In Turkey an earthquake, the sky has Chinas balloons, a pass they will take, for the war is coming soon!

in #turkey2 years ago (edited)

In Turkey an earthquake,

the sky has Chinas balloons,

a pass they will take,

for the war is coming soon!

Like most things that may become true, because this is something I have been watching for some time, we have to go back in time to see what may be clues. To understand some things, like in this video:

The right people,
In the right place,
At the right time.

Something about right person, right place, right time. The year is 2021. Klaus Schwabs book "the Great Reset" was published in July 2020. That means it was written, most likely, before then and I don't mean that they decided to write it in February or March, when things were going "viral". Sure it's possible that in February, Klaus had some epiphony of sorts and thought it was a great time to have a Great Reset. Got on his computer and had a discussion with the WEF's Founder of the Department known as "the Global Risk Network", Thierry Malleret, and they both collaborated together over the next 4 months creating the content. Then editing and publishing it less than 1 month after the final content creation. 280 pages of some pretty important data and calculations, and the overall concept from a thought in his mind and appearing on the computer in print form.

I have ideas, then I do some research and I start my "blogging" Some blogs I can get done in a day. Some blogs have taken me a week. The longest ones have some 25 minutes of reading time and others only 3 or 4. It's a page a day process. 280 pages is more than 150 days of actually knowing that the virus was going to achieve the world changing affects that it did. Some aspects changing based on *"information".
* Information refers to the PSYOP misinformation
There is a large amount of confidence in the assessments made that Covid-19 would have an affect that would not allow us to go back to normal. But this is just some research and the book is a story all it's own. But it does provide some knowledge and the more information I learn, the more things stand out to me.

My life is numbers and math. I see it in some things like the matrix code Neo sees when he's "dialed" in. Not like it completely, but things do seem to have some real connection. That's why I have a real afinity to John Nashs "equilibria" theory, now being used in "game theory". To me it was a discovery of how the balance of life has some equations that link everything together. More about that later. Just to bring in this concept of Numerology that I have been seeing during all of this strangely apocalyptic life we are all living in now.

This may seem to have some over here then over there back and forth and sort of losing the subject journalism, but I only make these things out in this way, because it's how it flows for me.
This is a screen shot I got from this Covid-19 The Great Reset PDF that you can read for free, written as well by Thierry Malleret, and assessing the over all book in what I would say is a condensed viersion having only 110 pages.

These things are no longer coincidenc to me. But this is what I see..

Screenshot (172).png

38 and 71. The difference is 33. At 33 he published a book and founded a company, the World Economic Forum. A company that is not a real company, but an organization. The WEF is for those, and just like its anogram backwards, FEW that are selected.

This is a moment that I am going to talk about perception and cognative judgement. There are people that are going to read some of these blogs and find them a little on the "looney" side of things. That I am "seeing" things, because that is what I am looking for. You are cognative of the information I provide and how I connect things together, but it seems far from possible and can be judged as just plain crazy. You seem cognative of that from the information I provide. I am cognative of that because, I know that people judge things as they want to see them.


Hermann Rorschach created the ink blot test. This test assesses cognition and personality. A psychologist as an examiner, uses it to score a person based on related answers. It develops a communication between the psychologist and the person being examined. This is a true story. Between 2nd grade and 4th grade I changed schools 5 times. I was not the cause of this, it was due to many factors including jobs that my step-parents acquired and the location of the university where one of them was a student. In 3rd grade, school number 4, I was examined. The teacher wasn't sure about me. I was in her class for about a month and it was the different scores I was getting on tests. One test would be 100% and the next 85%. She noticed I didn't pay attention much and that I didn't play with the other kids that much. Mostly that was because it was the 3rd school that grade and I wasn't getting a good reception. I drew cars, airplanes, things like that and even made my up my own game, that I could play by myself or with a friend. I didn't do a lot with others.

