The best way to forget about this year's "no surprises" Oscars was the latest Walking Dead episode. I'm not one of those fanboys criticizing every step the showrunners take, however they seem to be stretching seasons/episodes just because.
For a while the main characters have been divided into smaller groups, allowing the tv show to dedicate entire episodes on a handful of them to keep track. Throughout the last episode, we even experienced everything from the point of view of a couple of characters.
We got to see some good all walker smashing thanks to Rick/Michonne and trash compacter Jadis, while Simon the scene stealer scared us and made us laugh at the same time. Also Mr. Jeffrey Dean Morgan, aKa Negan, keeps earning his paycheck. But that was about it.
They fairly dedicated a farewell episode to Carl (in our hearts of course will always be Coraaaal), but Rick quickly forgot everything his dying son asked/hoped for and basically showed the finger to Jadis and made things even worse with Negan.
This episode also used rogue Simon to wipe out the trash people surely to save some money, but then wasted it with Enid/Aaron on beach ladies town or Rick/Michonne trying to put out a fire with walkers storming in Alexandria. Carl's letters and Simon defying Negan, should be to foreshadow a circumstancial Rick and Negan alliance prior to the last big fight between them. Hopefully we will know what the trash compound disguises and that should play a part in the war.
According to the trailer next episode will catch up with the Alexandrians heading to the Hilltop, no nonsense Maggie and her concentration camp, and even father Gabriel arriving to a misterious place. A cool scene with Negan and Eugene was also leaked, so no complaints with having Negan for two straight episodes.
But, are the showrunners milking the wrong cow? or maybe they don't know how to properly milk it?
It is not necessary to 100% stick to the Comic Books, but episodes feel longer and pointless every time.
Should they approach the story as HBO did with with Game of Thrones, less episodes per season to guarantee a better quality?
Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts!
El gran grasso! bienvenido!!
Gracias! Becoming a steem-adict