Turmeric Forskolin : Are germinated foods really healthier and more nutritious?

in #turmericforskolin5 years ago

#@~Turmeric Forskolin~@# This includes foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean protein sources and unprocessed whole grains, along with plenty of water. This period also brings the rule of avoiding over consumption of refined carbohydrates. When you get to the time when you are allowed to eat whatever you want, moderation is needed, or the goals for weight loss will not be met. You need to know how to control portion sizes and not consume all the calories of the day in one meal.

For example, you can use a 20% lunch period to eat a pasta with cheese sauce. Another possibility is to add a dessert such as a piece of cake, an ice cream or a portion of pudding at the end of a healthy main meal.
An important point not to extrapolate in this period is to know how to plan the 80/20 diet to lose weight. One suggestion is to check the schedule at the beginning of the week and check if any outings or events are scheduled. If so, allow time off for these occasions.

Another tip is to think in advance which treats you really want to eat and which ones you can live without. Then use your junk meals to enjoy your favorite foods.

The Pros and Cons of the 80/20 Diet for Weight Loss

A survey released in 2014 on Obesity Facts showed that it is possible to lose weight even if you have junk food on weekends if you compensate by following a generally healthy diet for the most part. of time.

Nutritionist Rachael Harley explained that being healthy does not necessarily mean eating perfectly. In his opinion, if 80% of the diet corresponds to a menu with whole and nutritious foods, then the remaining 20% can bring goodies without compromising health.

In the same vein, another nutritionist, Christine Pabulum, said knowing that you could taste a pastry or ice cream, for example, could help keep you motivated to continue your healthy habits at any given time.

On the other hand, nutritionist Samantha Heller noted that it is not that simple to identify how much corresponds to 20% of the diet. The nutritionist also points out that labeling foods in the 20% category, labeling them as bad, can bring the feeling of guilt.

Another danger is that you will not be able to maintain your 80/20 balance and moderation and overeat when you are in the 20% portion. This may impair and make weight loss impossible.

In these cases, what can be done is a reevaluation and readjustment of the diet, with the accompaniment of a nutritionist, so that balance and moderation become easier to achieve.

One of the possible indications is to change the ratio from 80/20 to 90/10, reserving only 10% of the meals for free meals.

Before following the 80/20 diet to lose weight, just like any other dietary program, it is essential to consult a doctor and a nutritionist. They are the ones who will be able to indicate the most appropriate method for you, considering not only your weight loss goals, but also your health and well-being.

This is important because the best way to lose weight is to lose weight healthily, providing the nutrients and energy the body needs to function properly so that the acquired form can be safely maintained.

The Dangers of Cotton Diet - How It Works and Risks

You may have already known or heard of several crazy and dangerous diets out there. But have you ever imagined a food program where you dip cotton swabs in liquid jellies, smoothies, lemonade or orange juice and then swallow them?

Well, we are talking about the cotton diet, which has been used for years by models as a way of coping with their hunger pangs and feeling satiated even without eating food.

According to ABC News, model Bria Murphy, daughter of actor Eddie Murphy, admitted to the Good Morning America program that she had heard about girls eating cotton balls dipped in orange juice because of the pressure they were under. to get thin.

The method works as a way to curb the appetite and dramatically decrease the total amount of calories that is consumed throughout the day.

The Risks And Dangers Of The Cotton Diet

There are several complications that this crazy weight loss method can bring. One is that some cotton balls orballs are not made of real cotton. In reality, they are made up of polyester fibers, which have harmful chemicals.

The chemicals in the balls can still accumulate in the body, which causes health problems. In other words, it's not a product made for food, so you can't expect it to do well or, at the very least, not to be bad for your health, right?

Cotton wads have a group of substances called dioxins. According to the World Health Organization (DHO), dioxins found naturally in foods such as animal products can cause reproductive problems, impair immune function, disrupt hormone function and even cause cancer.

The scenario becomes even worse when we think that dioxins are chemically stable and remain in the body for 7 to 11 years. Now, can you imagine the damage that cotton balls can do, given that they have a much higher amount of dioxins than is gained through food?

According to ABC News, the chief medical officer of a US food recovery center, Dr. Ovidio Bermudez, said eating cotton is the same as eating cloth, buttons or coins.

Bowel obstruction

But it doesn't stop there: There is also a risk of choking while swallowing the cotton swab. Cotton balls made of polyester can still accumulate in the body as they cannot be digested, causing an obstruction, congesting the intestine, which is life threatening.

They mix with mucus and food particles, resulting in the creation of a kind of mass within the body. The obstruction prevents food and drink from passing through the intestines and, if left untreated, can cause infections and death of healthy tissues.

To remove these masses, a surgical procedure must be performed. The first signs of obstruction are nausea, cramps, diarrhea, constipation and bloating.


We come to the most obvious and one of the most serious harm brought on by the cotton diet. You see, if it is adopted as a way to curb appetite and fool hunger, it shows that the body is not being well fed.

