As I said last week, I did start a series to help Minnows from my own experience and the tips shown here are only from a personal perspective. Here everyone is free to do what he wants but must bear the consequences for his actions.
Because the price for Steem and SBD is getting bigger every day, there are also a lot of new Minnows joining the site. That is also what I want to see, the more, the bigger broad acceptance. Unfortunately, as in the normal world, here are people on the road that exploit the naivety of others and deceive them. I want to show you two cases of scammers trying to deceive you.
Someone on steemit.chat or discord contacts you under a name that corresponds to an account on Steemit that has a lot of SP. This person promises you fat votes against a pay.
Case I
The scammer asks you to transfer your SBD or Steem to Bittrex or Poloniex. For example, one gives you the address bafb6e72ccca6929 (known scammer) for Poloniex.
Case II
The cheater asks you to transfer your SBD or Steem to another account than the one from where the vote comes.
If something like that happens do not transfer anything but talk to the cheater as long as you can but in the meantime, report it here:
https://steemit.chat/channel/steemitabuse and here: https://steemcleaners.org/abuse-report/ so that no other people are scammed from that account. His effort will always be greater to create another account.
Another type of scam is the use of almost same name as a bot or exchanger account, like the bittrex account with one t. Always double check the transfer.
Here again briefly:
- never transfer anything to bittrex and poloniex for upvotes
- never transfer anything to other accounts you do not know on Steemit
- If you need votes, then buy these at the bots that are already known
- double check transfers
wie vorige Woche gesagt, habe ich eine Serie gestartet um Minnows zu helfen aus meiner eigener Erfahrung und die Tipps sollten auch so angenommen werden. Hier ist jeder frei zu machen was er möchte aber muss die Konsequenzen tragen für seine Aktionen.
Weil der Preis für Steem und SBD täglich größer wird kommen auch sehr viele neue Minnows auf der Seite. Das ist auch was ich sehen möchte, die Markenakzeptanz. Leider, wie in der normaler Welt sind auch hier Menschen unterwegs die die Naivität der anderen ausnutzen und diese betrügen. Ich möchte euch zwei Fälle zeigen wie man versucht euch zu betrugen.
Jemand auf steemit.chat oder discord kontaktiert euch unter einem Namen das ein Konto auf Steemit entspricht das viel SP hat. Diese Person verspricht euch fette Votes gegen einer Überweisung.
Fall I
Der Betrüger verlangt euch das ihr SBD oder Steem auf Bittrex oder Poloniex überweist. Zum Beispiel so einer gibt euch die Adresse bafb6e72ccca6929 für Poloniex.
Fall II
Der Betrüger verlangt euch das ihr SBD oder Steem auf einem anderen Konto überweist als der von wo die Vote kommt.
Wenn so was passiert nichts überweisen sondern mit dem Betrüger sprechen aber in den Zwischenzeit den melden auf:
https://steemit.chat/channel/steemitabuse und: https://steemcleaners.org/abuse-report/ damit dieser keine andere Leute betrügt aus dem Konto. Sein Aufwand wird immer größer sein ein anderes Konto anzulegen.
Eine andere Art von Betrug ist die Verwendung von fast demselben Namen wie ein Bot- oder Exchangerkonto, wie zBsp das Bittrex-Konto mit einem t. Überprüfe immer die Überweisung.
Hier nochmals kurz gefasst:
- nie etwas überweisen auf bittrex und poloniex gegen Upvotes
- nie etwas an anderen Konten überweisen die ihr nicht kennt
- wenn ihr Votes braucht, dann kauft diese bei den Bots die schon bekannt sind
- überprüfe immer die Überweisung

Hi friend. I was scamed 3 days ago in steemit.chat after I searched and found some articles about this problem. Some scammers register popular account names and want money from people for high upvote. I hate scammers. Steemit must close chat platform. Or It must make a new platform for chat.
Or you should stay away from scammers and make a little research before you send money to someone! If you want a high upvote then you should work harder and keep doing it until you will succeed!
Sorry that you got scammed, just a little upvote to move on!
Ai revenit? Că am văzut că nu prea ai mai postat de ceva vreme. Cățelul resteemed îi al tău?