The psychologist sat with me and told me she wanted to talk to me and was going to give me a simple test and ask me some questions. She handed me the first ink blot and asked me to look at it and tell her what I saw. I looked at it and in just a few seconds I said "it looks like someone spilled some ink on the paper and folded it in half". "Why did you say that?" she asked. My reply was simply "Because both sides are the same." She said "Ok, but what else do you see. Look at it and think of what it is in your head when you look at it". I said, "I don't really see anything. It looks like ink on paper that was folded, but I guess it reminds me of a butterfly." She responded again asking why did I say that. I replied, "Because butterfly wings are the same on both sides, so are moths, since it's black, it probably looks more like a moth, but it's not a moth or a butterfly." She said that I was doing well and there were some more to look at. The next ink blot was given to me and she asked me again the same question, but this time added, that she wanted me to not think of it as ink that was on the paper then folded in half.

I looked at the ink blot and said, "It looks like a reflection in a mirror." She asked me what I meant and I told her that the middle was where the paper touched the mirror. Since they were exactly opposite, it made it look like it was a painting that was made of the paper with the ink on it reflected in a mirror." The next was the quesion of color, there were 2 different colors in this ink blot on the paper. She asked what color I saw. I said, I see 3 colors. She asked me to think of the color that I saw the most. I said white. Another "why do you say that?". "Because that is the color of the paper and it's the one that is the most I see when I look at it." Needless to say, I wasn't giving the "normal" answers. 8 years old, having answers that had nothing to do with an emotion I felt, or thought, but just plane logic. Later that day I was told to sit with another kid in the room. He always seemed by himself too. We did "special" classes together, where we learned Algebra and other things that the other kids didn't learn. We didn't take any of the "normal" tests and only had class with the other kids when it was time for spelling. The teacher said he was the smartest kid in the school and scored higher on his test than most 10th graders. I didn't think much of it. I could see the calandar and had already determined there were only 25 days left till the end of the school year. There were only 17 more days I had to go to school and tomorrow was Saturday. I couldn't wait for that Tuesday to come.

But I digress. Its more for a familiarity of my thinking. I don't think like everyone else. So when I do see things that are mathematical and have numbers, I want to take that as far as it will let me. 33 is a pretty important number these days. It seems to be appearing more often, along with that other number that has had it's mathematical impact in my calculations. But moving forward, it's also about finding a reason or cause. A solution, that doesn't get noticed. But if you think about it and do some research, it can be more than meets the eye.

Turkey Earthquakes

February 6, 2023. Turkey is hit with the biggest earthquake in 10 years. A deadly, world shattering 7.8 magnitude earthquake strikes and its impact is felt by many. "Fuck..", is all that I really want to say. An ocean away and this made an impact in my life that made it stop. It changed everything. My plans were over. All the time, the planning, the work, those things that aren't going to pay me, all gone. So there is relevance to me. It is on my mind and I have not stopped thinking about it. It makes some things in the world so much more connected. You may not think so now, but there are things that happened years ago, that are going to fall in line with this earthquake.

I have been a servant of God my whole life. Not in a sense that you would see me on the street preaching his word. I have my story. It would be to much to tell in a Blog and writing it for people to read would probably make a lot of people listen to me more. Maybe even see that God exists. I asked God and Jesus into my heart when I was just 6 years old. I was a Catholic alterboy from 11 to 17. I have predicted events, endured like Job, and I will never lose my faith. This is not coincidence to me. It is real as God shows it to me.

  • 2-6-2023
  • 2x6x2x2x3=
  • 144

144 is a God number.

Revelations: 7
1 After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree. 2 Then I saw another angel coming up from the east, having the seal of the living God. He called out in a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm the land and the sea: 3 “Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” 4 Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.

Now that I have made that connection, it is these other connections that are all lining up to what I envisioned so many moths ago. Something that I researched and realized it could happen. That was before the earthquake. Before the cloud. I even said it to myself, there would be no stopping it from happening.

