How and Why Tulsi Gabbard is Held to a Higher Standard (Part Two)
Part Two - Google's Clintonian agenda in Syria , Google Vs Tulsi, and Assange
The revolving door mechanism the private defense industry utilizes extensively to expand its sphere of influence into government and media was discussed in part one of this series, as was Operation Mockingbird, which allowed the CIA to pervade the mainstream media with its propaganda.
After laying the foundation for how the media can effectively push propaganda emanating from the State Department and intelligence community, part one would cover the Syria smear and explain how the smear was able to be propagated so effectively and why #Tulsiwasright - from Gabbard's expression of concern over the funding of jihadi rebel groups in Syria to questioning Assad's alleged guilt in a chemical attack substantiated by nothing more than the oh-so-trustworthy intelligence community's word.
The conclusion from the Syria section has been carried over to this part in order to stress the relationship between the Syria smear and the next section, "Google vs. Tulsi", as Google plays a big part in manufacturing consent for foreign policy, as does all of Big Tech, whose algorithms decide what information is incentivized to propagate and what information is disincentivized and even censored.
Syria Conclusion
As Gabbard likes to frequently remind the public, the Syrian people’s suffering has not spawned just as a result of direct conflict with us-backed rebels/ISIS, but has also been greatly exasperated as a result of general sanctions on Syria. Sanctions are directly preventing reconstruction of the country - causing inflation by targeting Syrian exports, forcing a larger trade deficit and inhibiting the ability for the country to import. Whether it's sanctions on Syria, Iran, or Venezuela, these sanctions target the general population and affect the average citizen more than the people in power.
This is why sanctions such as the ones enacted in April of last year that “cut off all revenues from Iranian oil exports, the lifeblood of the nation’s economy”, leading to shortages in critical medicine as well as other necessities, are often referred to as economic terrorism - as they are intended to destabalize the region, to cause internal conflict and force the population into a state of desperation to which the only immediate way out is by overthrowing their own government.
Iran’s president has condemned these sanctions as acts of “economic warfare”, being that the nation's petroleum industry compromises more than 80% of its exports. This has been seen in Venezuela as well, to an even more extreme extent. Ron Paul’s Institute for Peace and Prosperity released a report titled, “Trade Sanctions Are Both Immoral and Ineffective”, criticizing these sanctions on the premise that they are essentially a form of terrorism.
In the October debates, Gabbard pledged that part of her anti-war reforms in office would include "ending the draconian sanctions that are really a modern-day siege". She would also reaffirm the necessity to stop arming jihadi terrorist groups in front of millions of people, many of whom may not realize the fact that the "moderate" rebels the US has been funding are in fact Jihadi rebels, as noted by the DOD itself in an internal intelligence report from 2012 - made public by the FOIA in 2016 .
This is what sanctions on Syria look like.
January 19, 2020 Murad Gazdiev (@MuradGazdiev)
Millions of civilians unable to heat their homes. Unable to cook food. Unable to buy food. Unable to buy medicine.
Justifying these draconian sanctions with nonexistent or even fabricated evidence is an even bigger disgrace.
Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter writes that Western efforts to frustrate Douma whistleblower testimony to UN this week only serve to underline its importance. (This appears in RT because West's press ignore the revelations.)
January 23, 2020 Tim Hayward (@Tim_Hayward_)
She didn’t have any apologies then, and she does not have any now. Gabbard is not apologizing for anyone, not Assad, and not for herself for meeting with him.
"I will never apologize for doing all that I can to prevent more of my brothers and sisters from being sent into harm's way, to fight counter-productive regime-change wars that make our country less safe, that take more lives, and that cost taxpayers trillions more dollars. So if that means meeting with a dictator, or meeting with an adversary, absolutely. I would do it. This is about the national security of our country."
The role Google has assumed as an authority on foreign policy is a dangerously powerful one, serving as a proxy for what Tulsi would call "the foreign policy establishment". As the Washington Examiner reported in "Clinton email reveals: Google sought overthrow of Syria's Assad" - In 2012 Google aimed to assist the Clintonian State Department's regime change agenda in Syria by" helping insurgents overthrown Syrian President Bashar Assad, according to State Department emails receiving fresh scrutiny this week."
"Messages between former secretary of state Hillary Clinton's team and one of the company's executives detailed the plan for Google to get involved in the region." . . .
