History of Tunnels:
I've heard that Hitler, military, ancient cities, kingdoms, empires, kings, elites, etc, have had tunnels, underground cities, etc. But specifically speaking, I've not thought about whether or not Hollywood actors would buy houses or build mansions with tunnels. It puts a new meaning into backdoors. Like, technology can have remote access, like a backdoor, like a way to hack into an Apple phone for example.
Breaking Into Houses?
My question would be in regards to the purpose of the Hollywood tunnels. Are you saying they connect houses to other houses so that an actor could sneak into somebody's house or into a museum or somewhere or anywhere or everywhere in order to do as they wish to steal, to who knows what?
Escape Routes
If not, then I guess you are simply saying that they have these tunnels as escape routes and whatever else that they want. They could connect their homes up with each other as some people own multiple houses, buildings, etc. There was a documentary show on the History Channel called Hunting Hitler and people say he went through his tunnels and eventually snuck off to Argentina. I say, that is possible. There appears to be at least one alleged photo of him from South America after his alleged death which is said to have happened during the second world war which ended in 1945.
I would love to have tunnels myself. There is a lot of info here in this article. I'm very interested in the history of the different people who have had tunnels. And I think I was reading a book that claims that there was an ancient tunnel or tunnels of the Egyptians that connected Egypt to North America for thousands of years and that in the tunnels are references to the Joseph. By the way, I was partly named after Joseph. So, they say that they would grow food in the fields of what would someday become the United States of America and that the opening of the tunnels were in the Grand Canyon.