
Dang, I haven't seen it since the last season. I watch it when my wife has it on. She's watching Big Brother at the moment.

Awww lame lol go catch up real quick and give me answers

Rachel picks Ross. The end.

A sexy handsome man thats who lol

If not the rich one she will pick the good looking one.

I could never get into The Bachelor/Bachelorette series. After watching the rachetness of VH-1 (Flavor of Love, I Love New York) the other network shows seem watered down!

@theneverseenkid I was going to go with a Friends joke. Dammit

You can never go wrong with Friends' jokes/references.

I do not watch that show. Maybe Dwayne? Is Dwayne a choice? If not, then Harry

Probably a jerk x2