The Local Flock of Turkeys

in #turkeys3 months ago

Hello, Hivers!

For today's post, I have a new video for you. There's a flock of turkeys that's been wandering around my neighborhood for several weeks now. They tend to show up some time between 3pm and dark, which is about 4:30 right now. If I'm home and I see them, I'll go outside and throw them some whole corn. I think they recognize me because they don't run away now, they wait for the corn. They're getting more bold also, flying over the garden fence to look for food inside the yard. They can be quite entertaining.

Here's the video, it's about 4 minutes long.

Thanks for stopping by to check out my post! I hope you found the video entertaining.



We used to have turkeys her eon the farm, but haven't seen any for years, it's gotten too built up. Sigh...

Yeah, I don't know why there's turkeys in town here, this is something new for here.