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RE: Hashflare Lower prices+10 % off code and Tutorial and secrets for gaining REAL traffic and Afiliates

in #tutorial7 years ago

a very clear tutorial, I am so interested in investing at hashflare, the lowest budget in a year that's how?
When we draw income from hashflare can use a bank account or just with paypall?
Thanks to his information @cynetyc


I love your avatar with chibi Monkey D.Luffy !
The best way are these:
-having a bitcoin wallet (most safe/secure are ledger,Trezor) but you can also use a Exodus wallet for fast transactions.
You can do it like this withdraw the lowest amount (0.05 btc at the moment) into your btc wallet.
From a BTC wallet you can exachange it into fiat curency like:Hello @john.docla!

  • dollars, euro, pounds etc
    To exchange a BTC into Fiat you can use a large variety of sites:
    One of those sites most known is Coinbase . They are many Local Bitcoins or for my place in Romania a trusted site is Coin Flux.