We need to go back to August of 2021. The Afghanistan withdrawal. Which isn't looking so much like a withdrawal from my perspective, but a direct and purposeful presentation of US military weapons, that would be used very soon. The US may have sabotaged airplanes, helicopters, HumV's and other transport vehicles and mechanical weapons. But when the Taliban took over, the ones being used by the Afghanistan army, were operational. This is important to know, because just 1 of each of the other sabotaged weapons, can be replicated from a functioning weapon formerly held by the Afghanistan military.

Russia and China have shown intrest in these weapons and have some real ability to compare and evaluate reperations between an operational and a rendered unoperable weapon, and manufature replacement parts. Thus repairing the weapon and having it in their possession. Iran has also taken interest and has already had success in using US weapons that were seized, and success against NATO and teh US Military. Afghanistan was a strategic country to have under the US. It seperated Iran from China. It had help from Pakistan. It was an important piece of the puzzle. Leaving all those weapons there with all of their biggest enemies on all sides except Pakistan, it could hold back an attack and it would keep Russia, China and Iran from having direct land access to eachother. The US left Afgahnistan and left Billions in Weapons, and now these countries don't have the US looking over their shoulder. As long as they don't all get together, it will take more than a few days to get an army into Europe. BUT...

Another one? Another NEW WORLD ORDER? Doesn't the NEW WORLD ORDER have copyrights to their name? Oh, that's right, that's a conspiracy. Can't name your group of countries ifluenced by Oligarchies to be corrupt and help them take over the world. Besides, the US had to give some attention to their NEW friend in the Ukraine. You know, the guy that has recieved a Trillion Dollars over all, is running everyone out of ammunition and hasn't gained an inch back from Russia. Russia has basically won, but Zalynski isn't going to give in, because he is just a puppet. Everyone is worried about World War 3 starting. But it already has. These are the countries involved.


They have aided in many ways. With most of the NATO countries providing weapons and ammunition. Now most of those countries are low on ammunition and have given all their spare and older weapons to Ukraine. They are now ALL vulnerable to attack. If Russia had a few more friends with some military power, this would be problematic. All of those countries weak and struggling financially from the PLANDEMIC. Being invaded by millions of immagrants. US and NATO sanctions on countries are about to backfire. Sanctions on those countries, over the years, hasn't made them weak. It's made them stronger. Learning how to make it and still grow, without those things that seemed necessary, they have been able to overecome, endure and even become stronger. Making the earthquake in Turkey a very important issue. China now has a pass in Afghanistan to their friend in Iran, and direct access to Europe through a now DEVESTATED Turkey, who is willing to give up it's NATO alliance, request a return of their $1.2 billion they gave to the US for fighter Jets and make a deal with Russia or China for different planes. If Turkey, the gateway to Europe, joins WARSAW and Russia helps, this is a pass to the very border of Bulgaria, which could easily fall in just days. Only haveing to battle with Bulgaria, and if China helps Russia, they can not only defeat Ukraine but occupy it. Their they join forces, and walk through every country in Europe because it's leaders decided to follow the 2030 Agenda and Climate change. This aliance leaves their borders open allowing all kinds of people into their countries and some aren't going to help or join their cause. They just want to be there to see China march in, using a 3 day route, that has little resistance resistance.


The US has given the pass to China. Arrogance, excessive pride and over confidence is huberis. But that isn't enough to bring the worlds greatest country to destruction. It takes a division of the people. It takes the other NEW WORLD ORDER and deliberate actions. Joint actions fully funded to enable the next fear tactic to be fulfilled.

Some artists get it. Independent artists are able or willing to get to the point. Tom MacDonald is in the know and puts his talent to use in bringing some information to the public and as a TOP artist in the music industry, as an independent he can make his music and not need to regulate the content of his art to stay popular and endorsed. Art is a world of it's own. Artists create and therefore transform the world. As an artist, I can relate. There are ways to overcome the oppression and the overall actions that are coming from the Oligarchy, the NEW WORLD ORDER and the ESG. But it's best to understand that the very perspective I talked about in the begining segwayed to this sentence. Do you believe it's all somehow a coincidence after 18 months since Afghanistan? If you knew about Tesla and his magnetic wave frequency machine that when tested the first time caused his neighbors to call the police fearing an earthquake was coming from his home and DARPA has it? CERN? HAARP? What about a unique form of deciphering that uses numbers for letters? Would you see these possibilities and take the time to decipher them?


