倖:思いもよらなかった幸運。Luck not to have expected
佳:優れて良い。めでたい。美しい。Excellent and good. Well done. it's beautiful.
和:これは多くの意味があります...調和、平和、均衡、足し算の結果等。This has many implications ... harmony, peace, equilibrium, results of addition etc.
健:すこやか。からだを高く伸ばして元気がよいさま。元気があふれて力が強いさま。Healthy. It is healthy that the body is stretched out high. Mama is strong with strong energy.
In addition to those listed here, even more consideration is put in Kanji if consideration of the formation of that kanji - culture, historical meaning etc etc. We hope for your reference.