Modern Family controversy (SJW's are impossible to please)

in #tv5 years ago

I don't know if you are familiar with the show Modern Family, but you really should be. I think it is one of the easiest-to-binge-watch shows in existence. The mockumentary styling works so well as they switch back and forth from fake interview to live action. The first time I remember ever seeing this style of show was The Office although I have no idea who came up with the concept. It could have been Ricky Gervais, beats me.

Modern Family is something I would consider extremely progressive as there are a ton of elements that is quite obviously trying to appeal to minority demographics. However, right on queue, the SJW's come out of the woodwork to find fault in anything that is fun / popular.


Modern Family features 3 types of families, which I think you could suggest covers a lot of bases in today's ultra-PC world. There are the Dunphys, who are a more traditional family of husband and wife with multiple kids. They have only ever been in a relationship with one another.

The second batch involves Jay Pritchett and Gloria Pritchett - both of whom have children from other relationships. Jay is substantially older than Gloria and there are tinges of indication that she became interested in him at least in part because he was successful. Gloria is kind of seen of as the trophy wife.

The last relationship is between Cameron Tucker and Mitchell Pritchett who are a gay couple who have an adopted Asian daughter, Lilly.

Eric Stonestreet, the guy who plays Cameron - isn't actually gay IRL

Seems like a pretty diverse cast dontcha think? Especially when you consider that this show first started pre-2010 before the world went completely insane. I think that it tastefully covers a lot of diverse angles and the "diversity quota" should have been well and truly met. However, in the crazy mind of SJW's, there is no such thing as enough.

Not gay enough!

That was the actual words of a critic when describing the show and one of the main things they focused on was the fact that Eric Stonestreet isn't actually gay in real life. He has to be very careful how he plays his character because if he is too flamboyant, he will be seen as making a mockery of the gays. If he is not gay enough, he is seen as portraying a gay man who is ashamed of being gay. It's kind of a no win situation for him as far as these critics are concerned.

For me, I think his portrayal is made more remarkable by the fact that he doesn't actually lead this life and is able to perform it on screen so well.

It's too gay!

If you strike out on the first BS accusation, go for the polar opposite right?


In season 2 we were introduced to "Pepper" who is played by Nathan Lane (On a side note I generally find Lane's acting to be "disturbing" in anything he is in.) Pepper, and later his boyfriend Renaldo, were criticized for being "too gay" and thereby making a mockery of the gay community. Imagine my surprise when this happened!

Nathan Lane actually is gay in real life but he responded to the criticism that Eric Stonestreet was facing by saying something along the lines of "the notion that only gay people can play gay roles and only straight people can play straight roles is absurd."

I agree Nathan, I agree.

Marginalization of women

I hate those 3 words together and they are exactly what they say about the female leads on Modern Family.


The complaint was / is that Gloria and Claire were stay-at-home moms. One critic said "If Modern Family is so "modern," why is it that none of the women have jobs?"

Forget the fact that the Dunphy daughter, Alex, is regarded as hyper-intelligent and both of her siblings are generally portrayed as idiots, as is her father, Phil. In that family it is exhibited that men are dummies and that they need the women in order to get anything done.

When the producers / writers attempted to placate the perpetually-offended section of their audience by having Claire get a job at the helm of her father's company, the SJW's unsurprisingly complained about the fact that she was the subject of family-nepotism and that the show was suggesting that she couldn't have gotten this job on her own.

Nepotism drives the world folks! I think this is a fairly accurate representation of the real world. Do you really think that Jeb Bush would be governor of Florida if he didn't know George and George? Do you really think that Colin Hanks or Jaden Smith would be actors if not for their parents? Well, closet companies get passed on to family members as well. Sheesh!

The patriarchy!

I hate this word. However, Modern Family was attacked for displaying "The Patriarchy" both on screen and behind the scenes. He is also portrayed as the leader of the entire group of families and is totally unapologetic (for the most part) about his stern behavior. He is cursed in the SJW eyes because he is both male and white. The fact that O'Neill was being paid many times more per-episode than any other member of the cast was also extremely triggering.

if you really want to see a SJW's head explode, show them a couple episodes of "Married with Children"

Did this have anything to do with the fact that in 2009 Ed O'Neill was the only member of the cast that anyone had ever heard of and actually had a large impact on whether or not people were actually going to watch the show? Did it have anything to do with the fact that Ed O'Neill has a resume of acting experience that extends back 30 years?

Of course not. It had everything to do with this magical force in the ether called the Patriarchy.

After Modern Family achieved massive success, the actors all renegotiated their per-episode salaries and to get things moving Ed O'Neill offered to take a reduction in salary rather than going for more. Was that also because of the patriarchy?

Patriarchy: It's the reason for everything that didn't go your way


Modern Family is one of my favorite shows and I will be disappointed when it (as it is rumored) stops production after their 10th season. While it was a bit risky when they first announced this show to display non-traditional family units, the majority of people were fine with it...that is, except for the very people that you would think would applaud something so progressive.

SJW's are incapable of being satisfied and will make a problem where there isn't one until the end of time. There is no such thing as enough for these people and they will find fault in anything until there is nothing fun left in the world at which point it will probably be the patriarchy's fault there is no fun left in the world.

Thankfully, I don't know many people that actually think this way. I don't know any gay people that agree with the above criticism about gay representation in the show. Mostly, I think people are normal and enjoy a good laugh - and Modern Family delivers on that front.


I personally DO NOT like that show, it is one of the only shows in the whole wide world I despise! LOL I think it is those guys with that high pith cringey sounding voices and lisp that to get me! Especially the red head! lol I know my pops loves that show and he knows I can't stand that show and uses it to drive me out of the house, works every time! I swear everyone loves that show but me. My sister, mom, extended family. I have been fighting it for years, used to change the channel whenever they were playing it in the background or got up to get something out of the fridge! just for kicks?? OMG don't get me started! lol That is the best newsI heard all day that the show is finally going down down, I guess there's always reruns? !!! Nooooo!

It's more like can't stand that show, and can't wrap my head around how someone would like to be talked to like a baby! For real to me that show is disgusting and weird, and anyone who likes it is twisted or doesn't know better!??! Never to think about this show again! I actually would get cotton balls and put them in my ears when I would need to pass by the living room when this show was on, as to not get brainwashed!

yep, you are a rarity. At least you hate it for entertainment reasons and not because of some misplaced ideological something or other.

Yeah, there were a few snazzy jokes, I may have "liked" a scene or two in the first or 2nd episode, however once I got the gist of it I decided to ghost em! lol

they have remade this show in multiple countries. One of them was Iran.... as you might be able to imagine, they changed the demographics of the characters ever so slightly.

before the world went completely insane.


I've actually never watched this show, but I know that it is really good just based on the people in my circle who do watch it. As with a lot of things my wife and I haven't had the time to start at the beginning and give it a go. That does seem pretty typical of the world these days that so many people are trying to find something wrong with every aspect of it. I guess that is how you know you are being successful right?

interesting read... i haven't watched the show in a few years but i did watch the first couple seasons.

well it is winding up soon... they are running out of kids just like every sitcom. I think it is a great show and i'm sure they will be available for streaming for many years to come!

I love the show but I have to admit the office was not more interesting on..

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