"Please keep close hold, but my team is planning to launch a tool ... that will publicly track and map the defections in Syria and which parts of the government they are coming from," The CEO of what was then "Google Ideas" division, Jared Cohen, wrote in 2012 to "several top Clinton officials."
" 'Our logic behind this is that while many people are tracking the atrocities, nobody is visually representing and mapping the defections, which we believe are important in encouraging more to defect and giving confidence to the opposition,' Cohen said, adding that the plan was for Google to surreptitiously give the tool to Middle Eastern media."
"Please keep this very close hold and let me know if there is anything [else] you think we need to account for or think about before we launch. We believe this can have an important impact" Cohen would conclude.
This email by Google's Cohen was directed to the deputy secretary of state, Bill burns, a senior Clinton advisor, Alec Ross, and even Hillary's deputy chief of staff, Jake Sullivan. Sullivan forwarded Google's proposition to Clinton, advocating for it as "a pretty cool idea".
As Julian Assange, who's extradition case is set to begin the day after the publishing of this piece, pointed out in his book, "When Google Met Wikileaks",
"In Autumn 2013 the Obama administration was trying to drum up support for US airstrikes against Syria. Despite setbacks, the administration continued to press for military action well into September with speeches and public announcements by both President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry On September 10, Google lent its front page—the most popular on the internet—to the war effort, inserting a line below the search box reading ‘Live! Secretary Kerry answers questions on Syria. Today via Hangout at 2pm ET.’ "
Google Vs. Tulsi
Before the first democratic debate, the initial OPCW leak had occurred, reinforcing the need to demand evidence instead of blindly trusting the intelligence community's claims, drawing appreciation to Tulsi's current and previous stances.
Many say Tulsi won the debate considering she was #1 trending on Google, with the Hill reporting that , “GoogleTrends showed Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) as the most-searched candidate of Wednesday night's Democratic debate after entering the event in Miami as a relative unknown … Gabbard emerged as the top-searched candidate despite having the third-lowest amount of speaking time, clocking in at just over 6 minutes for the nearly two-hour event". This was in contrast to the second most searched candidate, Booker, who had the most speaking time - being an establishment favorite at the time.
In a separate article, The Hill would report that Drudge Report's instant poll had Gabbard winning in a” landslide”, noting that Tulsi was the “biggest winner of the first night of the Democratic presidential debates, with nearly 45 percent of the vote just after 8 a.m. Thursday morning.” The poll had Warren, whose campaign is undergoing a slow death after backstabbing Bernie, in second at 11.2% with an incredibly large margin between the two women. Tulsi would win in a landslide in many other polls, including a Washington Examiner poll which had her acquire 42% by the time the poll closed. Something about Tulsi Gabbard had piqued the interest of millions of relatively politically inactive Americans watching who had never been exposed to her before.
Google would arbitrarily suspend her campaign’s search ad account for the peak search hours following this debate, leading Tulsi to file a $50 million lawsuit against the company.
Gabbard's account would tweet out a thread that read,
""In the hours following the 1st debate, while millions of Americans searched for info about Tulsi, Google suspended her search ad account w/o explanation. It is vital to our democracy that big tech companies can’t affect the outcome of elections. #Google controls 88% of internet search in the US — giving it control over our access to information. Google’s arbitrary suspension of the account of a presidential candidate should be of concern to all Americans. Google’s discrimination against our campaign reveals the danger of their dominance & how the dominance of big tech over public discourse threatens core American values. They threaten our democracy & #Tulsi will fight back on behalf of all Americans
The lawsuit had stated,
"Google's arbitrary and capricious treatment of Gabbard's campaign should raise concerns for policy makers everywhere about the company's ability to use its dominance to impact political discourse, in a way that interferes with the upcoming 2020 presidential election".
As the Economic Times reported, the lawsuit also affirmed the campaign's beliefs that its emails were being placed in spam folders on Gmail at "a disproportionately high rate" - compared with emails from other Democratic candidates.
Gabbard would later state that,
"Google's discriminatory actions against my campaign are reflective of how dangerous their complete dominance over internet search is, and how the increasing dominance of big tech companies over our public discourse threatens our core American values"
"This is a threat to free speech, fair elections, and to our democracy, and I intend to fight back on behalf of all Americans"
In a better world, it would be easier to assume this untimely ad-suspension to be a coincidence, but in this reality that likelihood is small.
