the users of the platform. This means that only a fraction of the posts that appear on the page at any one time will be boosted posts (approximately 10%). There will also be the option for users to not see advertising at all, by paying a monthly subscription fee. All promoted posts will be marked as such.
Außerdem soll Werbung direkt auf die Kategorien bezogen sein. Dies bedeutet, dass ein Artikel, welcher nur in der Kategorie Bitcoin veröffentlicht wurde, auch nur in dieser beworben wird. Bei mehreren Kategorien eben in mehreren:
When a user boosts an article, that article will be boosted only in the categories that the article is related to (as chosen by the user and verified by the Primary Editor).
Boosting geknüpft an Content Qualität
Bislang konnte ich die Realisierung des nachfolgenden Aspektes noch nicht wahrnehmen. Wie oben beschrieben, bekomme ich angezeigt, dass die Promotion für jeden Artikel 200 TRYBE je 10 Klicks kostet. Im Whitepaper steht allerdings, dass die Kosten des Advertising an die Qualität, sprich die Bewertung, des jeweiligen, zu bewerbenden Artikels angelehnt sein soll. Dazu folgendes Zitat:
The cost of boosting an article will be closely related to the rating score of that article. The cost of boosting a highly rated article will be less than boosting an article with few or low ratings. This in itself will help to preserve the quality of the site content.
Da ich nichts Anderweitiges gefunden habe, gehe ich davon aus, dass dieser Aspekt zukünftig realisiert werden soll. Prinzipiell finde ich den Ansatz allerdings interessant, weshalb ich ihn auch in diesem Blog untergebracht habe.
In diesem Sinne ist auch dieser Blog an seinem Ende angekommen. Ich danke fürs Lesen und freue mich über ein Vote und ein Kommentar.
I was just about to register via your referral link, but I have a few questions:
How do you recommend to aquire an EOS name/wallet/address/account/whatever?
How seriously and for what purposes should I treat the "interests fields" by the time of my registration?
What effects will it have later?
flag for bid bot abuse @steemflagrewards
flagged for bid bot abuse @steemflagrewards
Steem Flag Rewards mention comment has been approved! Thank you for reporting this abuse, @themarkymark.
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flagged for bid bot abuse @steemflagrewards
Why does your comment have 22 Upvotes? Do you use so many bot accounts?
The interest field is not relevant at first, at least not obvious to me. The information can be changed later.
At the moment you don't necessarily need an EOS account. The wallet is not yet implemented on Trybe.One. An account is currently only required if you want to participate in the pre-sale.
Otherwise I would generate key pairs offline for example with Simple-EOS and then have them linked to an account via a third party provider. Costs a fraction of an EOS:
SIMPLEEOS: https://eosrio.io/simpleos/
Example for Account Creation: https://create-eos-account-for.me/ (No recommendation.)
Most of the upvotes came from frontrunners of one of the bidbots that I use.
Good to know.
Strikes me as a mess.
Do you mean that I will be able to earn their currency anyway without an EOS wallet and need an EOS wallet only in order to buy into their currency?
I read somewhere else that a certain type of a wallet is needed for an airdrop.
Will it be an airdrop, or a presale?
There is quite a big difference between these two.
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You got a 73.05% upvote from @sleeplesswhale courtesy of @atempt!
How do trybe holder will benifited on this?
Posted using Partiko Android
Your posts will be more visible and you will probably earn more votes which results in more TRYBE token earned.
You can read more about the monetization by reading this article.
If you did not sign up yet, you can join Trybe using my link. I think you get something like 100 TRYBE for Sign-Up.
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