Crypto investment is risky and the markets can be highly volatile. Do your own due diligence before buying. No responsibility is accepted for investment decisions made on the basis of this article.
Turtle coin website: https://turtlecoin.lol/
CoinMarketCap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/turtlecoin/
Discord: http://chat.turtlecoin.lol/
GitHub: https://github.com/turtlecoin
Links for Funky Penguin:
Blog of creator: https://www.funkypenguin.co.nz/
Mining Pool: https://trtl.heigh-ho.funkypenguin.co.nz/
So I stumbled upon Turtlecoin while researching coins on Coin Market Cap. To be totally honest at first glance I did not see anything that made me go WOW I need to stop what I am doing and focus on this coin RIGHT NOW. After all, websites with hypnotic fancy moving parts are often pretty covers for toxic coins and/or outright scams, not always of course. Let's face it if folks are choosing their investment based on a quick glace at a website well, hmm good luck to them.
So why am I now an proud TRTL miner and Turtlecoin advocate?
In a word: Community.
TRTLs community is second to none, and I am not using that word lightly. It REALLY is.
First thing I did was jump on the TRTL discord. Why? I have been burnt in this space before and salivated over tech first, read a coins whitepaper and salivated some more, then off to You Tube, OMG this coin is going to change the world kinda stuff.
I had it all around the wrong way. I will not name the coin that got me, but I checked EVERYTHING except the community with it, and then on one fateful day I popped into its Telegram and it took me minutes to see my mistake.
A coin with a toxic community cannot survive.
Back to TRTL, one of the people that stands out for me in the TRTL community is David Young, @El Penguino on the Funky Penguin Discord, link here: https://discord.gg/fY5WTkq
Please also join the main TRTL discord here: http://chat.turtlecoin.lol/ (you will find David active on both).
David took me under his wing and he and a fellow dev @El discord slave (same Discord) spent hours helping me get started mining my first coin.
Shout out to @Slash-atello and @greywolf while I am here! Bloody legends! :)
Take a look at the pool here: https://trtl.heigh-ho.funkypenguin.co.nz/
Here is the best part. You can litterally have NO IDEA how to mine and all you have to do is join the discord, say "Hi", and ask in the #mining channel "How do I mine TRTL" and the rest will history a few minutes to hours later!
The team on discord will take the time to get to know your system, and walk you step by step into the world of mining.
This is what the TRTL community is all about! Helping folks at all levels of experience, at the pace they are comfortable with.
It's not about money (yet) and for me it is not about money really at all, but he we need to eat right? It is and should be about community first and foremost. What is the point of building "the internet of money" if we are all detached emotionally and intellectually from it and not equal participants from the get go?
None, nada. Might as well play with debt based fiat right?
Have I mentioned TRTL has no premine... :)
Here is a grab from the Funky pool right now....
It is a small pool (helping to decentralise the network) with a great bunch of people behind it.
SO, if you are in NZ or AUS and want to start mining TRTL I cannot recommend the pool enough!
That's enough from me.
Here are some more links to explore:
Get to know David and the folks mentioned above. :)
See you on Discord!
I am @MrSqiggle
Nice article, I also get great vibes from the TRTL community. They are really putting the fun into fungibility (line stolen from fluffy pony). It is encouraged to ask questions and ingrained into the community to be helpful.. the tech is in the tech discord and the trading is in the traders discord. (Totally separated).. if you do slip up the community is very forgiving and they have a guide on how to be a good turtle and how to handle the famous exile.
How to be a good turtle
Guide to Exile