Google executive Eric Schmidt has been proven to have close ties to Hillary Clinton. Thanks to Wikileaks, the Business Insider reports in “Stolen emails reveal a tight relationship between Google's Eric Schmidt and the Clintons” that, “[Wikileaks] emails reveal a relationship with Schmidt dating back to at least 2008 and show that Google loaned its jet to members of Clinton's campaign staff on several occasions”.
Not only has Google catered to Gabbard's political rival, Clinton, on numerous occasions, but they have been clearly shown to have strong ties to the state department and intelligence community, willing to assist in foreign policy objectives. Clinton, who as secretary of state asked "Can't we just drone this guy" in reference to Assange, is being sued by Tulsi Gabbard for $50 million in a separate lawsuit from Google.
If Russia spreading memes online is detrimental election interference, what does that make Google's willingness to be of assistance to regime change agendas, or political factions such as Clinton's network?
Zerohedge would describe how Sarah Harrison of Wikileaks had said that, "The search giant, which famously has a motto of ‘don’t be evil’, has become too cozy with controlling government interests. She even goes so far as to accuse it of 'censoring results' and limiting information flows “at critical times” and in 'a dishonest and secretive way'. Harrison claims to have personal experience of tight connections between Google and the US government.”
Unbeknownst to many, Julian Assange actually wrote a book titled "When Google met Wikileaks".
Now is a good time to acknowledge the Tulsi Gabbard is the ONLY presidential candidate to have pledged by name to pardon Julian Assange, going on to name Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning on the Joe Rogan Experience.
In Tulsi's first appearance on Rogan’s podcast, at 1 hour and 32 minutes, Rogan asked, “so you are involved in this lawsuit with Google, tell us about that”. After explaining the lawsuit’s circumstances, congresswoman Gabbard said, “This is bigger than just the loss in opportunity that my campaign had because this happened on that night during that peak period, its a bigger issue, about the power that this corporation has - in Google in interfering essentially in fair elections and in what kind of information they are willing to put in front of people.”
Google and Assange are not on good terms, and Tulsi being brave enough to explicitly support Assange by name won her no favors with the goliath corporation. Now she seems to be directly at war with the megacorp, which is only natural considering she has been undermining the Syria narrative, going to war against Clinton, vowing to pardon Assange, and calling out big tech in her presidential bid announcement. She has even gone on promise to do everything in her power to “break up big tech monopolies and provide the oversight”
An extract from Assange’s book is provided for free on Wikileaks under the title, “Google is Not What it Seems” which is HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommended for reading or bookmarking for later, as Assange exposes an incredible amount of sourced and verified shocking connections between Google and the US government as well as think tanks and political institutions.
“In this extract from his new book When Google Met Wikileaks, WikiLeaks' publisher Julian Assange describes the special relationship between Google, Hillary Clinton and the State Department -- and what that means for the future of the internet.”
Assange introduces the book segment detailing the then-CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, requesting a meeting in 2011 while he was still only under house arrest and the crackdown on Wikileaks was on full-throttle. Assange goes on to say that the reason for the meeting was for a book Schmidt was writing in conjunction with Jared Cohen, a book which Assange’s extract would circle back to in its closing paragraphs.
“Schmidt was penning a treatise with Jared Cohen, the director of Google Ideas, an outfit that describes itself as Google’s in-house 'think/do tank.' ... Cohen had moved to Google from the US State Department in 2010. He had been a fast-talking 'Generation Y' ideas man at State under two US administrations, a courtier from the world of policy think tanks and institutes, poached in his early twenties.
He became a senior advisor for [neoconservative] Secretaries of State Rice and Clinton. At State, on the Policy Planning Staff, Cohen was soon christened 'Condi’s party-starter,' channeling buzzwords from Silicon Valley into US policy circles and producing delightful rhetorical concoctions such as 'Public Diplomacy 2.0.' On his Council on Foreign Relations adjunct staff page he listed his expertise as “terrorism; radicalization; impact of connection technologies on 21st century statecraft; Iran.”
