Tutorial Create Images With B-Spline Tool on Coreldraw 7 Without Picture Example - Rainbow Ghost

in #tutorials8 years ago


Long time do not meet with the sharing of a tutorial that was once my characteristic.

Do not worry here I again share the tutorial to make a vector sketch of the origin as easy with no image example.

Just go to our material, and I will discuss on one picture at a time.

Here I still use corel draw 7 and use B-spline Tool

The first step is to sketch the hair with the help of B-Spline Tool tool on corel draw 7

Just as before now the formation of eyebrows and eyeballs

Then the formation of cheek jaw

And so on so as to form the nose and mouth, and in the area of the mouth we give extra like a canine to make the image look more sinister hehe

Then we enter the staining stage. Ie from hair coloring.

Our hair isi pink, and on the white part we give two color variants, which will meet other coloring that is green and brown color

And this is the result of all.

Easy is not it. Very easy if it has the intention to make it,

A note from me is if you want to learn start from the easy.

Thank you so much @taktoys to meet in the next tutorial post.


Good post! :)

The results are very funny but worth the art. hehe Thanks @andrianna