Don't see it do you? But let me show you something that is absolutely mind blowing. those 4 people each have different initials. Those initials are run through a number system where A=1 and Z=26. Then done in reverse as A=26 and Z=1. Those numbers are added together and they all get 81. Time to see it all..

  • 81x4=324
  • 423 is 324 backwards just like the cypher
  • 423+324=747
  • 747-81= 666

But that's not all. Because it is even done another way that is just as pronounced, so that someone like me would find it.

  • 324+324=648
  • 81 in reverse is 18
  • 648+18= 666

This is not some wierd anomoly. This is some pretty real stuff and if you actually know what DARPA, HAARP, and CERN are, then you may want to know that SATAN and HELL are attached to them.

In the early photo:

Cern 40 + 68 =108
hell 37 + 71 =108
108 + 108 =216
6 x 6 x 6 =216

That's not much to consider, until you do the math with 6:

  • 108 x 6 = 548
  • 108 / 6 = 18
  • 548 + 18 = 666

satan 55 + 80 =135
darpa 40 + 95 =135
haarp 44 + 91 =135

135 is unique in it is one of the few combinations that can make this happen:

  • 135 is 531 in reverse
  • 135 + 531 = 666

Once I started seeing these real numbers and real math coming together it all starts to look like there is more to understand. More to research, so I did...

Don't take what you are seeing here lightly. The fact is Math is the most powerful language in the world, because if you understand it, it can never lie to you. 4 + 2 can never = 5, it has only 1 truth. Numbers can be infinite. Numbers have multiple possibilities for equations to create that number. An example is like above: 4 + 2 = 6. But if we are just looking for the number 6, we have multiple possibilities. The square root of 36 is 6, 1x6 = 6 and then it goes infinite, because every multiplication of 6 is divisible by that number to get 6, in this way:
6 x 51 = 306
So now we have a number but we want to get 6 so we can divide 306 by 51. So it is infinite to acquire 6 from many possible equations as long as the numbers used are the "TRUE" mathematical solution that creates the value 6. But some things are defined and cannot be changed, Much like TIME. TIME is set in a date, like a day in a particular year, it is only able to achieve the values available to it. A date that changed the world is also part of this revelation. No, that is not ironic. It is not coincidence. Revelations is where we got the number in the first place.
That date I am talking about is 9-11-2001. Hang to the little bit of reality you think you have, your going to need it from here on. This is exactly as the EVIL creates. A fear that allows you to accept anything your "protector", who is actualy your jailer, does to erase fear. Except the fear was created by the same EVIL that you accept as your "savior" remember this. The evil that is destroyed, is not the evil you think it is. It is evil, but that evil is the sacrifice to allow a greater evil to gain power.
9-11. We say it like that. When ever you reference that day you say nine eleven.

  • 9 x 11 = 99
  • 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 3
  • 99 / 3 = 33
  • 3 + 3 = 6
  • 33 + 33 + 33 = 99
  • (3+3) + (3+3) + (3+3) which is 6 + 6 + 6

There are many things to discover. This is just showing a perspective. This may seem a little crazy. I can certainly see that even as I produce these results. But I am 100% sure that what I learn is meant to be learned. What I am able to see, is meant to be seen. Because even if the results are bad, the final result is knowledge. But those of you who do not think this way, there are odd things that show that the things I learned are real. Including the elimination of data on the internet and how it is presented. Some times data is there and accessable until it is wiped. This is a website that can't be wipped. Only regarded as "bad" by main stream media. Twitter always warns you about Rumble. Watch this video.


There is some things that suggest that the imposter is what we are seeing. Not just one, but 2. Because the real person, is not alive.