After Google was acquired by Alphabet, its subsidiary, Google Ideas, would be rebanded under the name JigSaw. Here is the CEO of Google Ideas/Jigsaw Cohen demonstrating his self proclaimed “expertise on Iran” in a tweet days before Soleiani’s assassination:
"While #Iran struggles economically on the home front, it has perpetuated the collapse of the Lebanese state, deployed its qods forces to destabilize #Iraq, attacked oil facilities in #KSA, & sponsored & trained terrorist organizations to keep a murderous tyrant in power in #Syria"
Every angle of attack Cohen takes in the above tweet can be reflected right back at the US, almost as if he is projecting America's problems on Iran. Of course, Cohen fails to acknowledge Iran’s economic struggles are a direct result of the United states’ crippling sanctions. Accusing Iran of supporting terrorist groups in Syria is like Hitler accusing someone else of genocide. When accusing them of destabilizing the region, he also fails to mention that the Quds were in Iraq with permission from the democratic Iraqi government.
Days later when Iran’s second in command is assassinated, instead of condemning our own government for destabilizing the region he proceeds to cheer his assassination and implant the idea of him as a dictator and, via-retweet, accuse him of being responsible for millions of deaths, sourcing an Atlantic article that makes big claims with little evidence. The article does not even attempt to support its multi-million deaths statistic, citing only a few hundred deaths.
While the nuclear issue is a source of national pride for #Iranians, Qassem #Solemani is NOT. Neither is regime support for Arab militias abroad. Hardliners & religious zealots will mourn, but for many young Iranians tired of living under this brutal regime, he will not be missed
January 4, 2020 Jared Cohen (@JaredCohen)
Cohen, of course, did not remind readers that Soleimani had recently fought with US forces against ISIS.
Three years ago CNN was crediting #Soleimani for the defeat of #ISIS.
January 7, 2020Syrian Girl 🇸🇾 (@Partisangirl)
One of Cohen's first retweets after Soleimani's assassination was him commenting on a tweet, agreeing with the notion that, “Iranians will consider US killing Soleimani an act of war. A proxy war could erupt. Likely in Iraq, but also a danger in Lebanon and Israel. This is a big escalation.”
Despite acknowledging the assassination being a precursor to, at the very least, a proxy war - Cohen, CEO of JigSaw and member of the Council of Foreign Relations, has been found bashing the Iran regime on twitter since then. Jigsaw was renamed from Google ideas and is now operated by Google’s parent company, Alphabet, who’s market cap just passed a trillion dollars for the first time. The hypocrisy of Cohen criticizing the Iranian Quds for “destabilizing” Iraq right before cheering actual destabilization should not be go unnoticed.
I wanted to stop myself from directly quoting so much of Assange's excerpt but Assange's own words are most appropriate here to continue illustrating Google’s complicity in a neoconservative foreign policy agenda- especially in light of Assange's extradition case which is set to begin tomorrow as of the time of publishing.
In "When Google Met Wikileaks", Assange wrote,
"It was also in 1999 that Schmidt joined the board of a Washington, DC–based group: the New America Foundation, a merger of well-connected centrist forces (in DC terms). The foundation and its 100 staff serves as an influence mill, using its network of approved national security, foreign policy, and technology pundits to place hundreds of articles and op-eds per year. By 2008 Schmidt had become chairman of its board of directors. As of 2013 the New America Foundation’s principal funders (each contributing over $1 million) are listed as Eric and Wendy Schmidt, the US State Department, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Secondary funders include Google, USAID, and Radio Free Asia."
"Schmidt’s involvement in the New America Foundation places him firmly in the Washington establishment nexus. The foundation’s other board members, seven of whom also list themselves as members of the Council on Foreign Relations, include Francis Fukuyama, one of the intellectual fathers of the neoconservative movement; Rita Hauser, who served on the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board under both Bush and Obama; Jonathan Soros, the son of George Soros; Walter Russell Mead, a US security strategist and editor of the American Interest; Helene Gayle, who sits on the boards of Coca-Cola, Colgate-Palmolive, the Rockefeller Foundation, the State Department’s Foreign Affairs Policy Unit, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the White House Fellows program, and Bono’s ONE Campaign; and Daniel Yergin, oil geostrategist, former chair of the US Department of Energy’s Task Force on Strategic Energy Research, and author of The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money and Power"
Google Chairman Eric Schmidt introduces Hillary Clinton as the keynote speaker at the 16 May 2014 conference "Big Ideas for a New America"
Assange points out that the ambitions of Google are not only well documented and able to be observed through his actions and networking, but through its CEO’s very own words.
