Breaking Bad came late to me, but it did!

in #tv5 years ago


I have to admit, I had not been so interested in a series's plot since "Lost (2004-2010)". A few days ago, I was watching the last episode in a strange and satisfying mix of excitement and sadness about its main character, Walter White. The final was awesome, and even though I discovered this series late I want to share with you my opinions, analysis, and feelings through its five seasons.

Along the years each time that a conversation about series raised I only had two options to talk, Lost and The Walking Dead, before the lockdown I didn't use to watch many series (of course, that changed drastically after the Covid19) so, I didn't add anything really exciting to the conversation, but I always listened...

"yes, those series are good, but there is not best series than Breaking Bad"

"Breaking Bad is the best series that I've ever seen"

"The Walter White character is one of the most interesting and developed is the history of the series"

... and so on.

The free time and my motivation to start learning English led me towards several interesting series this year, and finally, a few months ago, a friend of mine recommended me to watch Breaking Bad. I saw it, and now I want to give you my opinions about the series in general.

Season 1 & 2

There is a common feeling among all those stories that show you the growing up of a character from a "Low state" towards "high state" that feeling is shared between all of us (the humans) because it remains us that we can be stronger, that we can evolve and overcome to our problems. Walter White in season 1 is the raw material ready to be turned in a different character, one more complex, and of course, more interesting than a simple school teacher. This promise is the banner for us to stay, at least until the season one ends.

The transformation itself is the product to be enjoyed, the taken steps, the decisions, the environment, and its threats. All these elements come together in the down world of the drugs, what can be feeling better than the forbidden by the laws? To move in this dangerous word is the structure for the rest of the series, but, at least for me, the first two seasons are where it is more exciting. Just like your first time.

In season one, moments like "flip a coin decision" or "Walter vs Tuco" are exciting enough to keep watching the next episode. We go figuring out what kind of situations have to be coupe in order to survive in this underground world. And the series constantly reward us with that little satisfaction when Walter gets his way.

For season two we have the same goals but the environment is bigger and more complex. To hold the situation with the family now is another matter of interest along with the cancer issue. On the other hand, the line for Jesse shows us the problems around the addiction and gives us a constant threat due to his explosivity. In my opinion, is in this season when the writers realize the worth and complex behind the series and also reinforce the feeling of satisfaction when the meaning is now in the street, and how this watches you.

The decisions made bring us towards the explosive final for season two. When you are already in love with the characters and the story. How to forget the "look what daddy did for you".

Season 3

This world is bigger than we thought, and their rewards are as severals as their menaces. The wise decision for the new characters in season two brings a more dynamic plot, where one more time, we have a promise to stay into the series this season as well, the threat from the south is an interesting bet since the beginning and the new "family situation" with a new Skyler brings new scenarios from a new point of view for this character, especially after the shooting.

This season shows us a more calm Gustavo than we will see after, the main villain is the cartel, but we are being prepared for the big villain to the next season.

Heisenberg is dealing with a Walter Wither who flies inside his lab while Jesse is getting stronger taken more brilliant and stupid decision whit resolve, these decisions take him again near to Heisenberg and set up them for the grand finale.

For this season the satisfaction behind the achievements of Walter is replaced for the new wide broad of characters and how our principals have to deal whit them. If these characters had been weak, then the quality of the series would have reduced, but this wasn't the case. The addition of Saul, Mike, and Gustavo and the evolution of the old ones like Hank is interesting enough to develop the criminal world in a way the viewer keeps the interest.

Season 4

For this season everything is dangerous, each corner, each
person, each tool, can be used to hurt or kill. All under the watchful eye of Gustavo Fring, these elements give the constant presence of threat and fear. Also, the overall plot goes closer to Walter and Jessy as the "main trouble makers" for Hank's investigation when the link between the blue meth and Gustavo is posed.

The script describes the past for the main villain and shows us the cartel's tentacles around the business, adding a sensation of immersion that holds the viewer's interest in the drug's world.

Unfortunately, throughout most of the season is not allowed that the main characters shine as we are used to seeing them, they have to survive constantly while they are separated one each other. The end, promise us a reunion for them and, as a result, the defeat of the main villain.

Is really interesting how the series show us the evil as a way to ours enjoying what is happening or is going to happen. I mean

  • how do you feel when Gustavo overcome to the Cartel? Great, right? But this is the result of bad people doing bad things to people that make bad things. Even when you know that this revenge is carried on for the villain who deserves to die.

  • You feel great to see Walter and Jessy together at the end, but this was the result of a lie, besides an evil act for a little child.

I mean, when a story gets better, in order to make it serious you need to erase the line between good and bad and appeal to the basics instincts in human nature, the feeling of power. Because each time that we see Walter, Gus, Mike, etc doing "bad things" we are enjoying them because they are strong, smart, and powerful decisions.

That is the real drug in this series and is a drug for us.

Season 5

Is time to shine and to burn down. When the road is open for a new king, our dear Walter... sorry, Heisember is willing to go ahead in his empire business. This season can be simply split into two slices, the rise and fall, and each one bright by itself. On one hand, is a pleasure to see our three main characters working together, and hurts us when their fellowship falls apart, on the other hand, Skyler's fear is bigger than ever, leading us towards sad situations that show us how it could be the beginning of the final for the family.

Just like the "Stalingrad Battle" for the nazis, the reveal of the book is the inflection point for Heisenberg, thenceforth the breaking inside the familiar relationship reveals the high level of evil that can be reached to survival. Also, another wall starts to fall, the question, What happened to the poisoned cigarette? is answered. These events, lead us to see one important new alliance between Heisenberg enemies, the aftermath for all these events ended up in Ozymandias.

We could make a pause so far and understand that from this criminal world you can't resign, you will be fired. And Ozymandias puts the last signature.

In the first half, we can see how the skills of each character take place in a new way to do the business and survive, this leads us towards exciting sequences like the computer's grab and the train's assault. The evolution for each character is the step for the first half to the second, we can see a more mortal and cold Heisenberg as well as a more disturbed and sad Jesse. By the time we shift into the second half, the decisions are made, and we can see how an ever weaker Heisenberg try to survive at the expense of sacrificing more and more.

A friend of mine said me that the last three episodes of the series are the best, for me, the first two seasons are the best, but in order to talk about the resolution, we have to see the last three episodes carefully.

There is accuracy for each plot's step into these three episodes, we have our new villains, we have the broke moment with the family (a really sad one), the massive revelation for Walter's story, and how even in the darkest place that he ever was, he is still working for taking over his life, this is just beautiful. We have to congratulate the Breaking Bad writers because they could give us a closed and really good end. This is really hard when you see the result for the ends in series as Lost or Game of Thrones.

A lot could be saying and writing about Breaking Bad. This was only a short summary made for a simple fan who really liked the series and the characters' development, I tried to did it with the less amount of spoilers I could for those who like me a few days ago haven't seen yet.