Recently, A new episode of Naruto Shippuuden was aired in Japan, although it was not a cannon episode but a filler, but it was still one of the best episode of Naruto released in last some months by the company.
The episode starts in the good old days on Naruto when there was no war and Sasuke was in the village, Team 7 is free, Naruto suggests finding out Kakashi's true face. Sakura didn't like the idea initially, but changes her mind when Sasuke shows his interest in it. I like how Kakashi wearing a wig and a mask comes and helps the Team7 in revealing his own face. In the end Gai finds Kakashi and didn't even able to recognize him. Kakashi even shows how intelligent he actually is when he fought against Shikamaru and wins. In the end Kakashi revels his face and the episode ends.