Don't get to caught up in this part. Or the next part. Because there are deceptions of the deception as a deception of a deception. Which is the lie exposed is a lie to create a reality that when you find out it is a lie, creates a new reality that is exactly the false reality that you will believe, so the next actions will be easily accepted.

Right now, you may not believe anything I provide as information. I understand completely. It is extremely difficult to accept one concept from what would be called a conspiracy theory. The perception you have is that the ink blot is a butterfly. Then you are provided information like I did earlier that the ink is in fact made like I told you. Ink on a piece of paper, folded in half to make it exactly the same as a REFLECTION from the middle of the ink or "image" you see. This is the perception that is making complete sense to you. You know that some conspiracy theories are true. They have revealed themselves to be just that. Just as the conspiracy theorist told you. But you were someone that always said butterfly, and the conspiracy theorist said it was ink on a piece of paper. The logic is provided and soon that becomes the reality. That you were intentionally provided only a solution. Then you were given the question to create that solution and that is where you allowed the solution to create an equation that you could "see" because of your perception of reality, and that equation is true. You know 4+2=6. It seemed simple enough. Then a conspiracy theorist told you that there was another equation. That it was infact 3+3=6.

This will contain a logic. You will agree and this person will make sense for you to listen to. They will be known, they will have knowledge. This person may then die. Don't quote me on that, I am only extrapulating from history. Because a similar thing happened before. When this all began, over 2,000 years ago. This person will begin to reveal some realities. Things that will begin to make sense. But then, a NEW knowledge will be presented. This will be much like I told you about numbers. That there are an infinite number of possibilities. They will show you this and create those realities right before your eyes. They will show, how you were decieved as the conspiracy theorist said. But that the conspiracy theorist had been deceived. That they weren't part of the group that were doing it, but that they didn't know that they were unknowingly manipulated. That there is only 1 way to know the truth. That all equations must be known to us by those that create them. Including your equations, that may be equations impressed upon you so that others would accept it.

This will be the logic that they all will accept. It will seem as though it had solved everything. But that is when the reality will come. That they are not providing the solution, that it is the ultimate control for you to have security. To have knowledge of these things, so we are "ONE". This is where it really begins. That the reality you finally accept, is the final lie. For that person is just a puppet. They are the true antichrist, when you had accepted that another was that person, and that they had been exposed. That you accepted this exposure. That is how the biggest lie will come. That is when things like this are determined to be a false equation, but the math tells the truth, and that is what is undeniable.


That the truth is as it was written.




These are taken from actual Mars Rover video I downloaded from NASA. I did the work of watching video and finding this person standing in the distance. I snapshot these frames, enlarged them and adjusted the images to remove the RED. Making them the natural image they should have been. This person turned just before the camera focused on a different part of the landscape. There is no Mars Rover. There is no MARS! These are the realities that will become known, when it's already too late.

That when it was written "as it is above, so it is below" That the math I did for weeks, calculating and calculating. Proves everything that you believe is a lie. Take for instance the ISS.

Weighing in at 5 tons. Earths gravity keeps it in orbit. (As science would tell you.) There is a mathematical equation to determine this based on earth's gravitational constant, speed of the ISS and mass of earth. Gravity is that force that "pulls" us to the earth and that pull is "equalized" or perfectly equalized at the distance of the ISS and its speed. The pull keeps the ISS from floating out into space, the speed is what keeps it from falling to the ground. It is NOT based on the weight of the ISS and all things in it. But somehow, everything inside is at ZERO gravity and does not hold to this equation. Sure a body in motion and those things are relevent. But centrifical force is real based on the CURVE of the orbit. Like when you have a curve in the road, the higher the speed, the more your body wants to continue to go straight and you are pushed against that side of the vehicle as you go through the curve. The friction of the tires held by gravity, and by far, the weight of the car, are what allow it to turn. But the lower the weight, the less friction. Thus lighter objects tend to slide across the seat, dashboard and surfaces of the car if not held in place.

