I’m wondering: do you know how to hypelink images that have been aligned left or right? Inside the
Would the basic HTML link code <a href= work?Great tutorial, @carrieallen.
I’m wondering: do you know how to hypelink images that have been aligned left or right? Inside the
Mike! Yes... yes it should. Let me play with it and get the exact coding. You can almost always win with HTML. ;)
But you have to use ALL HTML in the code (which you've already figured out). You don't have to continue the whole post that way ( I don't think... I'll get back to you on that too), but each time you give a command they have to be in the same language.
I'll see what I can come up with for you. I've never tried to do it before. 😍
Thanks. I guess it’ll work.
Yesterday, I couldn’t center a heading, so I switched to HTML and simply used the < h2 > tag, so I think it should work.
I just keep forgetting to try it out when writing a post.
When I just started out here, I wrote my posts using HTML, because that was what I was used to. It worked fine, but then everyone recommended using markdown. Do you know if it matters which code you use? (It would be so much easier to go back to HTML for the entire post)
At one point I read something about why it was better to use markdown than HTML, but I don’t remember what the reason for that was...
If you already know HTML, use that. As far as I know the only reason to use Markdown is because it's easier.... for those that don't wanna learn HTML. And that's true. I'm new to both (but a quick study).
Here's the code you need. It took me longer than expected... but I figured it out. 😍
<div class="pull-right"><a href="https://LandingPageURL.com"><img src="https://FileURL" /></a></div>
Thanks for the effort.
It’s indeed plain, old HTML code.
Glad I can go back to that, although it will be hard to get the Markdown rules out of my head again :0)