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RE: Looks like the Tsuvians have landed on a new planet!

in #tsuvians8 years ago (edited)

It's a much better place on Steemit to have our ex tsū friends reunite here. Welcome aboard Ron and everyone who's still around out here online.

Did you post this to that tsū community group on Facebook. I'm sure many more peeps from that group will also find Steemit to be an awesome networking platform especially for the blogger types.

Have fun folks! May we all find true success together not just some.


Hello Mike!! Good to have find you here!!

Likewise Helena, good times are on the way :) out on Steemit.

Hi, MIke! How did I miss that you were here? Following!

Hi Denise. Hehe! It's pretty easy to miss one another on new platforms. Glad we got a chance to reunite out here and thanks to Ron and many others posting about tsū.