“As the self-described ‘radical centrist’65 New York Times columnist Tom Friedman wrote in 1999, sometimes it is not enough to leave the global dominance of American tech corporations to something as mercurial as ‘the free market’:
The hidden hand of the market will never work without a hidden fist. McDonald’s cannot flourish without McDonnell Douglas, the designer of the F-15. And the hidden fist that keeps the world safe for Silicon Valley’s technologies to flourish is called the US Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps.
If anything has changed since those words were written, it is that Silicon Valley has grown restless with that passive role, aspiring instead to adorn the ‘hidden fist’ like a velvet glove. Writing in 2013, Schmidt and Cohen stated,
'What Lockheed Martin was to the twentieth century, technology and cyber-security companies will be to the twenty-first.' "
Schmidt and Cohen wrote the above statement in, “The Empire of the mind”, which was the book referenced earlier that inspired Schmidt’s meeting with Assange. It was eventually retitled "The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business".
Assange wrote that when it finally came out he “noticed the press hum excitedly about Schmidt and Cohen’s book, giddily ignoring the explicit digital imperialism of the title and the conspicuous string of pre-publication endorsements from famous warmongers like Tony Blair, Henry Kissinger, Bill Hayden and Madeleine Albright on the back."
Eric Schmidt and Henry Kissinger during a "fireside chat" with Google staff at the Google's HQ in 2013. In the talk, Kissinger says National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden is "despicable".
Assange described the book as “padded out with DC shibboleths, State Department orthodoxies, and fawning grabs from Henry Kissinger.” He would go on to summarize, “It was a love song from Google to official Washington. Google, a burgeoning digital superstate, was offering to be Washington’s geopolitical visionary.”
Flatley of The Verge gave a scathing review of the book:
“There is an unacknowledged political reality that permeates The New Digital Age, one that assumes that human beings assert no control over their destiny, that regulating people is 'good' while regulating business is 'bad'…
In taking this approach, Schmidt–Cohen gave the world a book that sees humanity not as a group of individuals, but as consumers.”
Another excerpt that is of note from Assange’s book begins by reading,
“In 2012, Google arrived on the list of top-spending Washington, DC, lobbyists—a list typically stalked exclusively by the US Chamber of Commerce, military contractors, and the petrocarbon leviathans"
To anyone educated on the systemic ills that plague our society, this should raise red flags. Assange would continue,
"Google entered the rankings above military aerospace giant Lockheed Martin, with a total of $18.2 million spent in 2012 to Lockheed’s $15.3 million. Boeing, the military contractor that absorbed McDonnell Douglas in 1997, also came below Google, at $15.6 million spent, as did Northrop Grumman at $17.5 million.
A recent tweet by a former Google whistleblower, Dr. Epstein should be garnering more attention(just like the Jeffrey Epstein story), which proclaimed suspicion regarding his wife’s recent death in relation to threats involving his conflict with Google.
Last year, after I briefed a group of state AGs about #Google's power to rig elections, one of them said, "I think you're going to die in an accident in a few months."
January 20, 2020 Dr. Robert Epstein (@DrREpstein)
A few months later, my beautiful wife #Misti died a violent death. Makes you wonder.
The Daily Mail reported on the matter in an articled titled
"Wife, 29, of Google whistleblower who exposed meddling in the 2016 election is killed in a car crash after 'she lost control and veered into the path of a tractor-trailer' ".
In Tulsi’s Presidential bid announcement, the fight against big tech was explicitly included with intelligence agencies, the military industrial complex, and many other forms of corporate abuse. After all, Google deals in information flow, and manufacturing consent for corporate tyranny is a necessary requirement to “keep the order”- for the criminal corporate establishment to remain in power and continue operating in a world whose citizens are becoming increasingly more connected to each other and alternative avenues of information. By having such immense control over the global population's perception, Google has consequently acquired immense control over reality.- as has other Big Tech companies
Unfortunately, Google is the main route the world uses to access all their information; if it was a highway, it gets to decide what exit signs to show you, where you can get off, and can steer you towards certain destinations and away from others.
If Tulsi was not already an enemy of Google and the intelligence community after challenging their Syria agenda to overthrow Assad, she certainly was in their sites after naming them in hers. In truth, she was already despised by all the powers she claimed the need to stand up against in her presidential bid, as she was not a neoconservative or a neoliberal and has not partaken in the hive-mind madness of Washington - the type of madness that allows Democrats to see no hypocrisy in demanding evidence from the intel community for the “imminent threat” that Soleimani posed right after routinely condemning Tulsi in unison for demanding evidence from the very same intel community, under very similar circumstances concerning Syria. Her actions since her presidential bid have only further entrenched her in this fight. To the horror of Bezos and the CIA, she has even threatened to break up Amazon!