And if he is not well fed, does not receive the nutrients necessary for his survival, suffers from nutritional deficiencies and is malnourished.

The list of symptoms of malnutrition include: pale skin, lack of energy, tiredness, delayed wound healing, irritability, poor concentration, persistent diarrhea, rashes, bruising, sore joints, thickening of the hair, light sensitivity and bleeding in the skin. gum.

The long-term condition may increase the risk of infections, develop anemia and bone malformation, alter the functioning of organs and systems such as the nervous, immune, respiratory, renal, cardiac, liver and intestinal system, and lead to death.

Before we leave…

It costs nothing to leave a few more words of warning. The information presented here already makes it very clear that the cotton diet brings serious and serious risks to life and therefore should not be followed.

If you know someone who is interested in the program or has already used it, be aware and seek professional help. This is because the cotton diet is associated with eating disorders .

In addition, approximately half of people who develop some kind of eating disorder also suffer from depression.

One of the disorders that may be related to the cotton diet is anorexia nervosa , characterized by the extreme fear of gaining weight, which causes the person to take extreme steps to lose weight. The disease can cause heart failure or organ failure, leading to death.

Symptoms of eating disorder include: bloating, abnormal hair growth, missed periods, fatigue, osteoporosis, irregular heart rhythm, distorted body image, going to the bathroom immediately after meals, refusing to eat near other people and use of diuretics and laxatives to stimulate urine and bowel movement.

Lose weight with health

It is important to emphasize that more than losing weight is crucial to lose weight in a healthy way. This means choosing a healthy, nutritious, controlled and healthy diet that allows the body to consume the calories needed for energy while providing the nutrients the body needs to function properly.

Then, with enough energy, it will also be possible to practice physical activities often, which maximizes the elimination of calories. And all this always relying on the help and monitoring of a doctor, nutritionist and personal trainer, who will know how to indicate the best methods for each case, considering not only weight loss, but also the maintenance of health.

The Fertility Diet to Get Pregnant - How It Works, Menu and Tips

A couple can be considered infertile when they have a sexual rhythm of at least three relationships a month, during the fertile period, without using a contraceptive method, and still cannot get pregnant.

the Brasil Post reported that according to information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 6% of married women aged 15-44 in the United States are unable to become pregnant. even after spending a year having sex without adopting contraceptive methods, Already around 12% of women in the country of the same age group have difficulty conceiving or leading a pregnancy to the end, regardless of their marital status. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in 10 Brazilian couples suffer from infertility problems.

30% of cases the problem of infertility is found in men and 20% of the time the complication resides in the body of women.

Fertility Diet to Get Pregnant

First and foremost, we need to state that there is no fertility diet to magically get pregnant, but dietary guidelines that serve to stimulate fertility and help to make pregnancy healthy once conception has been realized.

The idea of the method is to include foods that are sources of nutrients necessary for the functioning, balance and production of hormones, fetal development, egg health, sperm health and blood health.

One aspect of the fertility diet for getting pregnant is the natural fertility diet. It is based on the following guidelines:

High consumption of organic fruits and vegetables
Because they are more nutritious and contain no herbicides and pesticides, they negatively affect the fertility of both men and women.

Eating whole, natural organic dairy products from pasture-fed animals
Non-organic dairy products should be avoided because they have added hormones and antibiotics that contribute to the rise in estrogen levels in the body. Excess estrogen in women can cause, among other problems, decreased or lost fertility.

As for dairy, it is still important to know that milk and cheese can congest the body. And in cases of problems such as endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome, dairy products can worsen the picture.

Eat fish from cold water

This includes cod, Alaskan wild salmon and Alaskan halibut. Fish are important because they help regulate a woman's menstrual cycle and aid hormone production, thanks to their omega 3 content. However, deep varieties such as ahi tuna, swordfish and Chilean sea bass should be avoided because of their abundance. amounts of mercury.

As well as farmed salmon, which should be replaced by wild salmon, as farmed salmon have toxic dyes and antibiotics.

Eat organic meat from grass-fed animals

Cattle meat usually has high levels of hormones and antibiotics, which may contribute to the estrogen-dominating condition, which is associated with reduced or lost fertility.

A 2004 study published in Human Reproduction indicated that high consumption of red meat is associated with an increased risk of endometriosis. Hence the importance of consuming small and moderate amounts of organic red meat from pasture-fed animals on the fertility diet to become pregnant.

Eating only organic and free-range chickens

This is because conventionally bred chickens can be kept in not very clean and overcrowded conditions and can receive genetically modified and non-organic feed.

Eat only natural and whole grains

The fiber, vitamins and grain properties that aid the immune system are important. However, refined grains such as white bread, semolina noodles and white rice should be avoided, and wholemeal or sprouted breads, wholemeal pasta, brown rice and quinoa.

Are germinated foods really healthier and more nutritious?