ISS astronauts

From this it should be true that if I had a tennis ball weighing 8 ounces and a Lead ball of equal size weighing 160 ounces. If they were at the same height as the ISS and were traveling at the same speed, that they would also orbit the earth at that spot in the orbital path. This is something that contradicts everything else. The ISS orbital speed is 17,700 MPH. Now lets use some logic from the information provided. 250 miles from earth, the ISS orbits earth 16 times per day. Using a Gravitational constant. Here is an image provided by the WEF itself.


Now I can give you something that shows that gravity, according to SCIENCE, is not the same at all points on earth. The concept of earth being an oblate spheroid, is the significance of this objective look. This is the relationship to water staying on earth. That it is drawn to the center, because of the rotation, but the North and South poles have a different GRAVITY.

Remember the ORBIT formula?


In math, square and square roots, are very delicate in terms of what the value is that is returned. I will make it simple:

  • 2 squared 2x2=4
  • 3 squared 3x3=9 (1 value from 2 is a difference of 5)
  • 4 squared 4x4=16 (difference of 7)
  • 5 squared 5x5=25 (difference of 9)
  • 6 squared 6x6=36 (difference of 11)

This gravitational constant is only 0.35% of change, but this formula has a couple things to consider.

  1. Division of the Multiplication
    The division is a significant factor. Though it is going to be large based on the mass of earth. This is now a more significant number. 0.35% of the mass of earth? Yeah. It's not 5 ounces.
  2. Square root
    We are talking about an object traveling at 17,700 MPH. That is MACH 23. (we'll talk MACH soon) These things cannot have the slightest variables under these rules. 0.35% is the difference of TONS of MASS. 1,000's of meters per second - per second, due to the change in gravity.

It's good thing the Radius never changes. But then the galaxy is hurtling through space at 1.3 Million miles per hour. How many times I have said I am moving at over a million miles per hour and Science was the proof. But then I forgot to mention the ORBITAL WOBBLE.
Obital Wobble
Spinning at 1,000 miles per hour. I know that there is molecules and stuff, but this just makes things a little odd. That is that is 233 MPH faster than the speed of sound or MACH 1. So we might question how sound can reach the ears of someone that is 50 feet away and in the direction of the earths spin. In one direction, sound would hit you 103 hours later and in the other 13.6 hours. That means if sound could travel 13,600 miles, than if it was directed in the opposite direction of the spin it would be heard all around the world in 13.6 hours. In the same direction it would take 4 days and 4 hours to be heard and need to travel 100,000 miles. But the spin is relevent. Due to the equation above. ORBIT. How is a satellite able to stay perfectly positioned for your Direct TV? Do you really want to see how much of a LIE everything is? What is the satellite process? If you are as old as I am, your going to wonder how they only had 1 satellite and able to make this happen. How were you able to get Direct TV nearly 30 years ago? Yeah.. Not making any sense at all. 👉Take a look at Satellites in Orbit.👈

This is just some of the things. Just some things that we question now. But there is so much more. Such huge amount that is not known. Things in this blog are just scratching the surface. Hinting at a huge lie. People believe some things are true that are not. They also believe that some things are not true that are.
Perception like noted earlier is a huge amount of misconceptions. That's why I love math. It just keeps telling it like it has to. This is a time that I realized was key and therefore a HUGE and important moment for math to continue its abilities to show how strong it calls for a realization.

In the video I talked about 1997. That is the real 3rd coming of the antichrist. but we also need to understand some more things. Like December 25th was not the day Jesus was born. In fact evil showed us that day. Jesus was born on September 11. That is why it happened on September 11, 2001. That was the day that all those numbers would be relative. Because math is a part of time. It is measured, calculated and determined to have a future. It is what I talked about in the video. This is 2023. It doesn't matter if the "time" is actually 2022. Because I am calculating on 1997.

