Hello Steemians! This is my first attempt at selling on my new Merch Amazon account. I only have ten T-shirts available so far. Amazon Merch works on a tier system and I'll only be able to upload more designs after I've sold the first ten shirts. Passive income is a great way for people to get themselves out there to make some extra money all the while expressing their creative sides. Here's my storefront: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=w_bl_sl_s_ap_web_7141123011?ie=UTF8&node=7141123011&field-brandtextbin=Trivium+Products
There's something for everybody: Homesteaders, Bar Drinkers, Anarchists, Agorists, Voluntaryists, Bird Lovers, Tinnitus sufferers, Procrastinators, and Jalapeno lovers! Happy shopping!
I love the Victimless Crime Deserves No Time shirt!