How to come up with NEW Ideas for Dtube Videos?
- Challenge
- Shoutouts
- Gratitude
- Collaborations
- Documenting
- Getting Inspirations from other dtubers
- Building a group
I hope you apply these tips!! :) If you found it helpful then don't mynd upvoting, resteeming and yeah...you know the rest ;)
Winny out...peace!
▶️ DTube
D tube is excellent!!
do this type of goofy style vids man.. continue this style, it suits you so much and its entertaining AS F... xD you kinda remind me of jim carrey :D
Thank you so much brother!! Means so much to me when I hear something like that :) glad that I was able to make you smile brother!
Winny out...for now ;)
Yup! Being a part of dtube daily pumps me up every day. Great ideas Winny.
agree with this 100% its awesome getting pumped up with the fam and create together. 💙 @dtubedaily
That's awesome to hear ma man :)
Winny out...for now ;)
You forgot "Ripping other peoples content" :D Haha, no but thanks man for the ideas! And if you ever get into a lack of topics to talk about you can still focus on a beautiful presentation of something that's maybe not that interesting to talk about but to see and still entertain your viewers.
Thank you ma man :)
Winny out...for now ;)
I'm having the opposite problem atm, I zctually have too many ideas for DTube and not enough ideas for my YouTube lol
haha, dtube is becoming the next youtube brother ;)
Winny out...for now ;)
OMG, you are so confident while making videos and that naked part, LOL! It was funny. I am happy to be a part of this wonderful DTube daily family!
Awesome to have you with us ma man :)
Winny out...for now ;)
Thank you for shouting me out over shouting at me. This video was eggplant
No worries ma man, it's my avoca...I mean pleasure :)
Winny out...for now ;)
I think I will be just watch your videos daily and then I will record and upload the same video the day after LOLOL
Dont tell me to get out there naked... cause You know I will do it! #joking
Hahahaha reporting live from London "yes, we are currently seeing a man running around naked...back to you Winny"
Winny out...for now ;)
Eheheh well to be honest with you here in London that could be a report from any day of the week lol people are pretty crazy and get really wild eheheh lol
You have been such an inspiration for us over at nerdstalking. You're successful and we want to be as well. Check our latest video and there might even be a shoutout to certain Dtuber you might recognize!
Nice one brotherhood!! :D You made me smile with all of the expensive stuff you guys bought hahahahaha
Winny out...for now ;)