This means that I feel that Agenda 2030 is all about the same number 33. It is exactly 33 years later.That is because the actual 2,000 years will be complete, in terms of Jesus' death. To have Satan come from hell and command the earth, it needs to go through Tribulation. That is here. It was shown to me in teh earthquake wich prompted me to calculate. Because I have already calcualted the dates we should be concerned about. Those are the dates of our Lord Jesus Christ. The first date is quickly appoaching. The day of his death, 7 years before the 2,000 anniversary. This year. 4-9-2023. Yes, we are going to do the math.

  • 4-9-2023 Easter Jesus rises from the dead.
  • 4 x 9 x 2 x 2 x 3 = 432 this number is THE ONLY of it's kind.
    This is a consecutive number sequence. Why is this important? because it is also one of the few that does this.
  • 234 is the reverse of 432
  • 234 + 432 = 666

In many different mathematical applications, this is probably one of the most prolific if not THE most prolific. This date has meaning. This date is the date that SATAN hates the most. Lucifer, the wicked tongue, the hand of light, called the supreme architect. He is said to have been Gods most beautiful angel. He challenged him for his "weakness" in allowing man to have free will. He was cast down when he rebeled and fought to claim the kingdom of heaven. All his servents with him. He came to the garden and tempted Eve. God put him in the spot he has hated ever since, to be beneath man. His anger was furious. He created jealousy in Kane. It brought Kane to his greatest detest of God's judgement. His rage brought forth the first ever murder. Not some stranger, but his brother, that God was so pleased with.

He challenged God again with Job. Job endured and was given twice and more of what he had before Satan used his powers to take everything from him. Job was just a man, he proved that man could be above him. He was not at all pleased.
Lucifer is not happy
Then Jesus came. Lucifer tempted him and guiled him, called him weak for he did not use the powers of the only begotten son of God. Satan was angry. For God so loved the world he GAVE his only begotten son, that who so ever believed him would not perish but have everlasting life. Satan wanted no one to know who Jesus was. He gave temptation to all of ROME. He had John the Baptist beheaded. He sent many of the kings elders to trick him into anger, into making him a fool. They all failed. Then it came to Judas. Judas, jealous and greedy. Judas full of pride and resentment. He betrayed Jesus. But that wouldn't be enough. He pushed Pilot to kill Jesus and end any claim that he had made to be the son of the Lord Almighty. He did not want that on his conscience. He would ask the people to make the choice. Lucifer spread his lie amongst the people. He tempted them, and shamed them for not being men. When Pilot asked of the 2 who should die on the cross. Jesus who claimed to be the son of God, or Barabus the man who had killed and murdered many, leaving families without mothers and fathers. The crowd chanted. "Kill the Jew! Give us Barabus!". Lucifer was pleased. He was going to get his vengence on the one and only true God. He would enjoy God's suffering. His challenge was to come. A challenge for the throne of heaven.
Jesus carries the cross

Jesus was stripped of his clothes, for that is all he had. He was given a crown of thorns. Lucifer wanted him to be ridiculed. To have no pity and only shame. He walked amongst the crowds and convinced them Jesus was a liar. That Jesus had taken advantage of them, making them look ignorant and stupid. They spat upon him and yelled and called him names. They shamed him. Lucifer was pleased. They laughed at him when he fell, not once, or twice, but three times. Lucifer was overjoyed. Making the son of God look weak. Making him look like a man that had deceived everyone. Simon carried the cross to the top of the mountain. They nailed him to the cross. But he didn't die as quickly as Lucifer had hoped. So he had the Roman soldiers do cruel things. Gamble over his clothes. Made him drink Vinegar, though most think that it was urine from one of the soldiers. Then Lucifers eyes went wide as if he had finally won. Jesus cried out, "My God, My God. Why have you forsaken me?". The earth shook. The sun went black. Lucifer raised his hand. The hand of light and it was the only light in the darkness. He had done it. He had killed the son of God.