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. I agree with Senator Warren on the need to break up big tech companies like Facebook, Google, Amazon. Will be introducing similar legislation in U.S. House.
March 12, 2019 Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard)
It’s not just Google that is influencing what information and narratives people are allowed to be exposed to or propagate. Ahead of the Iowa caucus, Facebook put their “election operations center” into action, which was previously called the “election war room” upon its creation prior to the 2018 midterm elections. The company be communicating with local election officials in Iowa, federal agencies, and, naturally, the corrupt DNC. As CNN reported,
" Facebook has hired former intelligence officials to root out coordinated misinformation campaigns, and its public disclosures have provided some of the best insight into how foreign countries target Americans with disinformation. It has also partnered with fact-checking organizations that downrank false posts and articles which reduces their engagement and have brought in a slew of new rules aimed at combating election misinformation. …
Since 2016, Twitter, Google and YouTube have also all made efforts to counter manipulation of their platforms with a focus around elections.”
"If you're not toeing the line, so to speak, you're ostracized and can get suspended. It can happen to anyone."
January 27, 2020 Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer)
The founder of MSNBC parody account @MSDNCNews speaks out after Twitter suspended the account and didn't provide a reason why.
I see Twitter has quietly added a new report function
January 30, 2020 Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec)
Social media corporations have destroyed freedom of the press.
February 1, 2020 Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton)
You can thank neoliberal right-wing Democrats, who after rigging the election against Bernie could not accept the loss of Clinton. So they created Russiagate and lobbied for endless censorship
In Gabbard’s historic formal presidential bid announcement that followed her appearance on Van Jones,
Tulsi proclaimed that we must "Stand up against overreaching intelligence agencies and big tech companies who take away our civil liberties, privacy, and freedoms in the name of national security and corporate greed".
She would name many other powerful industries and financial interests in her sights when announcing her presidential run and its intentions:
“We must stand up. We must fight for the soul of our country. Stand up against bought and sold politicians who kowtow to special interests, selling their votes to the highest bidder. Where instead of draining the swamp, our president has turned it into a cesspool of corruption.
We must stand up against big pharma and insurance companies, who extort those who are sick, who put their profits above the health and wellbeing of our people. We have to fight to make sure that every single American gets the quality healthcare that they need, through Medicare for All.
We must stand up against the big wall street banks who gamble with our money and our future.
We must stand up against those who pollute our land, our water, and our air.
We must stand up against private prisons, who are profiting off the back of those who are caught up in a broken criminal justice system. A system who puts people in prison for smoking marijuana. While allowing corporations like Purdue Pharma who are responsible for the opioid related deaths of thousands of people who walk away scott free with their coffers full. This so-called criminal justice system which favors the rich and powerful and punish the poor cannot stand.
We must join hands and stand up against those who perpetuate bigotry, hatred, and violence against our brothers and sisters because of their race religion or sexual orientation.
We must stand up, stand up against this administration that claims to believe in america first, but who sells our troops, our weapons, and our interests to whichever foreign country is the highest bidder.
We must stand up against those who dishonor our troops, treating them as political pawns, and mercenaries for hire in wars around the world.
We must stand up, stand up against powerful politicians from both parties, who sit in their ivory towers, thinking up new wars to wage, new places for people to die. Wasting trillions of our taxpayer dollars, hundreds of thousand of lives, undermining our economy, our security and destroying our middle class.
"Now, President Trump campaigned against regime change wars when he ran for president. But now he bows to the wishes of the neocons who surround him, clamoring for regime change wars that he claimed to oppose, this time in Venezuela and in Iran."
"These powerful politicians dishonor the sacrifices made by every one of my brothers and sisters in uniform, their families, as they are the ones who pay the price for these wars."
"In fact, every American pays the price for these wars that have cost us trillions of dollars since 9/11. Every dollar that we spend on regime change wars, or on the new cold war and this nuclear arms race, is a dollar coming out of our pockets. Dollars that should be used to address the very real needs of people in our communities right here at home. We must stand united and stand strong against those in both parties who never tire of war.
Neocons and neolibs who drag us from one regime change war to the next and who are exacerbating the new cold war, pushing us to the brink of nuclear war. We deserve better. Our country deserves better."
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