Consume Fiber

As we talk about them, they are important for regulating blood glucose levels, which helps reduce infertility-related problems such as poly cystic ovary syndrome and promote a healthy hormonal balance. Some examples of foods that have the nutrient are: fruits, vegetables (especially leafy greens) and beans.

Avoid soy

Any form of soy, as well as processed foods produced from it, negatively affect hormonal balance. The only exceptions to the fertility diet for getting pregnant are for fermented products like miso and tempeh. For those with hypothyroidism , soy should be completely eliminated from the diet.

See also: Soy-based foods.

Avoid refined sugar and pasteurized juices.

Pasteurized juices sold in bottles have concentrated sugar, which can impair blood glucose levels and negatively influence the immune system. It is also recommended to exchange refined and processed sugar for honey, stevia sweetener or maple syrup.

Drink plenty of clean water

It is important to drink plenty of water, however, you also need to make sure that it is clean, purified and filtered. Tap water should be discarded and bottle water should be avoided due to the fact that plastic substances found in their packaging can contribute to hormonal imbalance.

Foods that can not miss the fertility diet to get pregnant

Eggs, nuts, seeds, pasture-fed meat, green leafy vegetables, fruits, colorful vegetables (selection of color-diversity vegetables), fish, liver, lentils, beans and unpasteurized dairy products from pasture-fed animals and fermented.

Foods to be excluded from the diet

Sugar, soda, pasteurized juices, caffeine, soy-based foods, genetically modified foods and highly processed zero-fat foods.

Important Nutrients For Fertility Diet To Get Pregnant

Now let's know what are the important nutrients for fertility diet to get pregnant, how to get them and find out why they should appear in the diet:

Vitamin D: Found in eggs, fatty fish, cod liver oil and obtained from sun exposure. It is important for the creation of sex hormones and impacts the balance of ovulation and hormones.

Vitamin E: Present in sunflower seeds, almonds, olives, spinach, papaya and leafy green vegetables, it is an important antioxidant to protect sperm and egg DNA integrity and has been linked by studies to the benefit of improving sperm health and locomotion ability.

Co enzyme (Colloq): Difficult to obtain through diet, is acquired through dietary supplements. Necessary to every cell in the body, it protects DNA, improves egg and sperm health, and is important for sperm locomotion.

Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, broccoli, cranberry, tomato, potato, cabbage and red peppers provide the nutrient. A study published in Fertility and Sterility indicated that the vitamin improves fertility in women with luteal anomaly, which is the last phase of the menstrual cycle. Vitamin C can even improve sperm quality and protect it against DNA damage, which reduces the chance of miscarriage and chromosomal problems. The nutrient also prevents sperm from getting agglutinated so they have better locomotion.

Lipoic acid: Compound found in small amounts in potatoes, spinach and red meat. Antioxidant that protects the reproductive organs of women, as well as improved mobility and quality of sperm.

Vitamin B6: acts as a hormonal regulator, relieves premenstrual tension (PMS) and assists in cases of luteal phase abnormality. Found in turkey, banana, salmon, cod, spinach, garlic, cabbage, broccoli and collard greens.
Vitamin B12: Oysters, mussels, caviar, fish, crab, lobster, lamb, cheese and egg are sources of vitamin B12 . It improves sperm production and quality, helps strengthen the lining of the endometrium in egg fertilization, which reduces the risk of miscarriage. A vitamin B12 deficiency increases the chances of irregular ovulation occurs and there are cases where ovulation to even happened.

Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid): Essential for pregnancy because its lack defines that the fetus has defects in the neural tube, which is constituted by structures that give rise to the central axis of the nervous system, the head and the spine of the fetus. Proper development is critical to the complete formation of the nervous system.

Folic acid is also important to prevent congenital heart disease, cleft lip, lung abnormalities, and urinary tract abnormalities. Deficiency increases the risk of premature birth, fetal growth retardation, that the baby is born with low weight and may increase blood homocysteine levels, which may lead to miscarriage, premature placental abruption and preeclampsia, which is when the pregnant woman develops hypertension. Some sources of vitamin B9 are: lentils, asparagus, spinach, black beans, liver, beans, and cabbage.

Iron: Present in lentils, spinach, sunflower seeds, raw pumpkin seeds, venison, beef and molasses. Women who do not ingest the proper amount of mineral may suffer from lack of ovulation, egg health problems and inhibit the chance of getting pregnant by 60% compared to women who consume sufficient iron.

Selenium: Antioxidant that protects eggs and sperm from free radical damage, which can cause damage to chromosomes, which causes miscarriage and congenital anomalies. The mineral is also needed for sperm breeding and men with low selenium levels may still have low sperm counts. The nutrient can be obtained from liver, cod, halibut, tuna, salmon, sardines, shrimp, crimini mushrooms, turkey and Brazil nuts.

Read More Article Visit Our Website >> https://dietaryhealth.co.uk/turmeric-diet-forskolin/


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