For 3 days Lucifer boasted and his arrogance grew. For 3 days he plotted his return, the death of God, Michael, Raphael and Gabriel. For 2 days he stared at heaven, the darkened sky. No light from the sun came, he gloated intently. On the 3rd day, he looked to heaven and he felt his time had come. But then the darkness departed. Light shown brightly accross the heavens and down to earth. A light brighter than had ever shown from heaven before. Jesus had risen as he had foretold. This was a rejection of his victory. He had not succeeded. He had empowered Jesus. Jesus would be the savior of man. Lucifer was beyond furious. This was not the end of his fight, but the beginning. He would send man to his ruin. Tempting him and giving him a world of lies and depravity.

This is the day he had been waiting for. The truth of evil would be known.

Luke 8:17
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

This is where the truth is in numbers the revealing of it in a language everyone can understand. There are only 10 numbers. There is the need of only 4 equatic representations of math. Plus, Minus, Divide, and Multiply.

  • 6 x 6 x 6 = 216
  • 4 x 3 x 2 = 24
  • 4 + 3 + 2 = 9
  • 9 x 24 = 216
  • 9 + 24 = 33
    There are 3 numbers. This day has connected all things save a few. But now you will see it do, just that.
  • 3 x 24 = 72
  • 3 x 9 = 27
  • 2 + 7 = 9
  • 7 + 2 = 9
  • 72 + 27 = 99
  • 9 + 9 = 18
  • 72 x 27 = 1944
  • 72 - 18 = 54
  • 1944 + 54 = 1998
    In case you didn't watch my video. 666 x 3 = 1998
  • 27 + 18 = 45
  • 99 - 45 = 54
    There was more than 1 way to get that number.
    Now to connect those 4 people. And make 81 significant.
    Making 9 as a solution 2 more times.
  • 72 + 18 = 90
  • 99 - 90 = 9
  • 27 - 18 = 9
  • 9 x 9 = 81
  • 9 + 9 = 18
  • 1 x 8 = 8
  • 8 x 81 = 648
  • 648 + 18 = 666

The deception is this thing that keeps pushing at us. Making this fear and then becoming the solution all at the same time. But the Lord our God has been the better archatect. His plan is divine. It is written: to God a day is a year and a year is a day.

Why is the Earthquake significant? Because it is a sign. It may not be to you, but it is to me. I sat here in my chair, at my desk. I debated about the story of the ink blot test. I thought it to be some sort of self gratifying expression. I didn't want it to seem as if I had some type of intelect that was important. That it may look that it is meant to be influential. I was just about to go back and remove it. Just that, nothing else. Then another sign from GOd appeared. It showed me that it was important. That it would connect the entire blog to him. To our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You know what that sign was?
A butterfly. But not a butterfly a giant moth. It looks like it has these colors, but they are all dark. It is the first time I have seen one since the last time my life was about to change. A different kid of change. Here in Colombia South America, these moths can be huge. This moth was HUGE. Bigger than my hand. I thank God for showing me the way to understand how he speaks to us. Like this thing that you are about to read.

That ink blot test? I knew it was a test. I knew it would single me out. I knew that I was different. I knew I was 8 years old. That there were only 25 days of school left. But a day is like a year to God. In 25 years I would be... 33.

God has given me great purpose. This is what I am doing now. This is the way I will tell the story of evil. A trilogy game. It will take help from everyone that can. Solvia is a play on words. Sol means Sun. But Sun sounds like SON. Via means way. Solvia, the name was meant to have God and Jesus in it. The Son's Way. For Jesus said. "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man may come before the father except by me."

The plan and contract are ready and this and will make it happen.
I have an offer that is incredible. 100% return and investment in 60 days from the commencment of the plan. The goal is only $50,000. This does everything, mathematically. The commencement happens the day the goal is achieved. This return should be fulfilled by the end of April. Contact me in the Solvia Discord. Link in my profile or I'm on Twitter

Solvia is more than just an opportunity. With my knowledge, planning and purpose, it will save many of us from the evil apocalypse. I've done the math. This is the solution. But it's your perspective that creates your reality.

Not going to leave you in some state of anxiety. Those China ballons? They remind me of this:


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