Nu am mai postat pt ca am fost ocupat sa invat sa fac altceva, dar la steemit nu am renuntat si nici nu o sa renunt. Da, e catelul meu. Ma bucur sa vad ca ai progresat destul de bine.
Thank you so much.. I'm more careful after that and I want to make best.
The best way to improve yourself is to not repeat the same mistakes! It is very easy! :D
Useful tips...keep up the good work 👍
Thanks for the information. Let's keep steemit scam-free 👍
Very good post! I also like the idea of you helping minnows like me with a series on Steemit :) And thank you oh-so-much for liking my last post!
Thanks a lot for such concerning information ,buddy.
Auch für dich noch mal 100%. War gut kurz mit dir zu chatten
Nice post! Thank you very much for this PATROTIC information. Any steemians involved in this bad act should immediately desist, steem has offered alot for every sincere participant, so make your money little by little, don't be greedy. I follow and upvote you.
So true regarding scams on steemit. I was scammed before on steemit. One time I lost my account because I gave away my posting key on a website promising free upvotes. It is a dangerous world in real life and on steemit. Thanks.
Thanks Alex, very useful information. Much appreciated!
:-) @roused
Brilliant Post! Thank you so very much for this eye opening post and warning! I appreciate it immensely! All the best! Light and Love! Great Karma! Blessed 2018! :)
Thank you for the advice. It is important for a minnow to know that there is no easy way in Steemit. Sure, some may have the luxury to start with a big investment on Steem Power but they also have to put their effort into making a content to make their investment worthwhile. Sure we can use a booster in order to accelerate progresses, but analyze and investigate any offer that can be deem as too good to be true. Be consistent with your content and put all of your effort into making a good quality post. With hard work and some luck, even a minnow can become a whale. It just takes time and patient.
Great tips for us new members. We easily get cheated on because its hard to get our post promoted and we try to find different ways.
Sehr gute Tipps Alex, pinne ich gleich an meine Wand :-)
Ooooh! Iknew it!

Scammers are crooks pure and simple. If you're lucky you won't be contacted by one, but your post makes it easier to see what to look out for. This platform Steemit is a microcosm of the world with all the good and bad. I try to avoid the bad but sometime there will be someone who sees a way to enveigle me into believing them. I hope that never happens, I shall be aware... Thanks for the post.
Thank you for educating us :) I'm so happy because on this platform I found so many people with positive vibe. :)
Danke, die Infos sind ganz wichtig und es kann nicht oft genug gesagt werden!
Thanks for warning, unfortunately there are many who try to fool us.
Immer schade wenn Leute auf sowas hereinfallen. Nicht nur auf Steemit sondern generell, kann nicht genug davor gewarnt werden.
Aber warum posten immer so viele auf Englisch und Deutsch hab noch nie Englisch und ne andere Sprache in einem Post gesehen.
Thank you soo much for the tips. I'm new on Steemit and it's always nice to read some tips from people who have experience here. :)
Btw, I just followed you because you post great content.
Olivia D.
Multumesc de informatie :)
I really like seeing such efforts to educate new comers on how to avoid some of the most frequent mistakes. I will keep an eye out for your next post.
Have a good one, Lish
Follow me💛
You shouldn't trust strangers to begin with. Your mom has been telling you so since you are 4.
Thank you for your great information. By reading it most of new comer will helpful. As I know it at first. Thanks again.
very important information. thank you for posting
Phishing for a whale, but they'll take a minnow!
excellent and timely tips friend ... happy new year.
Thanks my friend for this valuable tips that will benefit them much.
Alhamdulillah... Useful one.. It will help alot of newbie lilke me.. Thanks sir....
mate, I am beginning to join steemit, I have followed you, thank you. if there is time to visit my blog, I'm happy to wait. send regards for success
A nice cool post for the minnow....glad u have take such step.. glad to have a torch bearer like u... @alexvan
Every new members should read this post!
very useful information
Thank you for sharing post
thanku for tips
Thank you for reaching out to the minnow!
Thank you for pointing the scams out! And your tips are very useful for minnows like me. =)
Please upvote me and help me at https://steemit.com/@mahikaler